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Team Battle at Ultimate Fighting Game Tournament 9: STB vs. GGA


Mid Tier
This will be my last competitive offline tourny.

The Potato will retire from the fun of competition after this event.

I'm a 30 year old dude with 2 kids and 1 on the way, so I have to grow up some time.

I want to thank GGA for doing this team battle with us at what will already be a great tournament.

It will be awesome to play against people that I'm not only fans of but that are already proven top players at this game.

Very much looking forward to this.

Oh and to the STB haters, stay free on your couch worrying about getting a lose for a ranked rage quit,

and if you do get off your couch to play others, grow a set and challenge the best.

I have nothing to lose and only a great experience to gain, so thanks again to GGA, see you guys in a couple weeks!!