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Thank you JAMES MK (appreciation thread)


Favorite segment on OBS was the one on how women were treated in the FGC. Think I stayed up till 4:00am in the morning just listening to the conversation between male and female FG players, and James being the moderator. Although I may not agree with everything he says, he has done a lot for the community and I really do appreciate the lengths he goes through to do what he feels is best for the community.
I disagree with his opinion that we are a shitty scene that should not get tournaments.

But as long as he donates to those tournaments we supposedly shouldn't be allowed to have, he's cool with me.


I am your god
While this is appreciated, it is not what I wanted. I just want to see the scene back to the way it was. While many may not agree with my stance on scene growth and potential, I don't wear power gloves, live it moordor, break bread and drink wine... Well maybe the wine. I also understand competitive and the want for successful events. I do as well. But, guys can't lose sight while we all picked up the games in the first place. Friends and good times. When stuff gets crazy and we war nonstop. It hurts us all, from being the inviting scene we have always been, and potentially losing friends. People always as me why I don't like "Skisonic" well to be honest he told me the MK/NRS community should leave the FGC. And start their own, we were not wanted. Well that pissed me off, I felt who the hell are you to dictate the scene. In the end we dictate our scene and nobody else. From that day forward my main goal was to see this scene reach as close to it's potential, not for esports, but it own personal growth. When we fight amongst ourselves we can not grow, because many see that and high tail it out. Again, I am not a leader, nor do I want that, each of you are your own leaders. Enjoy the time you CAN play at high level or not, because there will come a time in all your near futures where you will not be able to. And for the record there is nobody in this scene I hate. I don't have enough time to focus on hate. So you guys can close this and hopefully we can all move on to why we are here. That is all I guess


Thanks James, even though im a scrub and didnt get a single dollar of your pot bonus! It's still a very awesome move!

Always a blast hanging out and BSing with you. I hope those gears of war players come on the show. That would be sick!


My first memory of @Jamesmk was seeing the look on Altaire's face outside of the venue at Toryuken when James came out for a cig. James was just all smiles and started talking with us. That showed me a level of class that I don't see much anywhere (fgc or rl).

Never change dood!


I am your god
if anyone deserves a appreciation thread in this kommunity its jamesmk.

from a personal standpoint james helped me with when i was getting harassed by a kommunity member so much it was making me want to leave competitive gaming and NRS kommunity altogether.
what him and darknatas have done with the OBS show goes over alot of people heads i think, the "drama" is there to entertain the viewer but the point of it is to give people who dont generally have a voice a place to be heard, people like a potato eating baraka player lol

from a broader standpoint for every one thing we know james has done for the kommunity (pot bonus,bounties,obs etc etc) im sure there's ten we dont know was him.

so major love to jimmy "break dancin" fink
I like potatoe <-- US pres spelling, oh and fish sticks as well


I am your god
Diamond ARE forever
My first memory of @Jamesmk was seeing the look on Altaire's face outside of the venue at Toryuken when James came out for a cig. James was just all smiles and started talking with us. That showed me a level of class that I don't see much anywhere (fgc or rl).

Never change dood!


I am your god
OK now that we had one of these MK moments. let's move on

please... Guys get NRS spoon

At least these broads my age, I would tap dorethy and Sophia together


I am your god
Thanks James, even though im a scrub and didnt get a single dollar of your pot bonus! It's still a very awesome move!

Always a blast hanging out and BSing with you. I hope those gears of war players come on the show. That would be sick!
Never a scrub brother you come and play


I am your god
I'm not sure if a lot of people know but James has been putting a lot of money into injustice and MK pot bonuses. Most recently summer jam, I believe those pot bonuses were from him. I didn't see anyone talking about that or thanking him and I'm making this thread to thank him for his donations and doing his best to keep the offline scene growing.

There are a Lot of people who should really be thanked and in the past i've thanked @Shock and @summoning for doing a great job here on the EAST coast on multiple occasions (thanks again and again!) but this time, I don't think many people realize how much James and OBS have donated here.[/quot
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just to let you guys all know @jamessmk has been doing this for 25+ years he was the reason everyone from LI/NY either got into this game or wanted to beat him
he started the MK legacy before anyone did back in the 90's, I was glad to be part of that team, and still am team OG :) !!

Cheers Jimmy!