The only difference is that the top MK guys used offline rather then buy waaaaaa
actually you are pretty far off..
SZ never gave me fits.. it was this community that would constantly talk about how bad i was because i was consistently placing top 8 but not winning. I was considered bad while placing top 8 at several majors in a row because I didnt win and "placing top 8 isnt that good because most players could place top 8 if they traveled to majors". I decided to leave SZ after getting 9th at NEC 2011 even though i placed top 8 at SJ, Devastation, and Season Beatings. Not only were those the 3 majors before NEC, but they were held in 3 different parts of the country. I tried a few different characters with little to no success mainly because 1) they didnt suit me as well, and 2) I didnt put half the time into them that I did SZ. I finally went back to playing SZ permanently and was back in the top 8 yet again including NEC, my final major in MK9.
You want to "keep it real"?.. Here is whats real..
I should have told all of you to go fuck yourselves.. I was an idiot to actually believe that placing top 8 on a consistent basis was a blow up if you dont win. I didnt need to change my character, just keep on freezing livers. You and anyone can say I wasnt top but here is the truth... I was one of the best MK9 players to ever touch the game. I was one of the best MK9 players in the world. There arent 10 players that have more top 8's at majors then I have. The ONLY argument that can be made to keep me out of the top 10 is no MLG or EVO top 8's. Even still, you cant even make an argument to keep me out of the top 11-15 best players. You say SZ gave me fits? WRONG... My BIGGEST and ONLY regret is going to tournaments like EVO and playing every random character under the sun rather then sticking with SZ. I didnt hate SZ.. I AM SZ!!
Its an honor that people think of me as the face of such an iconic character in FG history. Playing SZ in tournaments was some of the most fun I have ever had.
Remember.. This community "tym", along with the very people thanking your posts hated on you... This community is theee most bipolar group ive ever seen......... You don't need to list what you've done. I have seen it.
Ive never once shit on your accomplishments... I remember a convo we had back in mkdc.. Top player meaning TOP5 or at the very least top 10..
Ill take what top 8 player at EVO in MK,,,, and top 10 player in the world of KI,, " according to srk ranking system " http://rank.shoryuken.com/ has to say..Just a lil convo we had..
Start from bottom to top, fool.
C88_MyGod : (02:30 PM) no easy mode kenshi or zod on AE or KI

C88_MyGod : (02:02 PM) Is either win or failure
C88_MyGod : (02:00 PM) That Mentality of top 8 meaning an accomplish is sad from players
C88_MyGod : (01:56 PM) yes
D1 rty LOVA : (01:54 PM)

D1 rty LOVA : (01:54 PM)

C88_MyGod : (01:53 PM) Top 8's mean nothing only 1st place
C88_MyGod : (01:53 PM) Even as Brady,Myself or anyone else who gets anything thats not 1st place is failure major
D1 rty LOVA : (01:52 PM)

D1 rty LOVA : (01:51 PM)