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The "Boo-Hoo! The DLC is Too Expensive" Complaining Thread

Bovine McKow

Dojo Trainee
"Calls everyone immature children for being happy with the dlc right before name calling and whining about a measly 30 dollars". Am I doing this right?


Lost Street Fighter Player
I feel that only non-functional DLC should be charged for when it comes to competitive games. If it's too much to make those extra characters and not include them with the $60 game, then don't make them or tease them before the game is even released. I don't even want to know they exist until a major update comes out a year or two down the line. "Here are some other characters that you'll have to pay extra for even though the initial game is not available yet" just rubs me the wrong way.

Playable characters that are clearly already planned to be in the game, are the only thing I don't agree with being behind a paywall. I don't support that practice and I wish less people would. Other stuff like bonus outfits/backgrounds/music I don't mind paying for. I only prefer new characters to come along with a huge update that basically changes the whole game as we know it, if they're going to charge for extra development time.
I'm probably much older than you. You're insane in the brain.
If you're seriously crying about all this you can't be older than 15.

Are the 2015ers the new 2013ers?
What you're doing is crying about me putting out the facts. But if you want to try and look good to nerds with no social lives go ahead.


King of the Jobbers 2015
What you're doing is crying about me putting out the facts. But if you want to try and look good to nerds with no social lives go ahead.
That sounds like something a 15 year-old with no concept of "full-time job" and "life is not your high school" would say.


What you're doing is crying about me putting out the facts. But if you want to try and look good to nerds with no social lives go ahead.
let me remind you that you're on a VIDEO GAME forum talking about VIDEO GAMES. God you're such an unpleasant person. You may be older than most of us but you have the maturity and attitude of a 10 year old.


King of the Jobbers 2015
I already saw you on stream.
Thank you. I've never seen you anywhere and probably never will. You're a keyboard warrior at it's finest.
You have NO sex appeal to women.
Thank god I'm gay. Shows how much you know about the community.
You are young and naive.
I'm older and more experienced than you. I have a full time job, and I used to own a company. I also earn much more money than you do lol thats why I can travel a lot.
You talk shit because you're on the internet.
You are the one talking shit.
You would never dare to be this brave if not for the keyboard and screen being your outlet for your lack of masculinity.
This brave? Oh man did me calling you a 15 year-old hit a string or something? Are you that stupid? Why don't you show up offline instead of being a bitch online? You're like new and you're already making enemies lawl. I give you a week. Also, believe me I'm way manlier than a 15 year-old on the internet lawl
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Shark Tank

I don't actually play these games
Attention mods, cleanup on aisle right above me.

Calling gays pussy's, what a insecure bigot.


I feel that only non-functional DLC should be charged for when it comes to competitive games. If it's too much to make those extra characters and not include them with the $60 game, then don't make them or tease them before the game is even released. I don't even want to know they exist until a major update comes out a year or two down the line. "Here are some other characters that you'll have to pay extra for even though the initial game is not available yet" just rubs me the wrong way.
If you invent a time machine and travel back in time to the 90's you can have that. We used to call them "expansion packs"


Dedicated Broly main
Who said I was trying to help someone? A nicely said " shut the the fuck up" was exactly my intention. You can't help whiners, and if you whine, expect to get that nicely said shut the fuck up over and over again.
And that's why nobody gives a fuck about ignorant pricks like you. If FU was your answer to people who calls this DLC an overprice - then you know what? FU2 mate, now please go spread your patheticness somewhere else. :)

And LMAO at "whiners" - only proves how ignorant you are. People who don't agree with your opinion are whiners? Have you even read previous posts? No. So please, if you don't have anything smart to say, just keep that mouth shut :)
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Your friendly neighborhood cynic
Annnnd... You failed to use your brain again.
...you are an unstable fella. But yeah, that money is coming out of your pocket regardless of anyone's "opinions" on this. The fact that you are here and that you are a TYM supporter(good on you for that BTW, respect) says you will. NRS and WB will rake in loads of profits with or without any the those that disagree with the DLC price. 12 skins and 4 characters has a lot of value to me, since this will be my primary game for the rest of this year and next.

A man knows that hobbies come with a price tag. Plain and simple.


Meta saltmine
Thats funny because I would have countered with how games made it to release completed just fine for 20+ years before capitalist strategies strangled the industry to the shitheap it is today.
Hard to say what's the alternative. Imagine NRS not asking this kind of price for DLCs or not making them completely. Who is to say that, say, this way we'd have current base roster + 4 DLCs instead of current base roster being less than what we have (to possibly shoehorn a guest or two into it since you still have to attract people from other communities) and possibly only DLCs released later on. Possibly reduced support period as well because no money to be made there.

We must know what exactly it costs to create and support the game and estimate the revenue before we are allowed to think that the game is priced to turn a profit even with "standard" $60 base price (that didn't change for like what, 20 years?) and 0 DLCs sold, and so whatever we pay for KP or whatever is there only because publishers want an additional layer of proverbial caviar on their bread with butter? We must withhold our judgement until we have any information of whether games cost what they do purely because of market (i.e. "it is sold for this price because people are willing to buy it for this price and there's no reason to charge less even though we can") or because there are actually expenses this considerable to cover.

Speaking of those years, most games had way less features (avoiding using "content" since I mean it from dev's standpoint, as in: how much stuff must be made in the process of game's creation) "20+ years ago" and are we really to believe that it doesn't require additional expenses to deliver all those hi-res models and environements, 90+ toolkits, voiceovers and the like compared to what games like this were in 1995 and slightly later? And must I remind you that back then, before add-ons became a thing, new games of the same title were basically add-ons/rehashings for the full price and nobody really complained about it?

...aaand after dawn of add-ons has arrived, they still costed almost like full game would, and also required you to have vanilla game...
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Get staffed bro
Whilst I'm not a huge fan of paid DLC in general, having grown up with free map packs for PC games etc. I can't help but compare how many hours use I get out of games like MK to other forms of entertainment. A trip to the cinema costs around £15 these days and lasts around 2 hours, where as a £45 game can last 100s or 1000s of hours. Games do not seem to have increased in price significantly over the years with anything like the increases we see in other areas. I paid £65 for SF2 Turbo on the SNES in 1993, which according to this calculator is more like £117.40 ($171) in todays money.


Yes it's annoying not getting a complete game on launch, but it extends the life of it, creates hype well after release if done correctly, and rewards developers that create content that people actually want. If you do not agree with the DLC or feel it is overpriced, then vote with your wallet. There's no point bitching about it and then buying it anyway.