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Tanya buff bug or bad design?


Special Forces Sonya Up-player
When you go from level 1 to level 2, the timer doesn't reset. Making going for level 2 in two stages kinda pointless cos by the time you get it, it's gone. Especially as level 1 buff gives you exactly nothing.


Special Forces Sonya Up-player
Personally, I think it should be up until she uses the teleport
Yeah that'a just a personal want for a buff though. The fact that when it goes from level 1 to level 2 doesn't reset the timer seems like a bug rather than a design choice. I couple times I had level 1 for a like 6 seconds. Then I'm able to get level 2 and it goes away after 1 second. Surely the timer shoukd reset otherwise charging it in stages it pretty useless