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The best escape goat for losing!


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
this a fav of mine but ive said it more when i won then when i lost... "that monitor is unplayble"

also LaR..."look at this fucking scrub guessing right on my mixups everytime" lol


"I saw you staring"
"You couldn't let me move"
"You didn't even give me a chance"
"Stop doing those combos, that's not fair"
"Your a fat guy who sits in his couch all day, potato chip eater"
"Stop spamming that stuff. Go play COD if you wanna spam items" (that was me when I was doing iAGBs)

Oh I've got a couple after I play another match after I beat noobs with Kabal. Then I select him again and they say.....

"Hey don't use Kabal!"
"Stop using him, it's not fair!"

You mostly hear those sayings in King of the Hill.


Positive Poster!
"You spam."
"Jade needs a nerf"

"My hand is lagging"
"... my dog ate it. No really. SPIT! BAD BOY! Anybody got a spare cable? :( "


All in on Johnny Football
Lol when me and my bro play, I sometimes get salty to the point where I say "Dude Jax can easily lame out Cage, this MU isn't bad at all for Jax." So my scapegoat when I'm salty is downplaying.


I only use characters with wakeup scoops.
I always get a free pass on losing to Reptile online cuz' its Reptile online.

Or I just suck.


"I saw you staring"
"Your CURBOLICOUS of course I'm gonna lose"
HEY... I remember when I faced you. You may not remember but we were in a Kabal mirror match. You were getting your dash cancels right but I didn't get mine in that match. You were doing what I was trying to do but I failed. We should play again. I need to face more good Kabal players.

Ironically I did kinda say "Your CURBOLICIOUS of course Im gonna lose" in my head but what I was primarily thinking was "I need more matches against great Kabal players if I'm going to face him again."