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The End. I need the kommunities Help!


TYM White Knight
Without making this to long and a sab story, February 2nd there is a maritime tournament in Spring Hill Nova Scotia. It is on the TYM events page so on the 2nd, everyone shouldn't have any trouble finding the link.

Just in case: www.twitch.tv/ralstoninstall

MK will start at 11am est.

The reason why I created this thread is because it will be my last tournament for a while (I will still play injustice online, but I cannot forsee myself being able to travel to many more tournaments due to my little baby boy Cohen coming in April.

This will be my farewell tournament and I have spent the last month training. I want to go out on top. For those of you who know me, I am not the greatest MK player in existence, but I have done my hardest to try and level up so I can take this tournament. There are currently over 50 people confirmed to be going and playing.

What I ask of you is this. Can you please watch? My wife is going to be there, Ralston (the Maritimes' Spooky) is going to be there and I want to make them never have to consider putting MK in the line up again. We have the best in the Maritimes going. The NS Champion (Dobbs) The PE champion (myself) and the NB crew are all heading out to make a name for themselves.

Whether you hate me, love me, find me annoying or w/e. Could you please show up and watch, blow me up, cheer me on, tell me i'm ugly. I don't care. I want to show these guys and my wife what this community is all about.

I thank you in advance, and I would also like to take names so I can give all of you who attend the stream a very special thank you after the second.

Let this soon to be father go out with a bang...I just want to feel like a pro player..just once :)

~STB TakeAChance


TYM White Knight
Confirmed Stream Monsters:

STB Goldfish
CrystalCage 88
STB Sgt. Reed
STB Beef Supreme
STB Espio
STB Temjiin
Rip Crowley
Mace Wind
Miz Fit
Lance Monsoon
The Green Machine

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Thanks Eddy, but I know that there will be some pretty good players at this tournament. I am very pumped.
Yeah, i can see why, you're just like me, the better the player, the better the challenge, and increase your will to play against them even more. Instead of getting scared, or shivered, you blood starts to boil for a battle. ^^


Man of Tomorrow
At what time is it? I'll be working Saturday so I gotta make sure I can make it.

Edit: 11 EST? I'll try but I might still be at work.


TYM White Knight
11am est? Chance, Pls... like I'm awake that early.
I didn't organize the tourney :(

But yea, it's 11am est on Saturday.

I will put you down. I will most likely be on stream and I will be giving all kinds of shout outs and props for those who show up in the chat.


TYM White Knight
Unfortunately i have work from dawn till midnight on that day, but i hope you do well and have a wonderful time.
I will, there is no doubt about that. Meeting STB Dill Mac in person along with a few other people will make it more than worth it. I just haven't trained this hard for a long time. I hope it pays off.


I would be there for ya dood but I don't have nough data to cover a stream like that :'( I'll definitely be thinking about ya and praying everything goes well :D Train on dood! ;)