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Tekken Tag Tournament 2 General Discussion


Looks like a portmanteau of Jun and Unknown.
I dont understand what the whole thing of adding Dr B, Sebastion, if they are just clones of existing characters. Is it just so Namco can say "look, our game has 50 characters" when the reality is, it has about 35-40 with the rest just being clones.


I dont understand what the whole thing of adding Dr B, Sebastion, if they are just clones of existing characters. Is it just so Namco can say "look, our game has 50 characters" when the reality is, it has about 35-40 with the rest just being clones.
Fans had been begging for clones, IIRC.

Mostly OG's being dumb saying that Jun and Michelle are much better than their modern counterparts. And people wanted Miharu.

The rest is Namco joking around.


Death is my business
Flagg well i think you could use some Zafina frame data if you understand it it's way easier to get the guessing games / punishes , she's not always at advantage when she enters her stances and you get a guessing game in your favor if she does that , when she enters her low stances ( tarantula is the most evasive one , mantis can be hit by higher mids ) space it out and use your ranged moves , AK has a great answer to that ( 3+4 ) along with his lows d3+2 , King has d/f+1,2 to hit her outta tarantula , simply don't use highs or mids that will whiff.

Nah i don't know that guy , the only italian guys i know that plays on XBL are AlbumeRegna , Xeon and Bobmario but i doubt they play randoms , thing is ya gotta try to enter a group of folks that are at least trying to learn the game lol you can only get worse by playing random ass people who just mash buttons.

THTB A F0xy Grampa wanna help this guy out? It only gets better if you can chat while you're playing trying to break down the game...also try having a printed frame data just to be sure whatever you're testing.

Btw don't be down , Tekken takes time and it's natural coming from 2d fighters not understanding how the game flows , only practice and time will get you better , there's no "trick" to be good at tekken.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
King's parry's are very good. He can't parry a left punch.... thats it.
AK's parry is good as well once you get used to certain setups. "Oh, you are doing jabs into a mid... suck on this"

Honestly... i play as cheap as my opponent. If something is working... I tend to keep going to that well. No reason not to. I think at first I was trying to do stuff to do stuff.....


(Obus) Superman punches and all sorts of fF(x) and fff(x) attacks that have no white streaks/360 tracking properties assigned to them.

Is there a general rule of thumb regarding all these? For example if someone is going for a forward lunging mid with a forward trajectory (no horizontal sweeping motion of limbs or rotation of the character itself) that is hard or impossible to punish on block, can I make them whiff by timing a sidestep into a sidewalk or better yet, by just sidewalking on default when they are at range?
Pretty much yeah. Though the best way to experience or experiment this is go into practice mode, then defensive training, then actions, then select the commands to select the move of the character you want to practice against. There are moves that can be sidestepped, and moves that punished better by sidewalking, and sometimes you need to sidestep cancel to get an even more effective punish. Even the direction you sidestep can effect how you avoid a string. What could be sidestepped to the left may not no be able to be sidestepped to the right due to limb attacking you.

This vid does a very good job showcasing this:
I am having so much trouble learning this game I know I need to improve my defense but things don't seem to work like they do in tutorials. I was expecting this to be like Soulcaliber but the window to sidestep some attacks seem really tight and I keep getting blow up. I will be on at various points during the day most likely in a lobby I create as people usually people end the lobbies I join before I even get to play. I am on Xbox and I will be using my Swatshokatan GT any advice or match up experiance will be greatly appreciated.


I am having so much trouble learning this game I know I need to improve my defense but things don't seem to work like they do in tutorials. I was expecting this to be like Soulcaliber but the window to sidestep some attacks seem really tight and I keep getting blow up. I will be on at various points during the day most likely in a lobby I create as people usually people end the lobbies I join before I even get to play. I am on Xbox and I will be using my Swatshokatan GT any advice or match up experiance will be greatly appreciated.
My stats arent the greatest, ive given up with Lobby and I just do Quick search in Player or Ranked mode.

Add me if you like, im on XBox and use King and A.King.

