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The Armory Episode 2: Video Podcast for The Mortal Kombat X Community Feat Special Guest Slips

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Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Welcome back to the second episode of "The Armory"! What is the Armory and why should I be excited to watch this? Your host, Pig of the Hut has taken this podcast to the next level with exceptional, professional and thorough presentation points. Basically, watching these episodes will get you caught up in the world of competitive Mortal Kombat for those who might have missed something.

Topics Discussed on Episode II of "The Armory" include:

  • How to get Involved in the MKX Tournament Scene and compete
  • Who to Follow for each scene
  • ESL
  • MKX Wakeup system eplained
  • Frame Data Explained
  • Block
  • Hit Sun
  • Cancel Adv
  • 10 minute educational Guest Interview with Slips
  • What are Fundamentals?
  • What Are Footsies?
  • What is A mixup and 50/50? Is there a Difference?
  • Quan Chi Vortex Tech
  • Vortex Explained
  • Kenshi Tip w d4
  • Community Commentary
  • Where to find which version of MKX you're playing
  • Wrong MKX Frame Data explained
Background music: @Pig Of The Hut & @D-Que Beats


Also I guarantee new Gfx, additional set pieces, animations and to respond to every single response sent to me from the last episode regarding all critiques. I'm reading everything sent to me and listening. Sometimes responses are so good that I don't wanna respond to them until I can sit down and have the right amount of time the comment deserves/suggestions/post/critiques deserves.

Thx guys!!! Please retweet and spread the word!

Also keep the suggestions coming and ideas. I'm listening
@STORMS @CrimsonShadow @GGA 16 Bit @cR WoundCowboy @Sabin @Laos_boy @rev0lver @K7L33THA @Tim Static @Pnut@9.95 @Shock @TenZeRo7 @ShinBlanka @colt @tylerlansdown @RiBBz22 @Slips @KingHippo @EGP Wonder_Chef @Cat @GGA HAN @GGA Dizzy @gross @michaelangelo

edited/promoted by STORMS*


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Tim Static

Without watching #2, 30-60m...maybe add more in as you go & improve etc. I'll watch this one as soon as i can later after kids are in bed & i can concentrate on it. :coffee:


My mom tells me I'm pretty
Questions I personally would like to see asked to guests:

Which character do you think is the most overhyped?

Which character do you think is the most slept on?

Which player is under the radar?

Which scene has the strongest competition in terms of players?

Also, IMO:
During interviews, I feel like there should either be clips of yourself playing ranked or the guest having tournament matches played (past and present games), instead of the still picture of their known character.

Florida: @Big D
@NeoRussell Toronto
EU: @PNDMustard
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Trust me, I'm a doctor
I personally feel like the video itself should be 30-60 minutes, and maybe if you are up to it making a follow-up video for the hardcore armory heads.
Otherwise, the video length seems fine


bad player
Question about downplayers: Has the MKX Kitana Kommunity cried more in week1 than the MK9 Reptile and Smoke communities combined in the lifetime of that game?

Rip Torn

Nice episode. Just a small suggestion; export the video in progressive 1080p60 or 1080p30 so you don't have any interlacing issues when uploading to youtube.


Dojo Trainee
Keep going as long as it feels natural. Podcast can be boring if it just keep going without anything to say just to fill time. They also suck when they end as they are about to get into good stuff because of their set time.


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
another great presentation .... this show is top notch and very entertaining and interesting .... Pig could work on tv, the guy has talent, hehe :D


The best person in Eastern Canada is Russell Ordona (@NeoRussell on TYM). I don't think he has a Twitter but he created an organization called Toronto Top Tiers and can be reached via his website at torontotoptiers.com.

Deleted member 5032

Wow, I didn't know you could do a delayed wakeup into back dash. I cannot wait to try that out!!! <3
You should show people how to test things in training mode in the next episode pig. I think this is huge. Like armoring or backdashing in between strings by setting the AI to always block and have either Kung laos tempest exspin on reversal or the backdash as reversal. This is also how you test whether something is punishable by a certain move on block, especially since frame data isn't correct yet.

Other things that should be mentioned are: how to effectively use record and replay. how to pressure the opponent on knockdown, like blowing up non meter wakeup attacks, specific counters against true wakeup attacks, blowing up people who try to jump out, how to blow up delayed or early backdashes. the importance of knockdown pressure in the corner in this game.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I've heard the critiques so far about using still pictures over the interview and that will definitely be changed in the future

People seem to like the addition of a little music bed

Content has so far received positive reviews and response


This is awesome.
It's a great way for new people to learn something too that have issues memorizing text (some people absorb verbal information a lot faster)


Official Master of Salt
I've heard the critiques so far about using still pictures over the interview and that will definitely be changed in the future

People seem to like the addition of a little music bed

Content has so far received positive reviews and response
Yeah I just finished watching and that was the one critique I had. I'm not sure if you already have ideas about what to put up during interview sections, but something that could be cool would be if you record a set with them and then you could have that playing during the interview, so we get to see sets with you vs these top players and learn match up specific things while listening to these interviews.

Other than that, great job again, really looking forward to the post-tournament episodes, I hope you're able to keep this going for the entirety of MKX.