I was wondering ... how much is the payout for these tournaments and is it for the top 3 places or winner takes all. Ill understand if you guys dont wanna share but i was just wondering
I was wondering ... how much is the payout for these tournaments and is it for the top 3 places or winner takes all. Ill understand if you guys dont wanna share but i was just wondering
Usually top 3 payout. 70/20/10. Or something like that. If there is only like 8 people then its only payout to top 2. Really depends on the numbers for the most part. entry is 10. No venue fee.
I was wondering ... how much is the payout for these tournaments and is it for the top 3 places or winner takes all. Ill understand if you guys dont wanna share but i was just wondering
Usually tournaments follow a 70/20/10 payout. These numbers are percentages of the pot. So lets say 20 people enter a tournament and they each paid 10$. The total pot would be 200$, and 70% of the goes to the winner (140$) 20% goes to the runner up(40$) 10% goes to 3rd place (20$)