Flying Grayson
1f1~4, df2, etc.
Or end any combo with db3~4.
Sent from the Batcave
Or end any combo with db3~4.
Sent from the Batcave
1f1~4, df2, etc.
Or end any combo with db3~4.
Sent from the Batcave
113 for punishes (6f) it's more leniant than f213.New guy here. Quick question, although I imagine there'll be many more to come.
Does Nightwing have a reliable combo for transitions in escrima stance? Also, what do you generally use as a starter when beginning a reversal/punisher combo? f213?
Sorry, by "transitions" I meant between stages. My bad.
df2 will come out fast enough to punish without the need for b11 or d1 starter?
After an escrima furt you can get a raw b3, but it's very timing specific and you have to hold forward.
If you want an easier b3 meter burn the fury.
113 for punishes (6f) it's more leniant than f213.
F213 is great for block strings for the mid starter and added reach. 112 is for massive frame advantage.
Ah, that's perfect thanks.
If I'm punishing a move that isn't safe on block for my opponent, don't I already have frame advantage? I was just wondering what starter comes out fastest to maximize my chances of connecting into a big combo. 112 seems lackluster but 113 looks fantastic. Guess I'll check the frame data thread to find which is quickest.
hello my fellow Dicks. I've been scooping and taking notes from all who have tried to make our character the monster that he is. I've been playing Nightwing around the 2 week and i saw his potential ASAP. Anyway, im still new to the threads so plz dont jump down my throat about posting in the wrong area. Today was our weekly Ranbat in Michigan, and i decided to enter after working so much, i placed 2nd, i lost to my fellow CORN teammate CORN JDM. i honestly felt like i done well, at the sametime i really felt like i wasnt playing my best. my main problem is Supes, as u will see on the matches below. I'm pretty u all experienced and feel my sad dreaded pain for that match up. If u all could welcome me to the Dick Family, i would appreciate it. Any type of Feed-back would help, good or bad.
-1st match: 2:05. VS SUPES. i noticed i was dropping things i normally dont drop, i deserve that for not warming up before hand.
-2nd match: 16:20 VS GL &SUPES. i was missing some escrima fury combos here and paid dearly for it. what my plan is after B2 is to carry them to corner ASAP.
-3rd match: 27:40. VS Wonder Woman. i really wasnt focused during this time because i was still pissed off from the previous game as u will see lol
-4th match: 44:00 VS SUPES. i feel like i played this runback pretty well. again feedback will help me grow. im still upset i was holding UF after my MB ground blast combo and i was getting neutral jump instead. i anti air supes with D2 staff, sadly my 4 didnt come to switch for Escrima Fury. i was throwing some Flying Dicks out there alot because Compbros ALWAYS backdashes or up backs on wake up
-5th match: 1:04:45 VS Batman This was JDM lil bro first tourney and he did quite well. As u can see i took advantage of him lacking NW experience, hes only played me a few times in the past but he will learn.
-6th match: 1:13:25. Grand Finals VS SUPES. i really dont want to comment on this, i was hoping u all would preach to me about what happen during this.
Yet again i hope u all welcome me, because Nightwing has by far the most professional threads I have seen.
both 6f![]()
Wide Wing| f+2 1 3 | 6.99 | Mid | 8 | 23 | 31 | -9
Although now we're splitting hairs, they're both good. Might stick with f213 because I have a tendency to hold forward while attacking.
f2 is 10f startup.
That's referring to the startup frames of the 3 in the stringMove list in game also says f2 as 10 but f213 as 8. Does the same move's properties change when it's part of a string?
That's referring to the startup frames of the 3 in the string
Ah now that makes more sense. Not sure why it doesn't list the startup of the first move though. Strange.
I feel the same way when playing with Bane. Gotta go slow, be careful, and abuse his amazing d2. Then with Nightwing it's 100% pressure all the time.In the EVO aftermath I've been tooling around with Lobo.
So nice having a good d2.
Then I switch back to Nightwing and it feels like someone put the game on crack.
Wide Wing| f+2 1 3 | 6.99 | Mid | 8 | 23 | 31 | -9
Although now we're splitting hairs, they're both good. Might stick with f213 because I have a tendency to hold forward while attacking.
Escrima's range is a major problem. Perhaps try 22 or 33, depending on their move?
I don't know if any other Nightwing players have this problem, but I'm pretty much addicted to escrima stance. The range isn't the greatest but b2 is sneaky decently ranged overhead and combo starter. Mobility; dash and Wingdings for general annoyance and slowing jump landings against some projectiles.
Every time I switch to staff, the chances of me losing increase drastically... and I know staff is awesome but the change of pace of the playstyle just kills me... what matchups do you guys prefer staff for? Just want to get an idea when I mess with staff a little more.
I suck, my nightwing sucks. I went 1-2 at evo, lost to a doomsday because I refused to block, mashed flying grayson and got punished every time. Then I lost to a batman later because I messed my buttons... I'm so dumb. I'm sorry fellow dicksI need to TRAIN!! My neutral is ass, my pressure is ass, my execution is ass. I'm surprised I even beat one person.
Yup, lots of great resets/mixups off of ending a combo with b2.It seem Nightwing has some good mixups after this combo.
B2,3,DF2,B2~DB2 hold then dash up to do a high low mixup
or you can cross them up with DB3. then you can MB the
DB3 and if it hits you can do the same setup diffrent combo.