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The Invisable Kitana Glitch

I just finished a match where my Kitana was Invisible, and I thought I'd share how. I was Kitana, and my buddy was smoke, near the end of the match, I finished him off with my x ray, but he also threw a smoke bomb at me and I ate it. But since Xray has armor, I continued to execute it.

I actually was wondering if I did it at the end of the first round, would it continue on in the second and third? Seems like something cool to know.

It seems that this might work for more character then Kitana, but I don't think it's worth finding out unless your bored.


This one's for you
I'm pretty sure that if Kitana gets hit or does any attack she will reappear. I'll have to check about the end of round idea though.

The invisibility doesn't happen to Sektor or Kenshi, even though they also have projectile X-rays.

Lots of characters can go invisible, but most of them can only do it in practice mode. Liu kang, Cyrax, Cyblax, Kitana, Smoke, Reptile and probably others. If Smoke grabs an opponent while invisible and the timer runs out, he will stay invisible forever (online only).