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Match-up Discussion Test your Kung lao knowledge!!

1. Kabal only has 5% health left with 2 bars of meter. You are at full screen, what do you do?

a. predict a gas blast and do a instant teleport 3 to kick him out of the air
b. dash block in, close enough to dive kick him
c. throw a projectile
d. dash block in, close enough to f3 him

2. You got knocked down by jax with a full bar of meter but only 10% life left and he tries to bait your wakeups with a ground pound cancel, what do you do?

a. stay on the ground, you can breaker anyway...
b. wakeup with teleport, it's fast enough...
c. wakeup with ex teleport, it's the safest option...
d. Wakeup with ex spin, it's fast enough...

3. Smoke keeps harrassing you with d1 smoke bomb, what do you do?

a. counterpoke with spin
b. block and counterpoke with d4
c. block the smoke bomb and grab him
d. block and 21 him

4. Picture this situation and keep all the available options in mind... Both you and Mileena have about 15% life left and are both at full screen with no meter. She does nothing apart from an instant air sai every now and then, what do you do?

a. throw hats
b. teleport in
c. do nothing
d. divekick into a sai, because why not?

5. Jax tries to end your lifebar with ground pound zoning and he cancels his ground pounds sometimes and he mixes it up with his purple kool aid so you can't just jump in, both characters have one bar of meter and are at full screen what do you do.

a. get in safely with ex teleport
b. throw hats
c. dive kick him
d. get in slowly and f3 when in range
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I know absolutely nothing about Kung Lao, but I'll take a stab at these just for the sake of doing it.



Kabal only has 5% health left with 2 bars of meter. You are at full screen, what do you do?

a. predict a gas blast and do a instant teleport 3 to kick him out of the air
b. dash block in, close enough to dive kick him
c. throw a projectile
d. dash block in, close enough to f3 him

Kung Lao's projectiles (low hat and regular hat toss) both do 7% damage. If Kabal tries to ex dash through it, he dies. Tele 3 in this situation would be the worst option since you can get punished into pressure or 50/50. Both dive kick and f3 would also kill him, so the second best option would be to dash block in within that range, but you have to be careful eating an ex dash as you're dash blocking in.

You got knocked down by jax with a full bar of meter but only 10% life left and he tries to bait your wakeups with a ground pound cancel, what do you do?

a. stay on the ground, you can breaker anyway...
b. wakeup with teleport, it's fast enough...
c. wakeup with ex teleport, it's the safest option...
d. Wakeup with ex spin, it's fast enough...
Who has the 10% life? You or him? Regardless, wake-up ex spin will beat all ground pound cancel set-ups since he can't cancel fast enough, so D.

Smoke keeps harrassing you with d1 smoke bomb, what do you do?

a. counterpoke with spin
b. block and counterpoke with d4
c. block the smoke bomb and grab him
d. block and 21 him

As long as you're on point with your punish since if you're a couple of frames late you won't punish in time, and will likely get punished yourself. Kung Lao's standing 2 (7 frames) does punish Smoke bomb though (-9 frames on block), so that's always the ideal option.

It's definitely not worth trying to counterpoke since if you're a touch late the smoke bomb will launch you. Since smoke bomb does no chip, eating a d1 + smoke bomb on block isn't a big deal.
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Kung Lao's projectiles (low hat and regular hat toss) both do 7% damage. If Kabal tries to ex dash through it, he dies. Tele 3 in this situation would be the worst option since you can get punished into pressure or 50/50. Both dive kick and f3 would also kill him, so the second best option would be to dash block in within that range, but you have to be careful eating an ex dash as you're dash blocking in.

Who has the 10% life? You or him? Regardless, wake-up ex spin will beat all ground pound cancel set-ups since he can't cancel fast enough, so D.


As long as you're on point with your punish since if you're a couple of frames late you won't punish in time, and will likely get punished yourself. Kung Lao's standing 2 (7 frames) does punish Smoke bomb though (9 frames), so that's always the ideal option.

It's definitely not worth trying to counterpoke since if you're a touch late the smoke bomb will launch you. Since smoke bomb does no chip, eating a d1 + smoke bomb on block isn't a big deal.
I added 2 questions try those as well!
1. Kabal only has 5% health left with 2 bars of meter. You are at full screen, what do you do?

a. predict a gas blast and do a instant teleport 3 to kick him out of the air
b. dash block in, close enough to dive kick him
c. throw a projectile
d. dash block in, close enough to f3 him

2. You got knocked down by jax with a full bar of meter but only 10% life left and he tries to bait your wakeups with a ground pound cancel, what do you do?

a. stay on the ground, you can breaker anyway...
b. wakeup with teleport, it's fast enough...
c. wakeup with ex teleport, it's the safest option...
d. Wakeup with ex spin, it's fast enough...

3. Smoke keeps harrassing you with d1 smoke bomb, what do you do?

a. counterpoke with spin
b. block and counterpoke with d4
c. block the smoke bomb and grab him
d. block and 21 him

4. Picture this situation and keep all the available options in mind... Both you and Mileena have about 15% life left and are both at full screen with no meter. She does nothing apart from an instant air sai every now and then, what do you do?

a. throw hats
b. teleport in
c. do nothing
d. divekick into a sai, because why not?