EDIT: I also find people here more helpful, no one wants to help or give advice on TZ at all. A lot of egos there, people seem to argue over the smallest things.
My stats arent the greatest, ive given up with Lobby and I just do Quick search in Player or Ranked mode.

Add me if you like, im on XBox and use King and A.King.

EDIT: I also find people here more helpful, no one wants to help or give advice on TZ at all. A lot of egos there, people seem to argue over the smallest things.
Ok thanks I will add you once I go back on


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
EDIT: I also find people here more helpful, no one wants to help or give advice on TZ at all. A lot of egos there, people seem to argue over the smallest things.
From what I understand, this is actually a big complaint with Zaibatsu.

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
Demoted from pugilist to duelist to avenger all because of rage quitters, its fucking annoying as shit playing against the online players on this game. Every game I win, nothing happens, every game I lose, I fucking lose. Whats the point?


Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
ranked was fun during the first two weeks or so, but all I mainly do now is play in private rooms. dem boosters and ragequitters...

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
I've got nobody to play, all the (online) UK tekken players on XBL are so far up their own ass they can brush their teeth from behind, despite not actually being that great. All the others that I want to play with have just dissappeared or havent got the game yet.


PSN: Skkra
The best Tekken happens on PSN. Tekken has traditionally been a Playstation game, and all the top players are generally on it.

Zaibatsu is pretty dead for TTT2. Back in T5, it was exploding, lots of good discussion, etc. T6 it was OK, now TTT2 feels dead. The people who have always played Tekken already know how to play, and this game has such a high barrier of entry that most people quickly drop it. The TZ forums right now are generally a lot of new players then a couple of us old heads who are trying to help out (basically the same as this forum, as far as I can tell!). I've been a member there since forever and don't find those forums particularly unwelcoming.

Crathen Skkra , any tips on how to deal with Kunimitsu and Zafina using the Kings? Their small hitboxes make it really hard for these guys to seemingly do anything.
There is no such thing as a "small hitbox" in this game. I assume with Zafina in particular you're talking about her stances, which along with characters like Eddy, Lei and Xaioyu, bring those characters very close to the ground. If Zafina goes into a stance, just use a quick low to knock her out of it. As far as Zafina in generally, most Zafina players will probably try and space you out... with Armor King, you can dance just outside of his d/f+4 range and punish whiffs with f+1+4, which has giant advancing range.


Get staffed bro
I've got nobody to play, all the (online) UK tekken players on XBL are so far up their own ass they can brush their teeth from behind, despite not actually being that great. All the others that I want to play with have just dissappeared or havent got the game yet.
Will you be attending the Tekken force event on Sat? I'd quite like to see an upset by an unknown tbh.


PSN: Skkra
If anyone is around, I should be playing tonight during Monday Night Football, Skkra on PSN. I'll probably be hammered from pre-gaming at bars with my friends beforehand, but that's never stopped me before!


Believe in the hop kick
I hate the Capoeira and other stance characters and I hate the animal characters. But it's all just because I don't know what BS moves they have access to/are gonna pull off and their hit levels.

It brings me great joy to just knock people on their ass of those stupid stances with something as braindead as Heihachi's db2 or wavedash into while rising 1 or Bruce's d4 and wavedash 3.

I decided to pick up Bob as a trolling character. Having a Mishima style wavedash coupled with his other moves makes him an awesome character. For me, he is like the Kano of Tekken, except that he is actually a very good character.


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
>MK players hate stances
>Yoshi's Fubuki stance leads to a 50/50 100/100
>Harada and the rest of Namco's PR ignores people who go on their Twitter and ask for nerfs for the sake of nerfs when they can't be bothered to learn a matchup

Well hot damn, I just leveled up tenfold checking back on this single thread. TYM > TZ.


Believe in the hop kick
after playing people at a tenn tourney all i have to say is fuck lei and his stances........ and when is there gonna be a community tym tag 2 room on psn? it would help people level up and learn diff mus
I tried to add you a while back but you had maxed out on PSN buddies.