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The better than nothing Tech thread

dude its better than nothing
speaking of things that are better than nothing you can totaly whiff an air grab at the top of your jump and you will get a much longer jump:D


Getting better with age
I want to incorporate the following corner combo into my game:

[51%] b3f2, nJp, f4-EnKnife, 212, b12-Upball

However, I'm having lots of issues timing the nJp even offline.
I've used a friend's method of sliding 21 as you're holding up and I've hit that maybe
3 out of 20 times. And when I do my reactions aren't fast enough to hit the f4 because I'm in shock I actually hit it.

Anyone have any visual cues or timing techniques to hit this consistently?


Getting better with age
If I get it down like science, I'll be sure to post, because there's likely more room for improvement w/ more meter.

b3f2, njp, f4-EnKnife, d1-EnKnife, d1-Enknife comes to mind. (no idea the damage at this point)

A horrid use of meter but if it ends the fight, it ends the fight.


One of the best things about kanos sweep is that its a characters length shorter then the up ball. that means that after I hit a sweep I up ball where im standing and it will completly comfuse the wake up and you can punnish the whif. it won't work on kung lao spin or baraka spin and you gotta watch out for delays but dam it works
Thats pretty sweet! I whiff upballs all the time, just to get from point to point b alot of the time. Never thought of using it to cross up after a sweep though

Something else interesting I want to explore is canceling certain blocked strings into up ball. Now most of his strings cancelled into up ball on block, will block the up ball except for F12. If you F12 into up ball, on block, the up ball goes over and lands on the other side of the opponent. Im curious if Kano has any advantage with this and can follow up with pressure or a cross over or a njp, etc, as implimenting this now and again may give an element of confusion as you land on the other side if someone tries a special move counter.
If spaced right, d4-upball also works. Its not very useful though. Also, f12-upball, when blocked, goes over the heads. Its hits them if they dont block, but if they're hit by the f12 but block the upball, you get punished. Just thought i'd point that ouyt for no other reason other than its strange
Thats pretty sweet! I whiff upballs all the time
Don't whiff up balls! Gasp! Up ball is pretty unpredictable but a very punishable nearly any where and the stage.
Air ball is safer for travel but you can only use it ounce you know it's safe to do so because it can be punnished on a whiff aswell.

Be very carefull of up ball. People can easly baited it out and combo all day. Use it to break out of pressure. Or escape a sketchy cross up situation. Or to foil a jump attempt and of course in combos


Don't whiff up balls! Gasp! Up ball is pretty unpredictable but a very punishable nearly any where and the stage.
Air ball is safer for travel but you can only use it ounce you know it's safe to do so because it can be punnished on a whiff aswell.

Be very carefull of up ball. People can easly baited it out and combo all day. Use it to break out of pressure. Or escape a sketchy cross up situation. Or to foil a jump attempt and of course in combos
I dont just throw them out. I use them when the opponent is grounded or something and im miles away. I dont get punished. I could jump, but I'm thinking about the meter.

speaking of things that are better than nothing you can totaly whiff an air grab at the top of your jump and you will get a much longer jump:D
Thanks for this! I had no idea! Also, again, the meter :)
Watch out whiffed air attacks have recovery frames upon landing.
But I have used this in odd success. Tho I wouldn't actually recomend useing it much at all.


An Up Ball isnt a bad option when you land a jik air grab as part of Kanos OKI game.

If I commit to an attack rather than bait a wake up, i'll go for his overhead or up ball as the up ball makes a lot of wake up attacks, whiff. His overhead destroys all of Kitanas and Sindels wake ups.


An Up Ball isnt a bad option when you land a jik air grab as part of Kanos OKI game.

If I commit to an attack rather than bait a wake up, i'll go for his overhead or up ball as the up ball makes a lot of wake up attacks, whiff. His overhead destroys all of Kitanas and Sindels wake ups.
Her low foreball stuffs the overhead...unless I'm doing it wrong


Are you sure? I mean you have to literally execute the overhead the exact frame that he recovers from the jk grab, because you'll get blown up. It's risky, but of course you can B2 grab or if you're quick enough, B2F1/B23 grab.


My blades will find your heart
Am I the only one who still uses a bunch of throw setups? Off of F1,1 b1,1,2 112 I usually end with a throw. Then I mix up ending with choke, EX Knife, d1, D4 etc. Is there any particularly good setups to use off of F11? (My most used string by far)


Getting better with age
This likely may not amount to shit, but I'll share what I've been working with so far and maybe it could inspire some real tech.

Its no question that no matter how we start and end our combos, if we don't use meter we're gonna be stuck in the 30s somewhere.
So I'm looking into setups that help w positional advantage. Maybe its too early to start looking at specific stage strategies, but using the following on The Pit stage, center stage:

JiP, f11, f3b2 >> 212 >> 212 >>11 x EnKnife, d1 x EnKnife

It deals 51% (11+40) and puts the opponent in the corner. Its nowhere near a sure-thing setup, and blowing 2 meter at the start could be considered suicide. But then again some of us are used to blowing 3 meter for 41%. Hopefully this may possibly inspire some of you to find better setups. This should work on The Pit, The Pit Bottom, and Hell.


I've started to use meter in some of his combos more to up the damage in the high 30's. His ex up ball is actually quite good, but is terrible as a wake up move unfortunately, the amount of times I burn meter, see Kano flash red but then he's getting hit. It's good if you can predict someone is going to throw a fireball at you.

And yes Zoid, I still occasionally use tick throws with Kano. He has a really good grab actually.


My blades will find your heart
I dont know why anyone would spend meter on combos at all. I think one of his most redeemable factors is how fast he can build meter and how dangerous his X-ray is. I mean it is an armored GTFO move that can interrupt your opponents strings. It is a game changer, and I realize now I should have utilized it more the first time I tried to make Kano a secondary.

Speaking of new...uhhh...tech.... I have found some pretty good ways to apply pressure and build a lot of meter. Like b11 choke or f11 choke, I find that if you cancel strings into choke you can build a lot more meter. Once you start doing this you can also start throwing after(Friendly tip, it works much better is you duck and do the throw as you rise so that any high attacks whiff).

Also, I wish I didnt have Kano's frame data because his pokes are SO HORRIBLE. Like seriously, it has basically made me realize I will never be able to use another character than Baraka in a tourney. The way this game is being played now having a -13 d1 on block and a -7 d3 on block is ridiculous. It makes me very sad, because I really do enjoy playing this character.