5. Jax tries to end your lifebar with ground pound zoning and he cancels his ground pounds sometimes and he mixes it up with his purple kool aid so you can't just jump in, both characters have one bar of meter and are at full screen what do you do.

a. get in safely with ex teleport
b. throw hats
c. dive kick him
d. get in slowly and f3 when in range
Just for fun I will answer:

1. If he only has 5% and two bar you can dash block in. Don't do f3 if he has good reads he will be looking for it. If he is far away he will back dash and forced you to whiff the f3 then punish you. Your best bet is to dash block in or do EX teleport grab whiff
2. Jax doing a ground pound cancel on your wake up is the absolute dumbest thing he can do. No good jax player is going to do this. At least Tyrant and Cd Jr wont.
3. Whatever smoke you are seeing is being hella stupid. This is a very bad habit. d1 smoke bomb should never be done against kung lao unless its in a anti air combo. Otherwise he will get punished.
4. Throw Hats is a dumb option she can teleport kick you full screen no problem. Teleporting on mileena is not good cause of her low hit box. Doing nothing will get you no where and why would you dive kick? You dash block and roll in or EX teleport.
5. I can't believe anyone even gets hit by ground pounds or falls for ground pound cancels.

This is like hella low level meta
Just for fun I will answer:

1. If he only has 5% and two bar you can dash block in. Don't do f3 if he has good reads he will be looking for it. If he is far away he will back dash and forced you to whiff the f3 then punish you. Your best bet is to dash block in or do EX teleport grab whiff
2. Jax doing a ground pound cancel on your wake up is the absolute dumbest thing he can do. No good jax player is going to do this. At least Tyrant and Cd Jr wont.
3. Whatever smoke you are seeing is being hella stupid. This is a very bad habit. d1 smoke bomb should never be done against kung lao unless its in a anti air combo. Otherwise he will get punished.
4. Throw Hats is a dumb option she can teleport kick you full screen no problem. Teleporting on mileena is not good cause of her low hit box. Doing nothing will get you no where and why would you dive kick? You dash block and roll in or EX teleport.
5. I can't believe anyone even gets hit by ground pounds or falls for ground pound cancels.

This is like hella low level meta
1. I would go for the trade because he can't take the trade because he only has 5% left. I actually learned that by watching your gameplay...
4. Doing nothing means being patient because you don't really ahve to do anything, make them think you're going to throw a hat or push any button and bait the teleport, full screen you can spin the teleport on reaction.
1. I would go for the trade because he can't take the trade because he only has 5% left. I actually learned that by watching your gameplay...
4. Doing nothing means being patient because you don't really ahve to do anything, make them think you're going to throw a hat or push any button and bait the teleport, full screen you can spin the teleport on reaction.
You never stated how much hp I had for 1. so I assumed I have 5%.
4. I rather not try to spin the teleport on reaction her teleport is kind of fast i rather block then punish, but in this case roll to low hat is safe on her since she cant punish low hat. I would get in to range to roll on her


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
I can't be the only one who feels like these scenarios can be applied to most characters in MK9...

But nonetheless...
1: C. He's gonna need to be closer than that for the armor to phase through the projectile and reach KL in recovery frames even he had more life.
2: This all depends on what he knocked you down with, but given the options, D.
3: D. How is this even a question?
4: C. No amount of meter she gains will give her sufficient chip and you have sufficient options to do 15% worth of unbreakable damage.
5: B. Lao's straight hat alters his hurtbox and makes GP whiff anyway.

I give this quiz a B-.


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
1. D. if u wanna play it safe. Kabal Recovers pretty fast and can easily turn something around. tho tryin to get a hat toss in could work too since one hit would kill em.

2. D. wake up ex spin blows up Gp cancels

3. D. 21 him, 7 frame starters easily punish smokebomb.

4. either B or C. If u duck and do nothing, theres really nothing mileena can do. she can't damage u unless she tries to come in or teleport. And if she does she'll be either punishable or at a disadvantage. You could also make a read and hit her with a insta tele 3 right as she's about to try another sai.

5. B. Throw Hats, your immune to ground pound while tossing hats, and a full screen low hat on hit is enough advantage to allow you a free divekick in.
I can't be the only one who feels like these scenarios can be applied to most characters in MK9...

But nonetheless...
1: C. He's gonna need to be closer than that for the armor to phase through the projectile and reach KL in recovery frames even he had more life.
2: This all depends on what he knocked you down with, but given the options, D.
3: D. How is this even a question?
4: C. No amount of meter she gains will give her sufficient chip and you have sufficient options to do 15% worth of unbreakable damage.
5: B. Lao's straight hat alters his hurtbox and makes GP whiff anyway.

I give this quiz a B-.
Your test results are b-. The reason you throw a projectile is because he can't armor even if he was close because he only has 5 % left. Jax can't ground pound mixup lao on knockdown because of ex spin. the fourth question is all about knowing the properties of her teleport, full screen she can't punish your hats with teleport.
You never stated how much hp I had for 1. so I assumed I have 5%.
4. I rather not try to spin the teleport on reaction her teleport is kind of fast i rather block then punish, but in this case roll to low hat is safe on her since she cant punish low hat. I would get in to range to roll on her
One of your answers was to ex teleport grab whiff to get in. If you assumed lao only had 5% why would kabal not just uppercut you?


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
Your test results are b-. The reason you throw a projectile is because he can't armor even if he was close because he only has 5 % left. Jax can't ground pound mixup lao on knockdown because of ex spin. the fourth question is all about knowing the properties of her teleport, full screen she can't punish your hats with teleport.
Jax's overhead smash gives you a free EX GP. It doesn't have to be in the corner.

I was under the impression that the Mileena player would be doing a telekick preemptively, not on reaction to something.

Also, your new username is B-.