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The 2012 Thank You Thread


Administrator and Community Engineer
Here it is.. Your opportunity to personally thank everyone and anyone who helped you, or the community in 2012. Lets end this year on a good note and spread some positive vibes around. Group hug: I'll go first:

9.95 Phil, thank you for being such a strong and unselfless leader in this community. Thanks for continuing to put in the time to provide great experiences for other people, and for continuing to care even when people may have taken it for granted at times.

Pig Of The Hut , your energy and spirit this year were huge. Thank you for continuing to infuse the community with excitement every week, and also for what you did to help players go to MLG. Too many things to list.

GamerBlake90, thanks for your tireless dedication to the finer points of the game, your irrepressable (salty) spirit, and your willingness to share everything you know.

Claude VonStroke and pherleece: Woolay was a great show and provided innumerable moments of hype this year. Thanks for taking the time to bring it all together and consistently bring interesting discussion every week. It's already missed!

STORMS this goes without saying, but you are an absolute machine. No one in this community posts with the incredible speed (grand finals just ended 11 seconds ago?) or regularity that you do, and it's one of the things that keeps TYM on top of the heap. Also, you helped get TYM through a very tough and trying time after the crash this year and rebuild.

STB Espio thanks for being an awesome guy.

FrothyOmen and Tolkeen thanks for listening to all my crazy ideas and being super e-friends. Thanks for helping keep TYM Chat alive, and for helping me test the Frame Data bot. Frothy thanks for being one of the most dedicated moderators this site has seen.

GGA soonk thanks for playing tons of matches with me and helping me get better bit by bit. Also, thank you for making me so salty about X-Rays that I will never be hit with another naked one ever again. Ever.

Somberness -- thanks for all the hard work and dedication to make frame data available to all. This is priceless and has continued to pay off for everyone.

MITDJT thank you for continuing to prove everyone wrong, and for playing some of the most exciting and fearless matches. Thanks for expanding everyone's knowledge about characters and matchups through hard work and solid evidence.

Maxter thanks for giving the fashion world a reason to watch MK. Fabuloussss

EGP Wonder_Chef -- That EVO bracket.. *tears*

Also a big thank you to everyone who took the time to post their tourney results data. It will pay off bigtime in 2013 :D


Blue Blurs for Life!
I don't want, need, nor deserve any thanks. If anything, the gratitude should be going to these people:

STORMS and company for building this site into what it is today.

Pig Of The Hut for spending so much time towards our community in terms of practice, organizing events, etc.

Somberness for organizing the frame data.

All of our video makers, particularly Check and TylerLantern, for using their talents to further improve our knowledge of the game.

All the friends I've come to know ever since establishing my presence in the community.

CrimsonShadow for not letting Madzin lose his chance to set foot on American soil.

All our commentators for hyping our matches up. I personally enjoy Tom Brady's commentary the most. ;)

All our streamers for running these podcasts which not only entertain us, but help us grow....the Woolay Show, the On Blast Show, the Injustcast, you name it. And next month, another podcast will debut.

Lastly, thanks to all our members for building our Mortal Kombat forums up with their posts that are geared towards growing our players.

Here is to 2013. :)


If I said "thank you" to every one that I wanted... I don't think the tagging option would allow that many. Perhaps, I should change that, huh?

Regardless, always moving forward... I take this all very seriously. I'll leave it at that. Love you guys. Be safe tonight and enjoy bringing in the New Year.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

If I said "thank you" to every one that I wanted... I don't think the tagging option would allow that many.
I feel the same. So many MK peoples I <3 to itty bitty bits.

If I had to pick a Top 10, INPO...

-You, Storms, for being awesome and captaining the TYM ship :D.
- Mr. Mileena, whose beatings long ago inspired me to fully commit to truly trying to master this game and my craft, without which I would've probably moved on to boring, 3-dimensional pastures and regretted departure forever.
- Pig Of The Hut, for being consistently awesome and hype, and changing the way people view the blind forever.
- Maxter, because he's the OG Cyrax of all OG Cyraxes. Still gotta run that Sub V Cage runback at WB :D.
- GamerBlake90, even though he doesn't want his due props, but he gets them anyway, because he's a fucking inspiring dude whose constant efforts to better himself and MK make me feel better all around about the lengths I've gone to to do the same.
- Rude, because he's my favorite training partner in the land, and watching how far his lizard sai trance trio has come over the year is a fucking sight to behold. We bleed together, we baby together, we piss people off with Rune Traps together. It's epic.
- REO, because he's the Shane Douglas of MK, without whom this game would be nowhere near as exciting or interesting.
- Under_The_Mayo, as if I need to give a reason. Thrice. Quan-Cheez Its. Mexico. Masks. Fuck yes. Mayo.
- 9.95, along with Shock, Summoning, Rob, and all the KN guys, because we'd be nowhere without their ass-busting, S+ Tier work.
- DanCock, my first ever MK buddy, for being the Queen of Queens and always having room on his floor for me <3.
- J360, for being absolutely nuts and always bringing hype to the Tekunin.

