EX Ovi should launch
"Tanya (Kobu Jutsu) - 2nd and 3rd hits of Tonfa Swipe will have less block recovery frames the longer you delay the previous attack"this is your problem. the frame data project was out dated the moment the second to last patch came out.
3rd hit EX rekka hasn't been -7 since CEO.
Watch the video dude and listen to my golden smooth voice very closely. Everything in there is the most current and accurate information.
CEO patch notes only mentioned the delayed rekkas getting their recovery frames changed, and i dont play Tanya so this has gone under the radar. To get some level of accuracy are you able to tell me or let me know what time in the video i can find out the frame data for each hit of the rekkas, non delayed?
Currently we have this which is from the pause menu data, with whatever errors have been tested and pointed out to us, so if you know any different please let me know

@GLoRToR - Ive said from the start theres errors and we need to iron them out as people test and learn how bad the pause menu frame data is, if youre gonna come and quote it like fact to people then expect to get blown up because they have probably tested it!