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The bad news (SCR)

MITDJT I wish you guys would have said something... how much was it to pre-reg online? I likely would've done it for you if I knew it'd be an issue.

Regardless... you guys better fucking make it. You guys have to defend your ground. *dun dun dun*
actually we were sure that we'd be able to go to SCR, but we found out we prolly wouldn't be able to go like 2 days ago, so it is a last minute thing, but if we knew this would happen, we'd definitely ask the community for help, pre reg was about 55 each for both of us.
You can probably talk to Alex Valle and he'll most likely work something out for you, you're a Cali local, go ask. No harm in trying. And it'd make a big difference if you guys were there, it'd make it 100x more hype.

Isn't Ballin going? That EVO run back would make the whole tourny that much more hype if MIT went.
yep that evo runback would exceed the hype scale lvls, i'm sure all would love to see that match, plus we have a MM set just in case we dnt meet in tournament.
MIT was top 8 at Evo 2012.

He also eliminated Perfect Legend at MLG Dallas?

He isn't being Hollywood... he's being 100% real and he's right.
yep this is pretty much what i was trying to say, i want to help out the community as much as i can either on the forums or going to majors to support our game and keep it going strong.


This guy looks kind of tuff...
Would it? M2Dave vs Scar was the original "hype" for dallas, but m2dave never went and dallas was still nuts. same with detroit playing all shang, but he never went, and so on. Honestly when people dont go they're quickly forgotten. By the next tournament noone cares who "was going to go but..."
Yes, we all love seeing you play (as well as interacting with you because as i said in my last post you're great people and great players), but i'm sure other great players will go that will make the tournament interesting. And you never know, if you dont go maybe a random makes it out of the pool you werent in and beats reo or xblades or pig, some top player, who knows.
Just stop. Lol


tupac aint dead
Well me and denzell thought that'd we'd be for sure able to go to SCR, but now that's a 50/50 chance. (sorry if i put this in the wrong forum area), but anyways we won't know if we can go till like friday 2:00am, so we'd need to drive there and register on site in a timely manner. I really hope things go correctly, the tournament just wouldn't be the same without us, and the other bad thing is our teammates Dab/ Flawedzilla would have to find another ride. Cross yall fingers and hope we can make it out there, bcuz SCR needs all the top players there to make it be as great of a start to the year for mk as possible.
Hell yeah!

Now I don't have to worry about my kryptonite who goes by the name of Scorpion!

Believe it or not that's the one and only character I'm worried about.. Lol


MITDJT, come on bro. I know my boy Detroit is even scarier now that he's playing Kenshi, but this is a pathetic excuse to get out of that money match.

J/k bro, I hope you guys make it out there. I was looking forward to seeing you guys again
MITDJT, come on bro. I know my boy Detroit is even scarier now that he's playing Kenshi, but this is a pathetic excuse to get out of that money match.

J/k bro, I hope you guys make it out there. I was looking forward to seeing you guys again
haha, and yeah we really want to go, had a blast at dallas with you and the others. Also detroit vs me would just be super hype, can't even explain with words.


In the MK community we call this Hollywood
In the real world this is called egoism.

While i agree y'all are great (both in terms of skill and in terms of being cool people), the tournament would run and probably be successful whether you're there or not.
For the record i'm not just posting this to be a dick but to tell you to watch your rhetoric generally.
Except he only said the tournament "wouldn't be the same without them", which since you like to get so technical, is true, because it would be missing two top players (so it's not the same, even if it isn't radically different). He didn't say it wouldn't run or be successful.

No, you're not sounding like a dick, just unnecessarily anal and a touch condescending.

DJ L Toro

coolwhip, while i applaud your mission to call me out on every thread in tym, one of these days you're going to meet me and see that i really am a good guy with good intentions. Saying "this tournament isnt the same without me" sounds like you're better than everyone else, or at least that you're the one that everyone's going for. Sure i'd love to see MIT take it all at a major, he's a cool ass dude and a freaking good player, but the tournament doesnt revolve around him (nor me or any other player).


coolwhip, while i applaud your mission to call me out on every thread in tym, one of these days you're going to meet me and see that i really am a good guy with good intentions. Saying "this tournament isnt the same without me" sounds like you're better than everyone else, or at least that you're the one that everyone's going for. Sure i'd love to see MIT take it all at a major, he's a cool ass dude and a freaking good player, but the tournament doesnt revolve around him (nor me or any other player).
I have no single clue where you got the idea that I call you out in every thread. I don't even make that many postings a day, and very rarely quote other people's posts. I honestly find your observation odd, but I digress. If I did call you out (which again, I highly doubt), I'm 100% I could have never insinuated anything resembling you not being a good guy with good intentions. But you could correct me if I'm wrong. I'm sure you're probably a nice guy (for real), I just found the post your post that I quoted earlier forced and unnecessary. Not sure what that has to do with the kind of person you are.