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Terminator Genisys trailer


"On your Knees!"
Ok I'm pissed. Its one thing to make a shitty sequel ala Terminator: Salvation, but now they are directly fucking with the classics T1 and 2.

An older Arnold vs a young CGI Arnold...dafuq. Sarah saving Reese. Fuck this movie. Fuck it up its stupid ass.
Yeah I saw that Kyle is the one being saved, rather than doing the saving...


Everything after T2 sucked. They over do the computer graphics and its ultra fake. T2 was more realistic, it had the right amount of computer graphics + real life stunts.


Divekick x 1000
1. They completely ripped off the exact same song Nightcrawler used for their trailer.

2. Terminator hasn't been good since the 2nd one.

3. It's going to be a box-office bomb.

4. Oh sorry, 4. Nightcrawler was fucking awesome. I will bet x amount of dollars this will be shit.