This could go on forever. Hito, Metroid, the HGTV guys, AC & STH...fuck.


I've been trying to resist mushing on everyone, but it's too hard! So.. Novel lol.

Just posted this elsewhere. I'm a little nostalgic lately. Maybe even sentimental... But Chance, Dink, Potatoes, and lots of STB has gotten to watch me "grow up" almost lol. From when I very first started to play and posted on Gfaqs and went to my first WB through now... It's been a long year lol. I've always adored you guys. STB was always so nice and helpful and I've always looked up to them. And I'm so happy to be part of it <3 all of you. We bring in the sweetest, funniest new members, and I'm honored to call them clan mates STB Espio and STB Chongo. You two have already brought a lot of fun to our family and well represented us at NEC and FF. I know I speak for everyone when I say we're proud of you guys.

And I can never thank Under_The_Mayo enough for everything he did for me in Mexico. I have a stubborn independence streak lol. But I had no idea how different and beautiful and new to me the country would be. I loved it. Easily my favorite tourney ever. I had so much fun, not just for MK, but to get to meet such a fascinating, gorgeous city and man <3

Speaking of growing up, I owe a lot to the rest of the old GFAQs crowd that taught me. DragonPick taught me to juggle, troll with Quan Chi and has always there for anyone who asks for help.

Very, very special thanks to Toxic, who still finds ways and new things to teach me. Even as a no name newb who hadn't played a fighting game in over a decade. He never lost his patience or gave up on my Jade. You can all thank him for my cosplay :p

And, @Altair. I know he can be... An acquired taste, lol. But I don't forget kindness. And he would spend hours on Skype with me before tournaments to calm my nerves and help me prepare, which I'll always appreciate.

Tom Brady, it's been nearly a year since we met. You're always so funny and sweet. I'll always think of you as a very dear fried. I came to WB last year as pretty much an afterthought and a complete FG virgin lol. It was my first tourney, and if I hadn't met you, it would have been my last. So thank you. You're kind of responsible for me staying in the scene and seeing so many beautiful places and meeting so many great people. And I'm truly grateful to have had the time we did together.

Pig Of The Hut, you are one of the players I have immense respect for. I do not know how you protect and provide for your family so well, make music and still totally rock out with Kenshi. Enjoy it while it last, though. But just give your little one a few more years and she's going to be whooping you I'm sure :p

@GGA boys, you guys are pure class. Always so nice and friendly, willing to share what you can, bringing in the community to level up with you and always bring hilarity, hospitality and hype to tourneys

Maxter, CD, CD Jr., Reo and VSM in general. All top players, all extremely kind and laid back. Even when I was brand new in the game. And looked (well was lol) totally free at WB, never been on or in a stream, had JUST learned that year there were video game tournaments and they still treated me kindly and offered their help. Never condescending or snobby to me for my newbiness :) And pretty much held my hand while I was learning how things work in this scene lol. Note, I was completely terrified by the stream monsters for awhile lol. Many players -myself included - here look up to you guys, and rightfully so. You're great players, and very cool, fun people to hang out with.

9.95 Phil, your charity streams are what sparked my passion and pride for this community. You're a truly kinda and giving person with such a positive attitude, it's completely contagious :) Whenever anyone criticizes violent video games, I can just roll my eyes. You took everyone's favorite witch hunt and proved that gamers are compassion, social people that care about much, much more than MK. Stories like this don't make national headlines, but they should. It's nothing short of inspiring.

JamesMK, you're just entirely too bad ass. I love your honesty, your observations, your attitude... Everything. You and Pig are always trying to expand to scene and bring in fresh ideas. and while there will always be negative brats trying to muck things up, it genuinely shows that you care about this community, and are cultivating growth. Which I (and most others I'm certain) really appreciate it.

STORMS Tim Static, thank you for your hard work and dedication to the site. It's obvious you guys care about your posters and work hard to make them happy.

I remember being told I smile a lot quite a few times, and it's because of all of you. Because all of the MK community and how funny, and charming and lively it is. I'm terribly sorry to anyone I missed at the moment. I could probably take a whole page or 8 to go through everyone.

And even those that I may have bickered with me in the past, I really do not hold grudges and appreciate what everyone contributes to the community.

Love, love, kiss, kiss, blah blah blah :)
Wanna thank all you foolz for making MK hype as Fuark.

Tom Brady
NY Dudes for forcing everyone else to level up
GGA dudes

And the man of the year, Arturo Sanchez, you did a lot. I still remember me directing you to TYM when MK9 came out and you were posting on TRMK asking what does MK community want since Spooky was gonna be streaming it. You came a long way, and I hope to see you thrive in Injustice and MK9 in the future.



