Actually I think round robin favors Yomi.
Pokemon battle style can go either way, because in the end it's going to come down to Yomi vs SonicFox anyways. Cr will bank on their savior in the end and hope for him to be able to take us all out.
But round robin favors Yomi because even if SonicFox beats all of Yomi, the rest of Cr is gonna get mopped up pretty good. It's gonna be delicious. Cr isn't going to cut it in a round robin with only Sonic doing all the work
First of all, I don't see why a standard team battle should have altered rules to favour your team. That seems really stupid.
Also, as far as cR getting mopped, that's a joke. SonicFox can mop you, Dragon literally just beat you, Bio recently mopped you at Rumble, Cowboy owns your soul, our last set you beat me by a 2-2 last game last round win despite having a 6-4 MU in your favour, whiteboi's Jason is also super strong and I wouldn't be surprised if he beat you as well.
If I just look at me vs the rest of team YOMI:
DJT: I get mopped
MIT: Haven't played in tournament since June so I dunno how it would go
Slayer: Haven't played in tournament since I beat him at EVO
REO: I'm up like 6-1 on him in tournament in MKX, most recently double eliminated him at DTN
Mike: I mopped him the last few times we met in tournament
Your ego needs a reality check.