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The Kombat Tomb Podcast - Episode 6 with Perfect Legend!


Two men enter, one man leaves!
I have some questions for you guys who listen to help us improve the show:

- Should the shows be slightly shorter? (under 3 hrs?)
- Do you like the random weird questions mixed in with MK talk or should we stick to MK up front and get wacky at the end?
- What guests are you most interested in hearing on the show?
- What about a secondary show for the non MK stuff?
- Would you be interested in a live version of the show with chatbox?
1) If you make it shorter I will kill you.
2)The random questions make up a big portion of the humor, keep it mixed up.
3) CDjr, REO, Tom Brady(again in the future), Pig of the hut, Under The Mayo. many others as well. Hitoshura would be hilarious and I would want to see him on most of all.
4) I wouldn't mind a secondary show (I like that Marvel podcast idea) but altogether works fine too.
5) Not really, too many trolls