Alternative-Fact Checker
Sao87, MortySeinfeld, DetroitBalln, B W1zZ, AYSAMO, joemabob, 4x4lo8o, and any other Arizona player I might have missed. Thanks so much for the year of experience, playtime, encouragement and brotherhood. Going to Final Round and running locals with you guys was an extremely fun time, and something I'll never forget. You guys have been war buddies in MK and friends to me outside of it, and I can't thank you enough. A year ago I was the scrub barely scraping the bottom of tournaments, and this year I finally won, and it's thanks to all you guys. Thank you so much.

Altaire, you helped me a lot in various parts of the game as well as helped me out a lot when I needed to get the podcast going. Thanks a lot for that.

Death, Pig Of The Hut, SomeCubanGuy, STB Goldfish, WoundCowboy, GGA Dizzy, GamerBlake90, Perfect Legend, thank you guys so much for showing up on my podcast. I'm not a name, I don't have a lot of credibility, but you guys took the time to show up and shoot the shit and create an enjoyable hour and a half. I really appreciate that all of you appeared, and I wish all of you luck in your future endeavors.


Cock Master!!
Too many people to be thankful for. Getting drunk at a bar ATM.
But I love you box and you will always have a spot on my floor

Sent from my iPad 2 using Tapatalk


Grapple > Footsies
I specifically want to thank Pig Of The Hut and Cat for helping me get to Final Round and Comicpalooza. I don't forget when people help me out. I never would have gone to a tournament if it weren't for guys like this. But thankfully I had the chance to make it to three tournaments this year and had a blast each time. Wish I could make it to more. Also thanks to GGA 16 Bit and Slips for helping me do KTP and thanks to everyone who listened.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Goldy is awesome
Man. Goldy, you're awesome, too.
You and your badass costumes deserve a medal. You made me feel comfy and insane enough to start showing up to shows decked out in decorations and getting back to making masks and costumes like I used to waaaaaaaaay back in the day. Proof wholeheartedly that there is ALWAYS room and support for the ladies of the FGC to make their way into upper echelons and really step up with their Kombat chutzpah and radiant personalities. Yes.

Also: Chance, K7, Slips, Bit, Claude, Hippo, Altaire, James MK, the Snick Couch in Atlanta, BRADY YOU CRAZY SUBBY FUCK <3, and all the other podcasters, broadcasters, outreachers and asskickers who go out of their way to stretch the envelope of MK's power.


I am your god
Move my post here, trying to follow rules a d regulations :)
Thank you to all who have made The OBS show a success. I know there was a ruff start and many saw it as a negative to the community. While I have swayed many of those out there, some still keep a an eye on me :) that is a good thing. This community is still a baby 20 years in and it will continue to grow. Not by majors, MLG's, or tournament organizers. This community will grow from within. Storms who has at times reluctantly showed support for not only the show as have others, but put up with some of my wacky antics. I hope 2012 I have gained your trust enough that the community realizes I want nothing but to see its growth. I hope 2013 this community grows 10 fold as does the OBS show. So to all out there from TYM staff.. Even "thread nazi" Juggs... J/k, to all OBS members, to those who casual the show or site. We at The On Blast Show wish you all a safe and healthy New Year and hope the drama, sagas, and scene continue its growth throughout 2013.

Thank you

The On Blast Show Staff



Go to hell.
Oh boy.

STB Espio- Thank you for always giving me advice no matter what kind of crazy shit I asked you or crazy story I burdened upon you. I got mad love for you, and if you ever needed anything I'd be on a plane.

Smarrgasm - I know we have talked as much recently, but you are one of the people who fostered my addiction to this site. You're chill as fuck and I got love for you as well. I'll be seeing you in tournament.

STB Chongo- You emotional little fuck quit downplaying your Reptile prowess and short hair swag. Thanks for being my bro

Pig Of The Hut - Thank you for insulting the heterosexuality of my face. But seriously, thank you for being so nice to me and my man Kasey. You're another person I want to have a set with and buy a drink.

Derptile - Another person who helped make this site so special to me. I know we troll each other hard, but you're all right. Thanks for making this site so damn fun.

Slips - Thank you for your stories of plundering young pussy and getting fucked by horses. Thank you for also being so goddamn chill and adding mad hype by using that gutter trash character.

Hitoshura - Thank you for 4,3 pop the bottle.

Insuperable - Thank you for revealing the mysteries of lil' B and making me laugh by getting disqualified from top 8 because you bought a smoothie, and then they threw your smoothie away.

Under_The_Mayo - Thank you for your voice. I masturbate to your Kenshi videos with my eyes closed.

Wemfs - Your sigs are fucking gross but you're a bro.

Sage Leviathan- One of the first people I ever talked to on here. Thanks for that.

THTB - Thank you for never changing your name from Dontay.

GamerBlake90 - Thank you for your fantastic streams, mad hype, being so white Edward said damn, and just being cooler than the other side of the pillow.

REO - Thanks for blowing me up and making me come back.

FrothyOmen - Thank you, for setting me straight when I started getting really bad. I'd consider you a e-friend.

Mr. Mileena- I absolutely love this guy. Thank you for ensuring I wasn't the gayest member on this site.

AestheticLove - Thank you for the avatar pictures, your hair is pristine.

Tom Brady- Thank you for that Sub Zero, all that hype, and the couple of conversations we had that made me feel important. If I ever meet you, I'm buying you a shot and a classy whore.

STORMS ZAQ - Thank you for the site.

Tim Static- Thank for never perma banning me, and when I did get banned, they were relatively short and usually ended early.

GNG Iniquity SunnyD thanks for becoming my bros and then leaving the site. Douchebags.

Cossner - Thanks for being a cute litte mexican I want to put in my pocket.

GGA soonk -You know why. And you're amazing blow ups

Last but not least thank you Enera - you complete me.

I'm sure I forgot somebodies, but oh well.
For creating and maintaining this site, which has become the go-to place for competitive MK and assisted MK9 in going through such good life in the tournament scene.

For spending so much time on the Frame Data of all characters and pretty much single-handedly leveling up the entire competitive MK community through one thread in each character forum.

For causing me to join: Letting me know that I would be in good company upon becoming a member.

For also helping me realize I wouldn't be entirely alone when I stopped being a meaningless lurker.

STB Espio
For helping me shape my competitive-mind into a good form.

For bringing light when all hope in my Noob Saibot was dim.

For being a cool dude and being a great Woolay to the crazy albino, along with playing his alternate-universe counterpart.

For being so pro-Kratos. /)^3^(\

Pig Of The Hut
Same to you, even though you main Kratos' 2-8 matchup opponent.

@My Bronies
For making me come back to TYM almost every day.


I Break Hearts, Not Combos
I'd tag Somberness but his contribution deserves its own thread obviously. Okay divided into sections from where I've met them yes its a lot of people I would write a paragraph on everyone but to get this done ASAP I'll just tag names. I probably forgot a lot of people but yeah ;_;

-dat 25 tag cap. I'll remove some but still keep their names here

@AdmiralAugustus for letting me be a part of the best group I've been a part of online. For even making me an awesome possum WUBWUB mix for my birthday ;_; and the head honcho of the Dream Team
Insuperable you always called me a nice guy and stuff and one day we will defeat PL in a dance-off. I'll buy you enough shakes to last you a lifetime ;_;
Joker8417 one of my comic buddies ;_; our shared passion for Batman stuff is what brought us together ;_; but even now you're awesome even if you were to disown that ;_;
GamerBlake90 for having faith in me to put me in the 88s and always willing to put me in his shows and stuff
Cossner gets one because of affirmative action
Lulzlou never a villain to me
Trepound380 for being so Hollywood :p
rev0lver should get one but nah.
HyruleNERD for being ratchet
KamikazeJD for being even more ratchet-er
FrozenEnemy ;_;
maaaaaaaaaan I'll be going on a tag spree.
STB Espio
Pig of the Hut

Nekromanzer 100% sure you won't see this ha but yep. best neighbor ever
TenZeRo7 making EGP exist! You've made a house in which our scene can thrive in. You breathed life into our scene and we have done nothing but grow.
EGP_Friarbawb for also helping out at EGP and stuff :)
Brownie truly one of the most kind people to exist in this planet
Awesomo you're like my partner in being EGP's resident comic fanboys. I don't doubt we're a crime fighting duo in a seperate universe
Mosp dat blue cheese
Krayzie for letting me stay in his place and stuff.
EGP_Shoryuken best training partner!
Red Reaper for being my foil in EGP. dat red vs blue
EGP Wonder_Chef for being my other foil. two different trolls trolling in different styles!
WhatsHerName for being awesome and one of my most fought people in tournaments!
PboardPlayer for helping me level up, he was the first person to eliminate me in my first EGP tournament. I'm glad that I can say that now I am not so free!
XBlades for giving me the beatings of my MK life and giving me the inspiration to become better and better. You helped me get to Anaheim and I can't tell you enough of how grateful I am
MITDJT showing me dat Bernie
daddydab32ho HEY LOOK! *points* .....gotcha!
WoundCowboy for helping me the Shang MU even at tiny points. I can't wait to fight you at SCR!
EGP_TYRANT probably the most chillax person I've met. The fact that we both listen to Nujabes is the shiz.

Thank you MK scene for all dem happy memories ;_; but what am I saying the Year has just begun! NO TIME FOR GOODBYES!