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Talking to girls/dating/advice


Good Game :)
I decided to make a thread here on the "off-topic discussion" section to simply hear some of your opinions/thoughts about my case...
Ok so I've had some friends who have told me to never follow your instincts when talking or being around a girl. However, I've been having trouble with that because if I think of something nice to do for a girl should I do it? Isn't that considered an instinct? So my question is how do you know whether it's something she'll appreciate or not? Not sure if this has anything to do with the way I should treat/approach her but she's a very shy one.


Good Game :)
I'm just trying to be as careful as possible, I really want her and I don't want to blow this up...</3


Longtime Lurker
Your friends said never follow your instincts? That's basically saying don't be you, you don't want her to like you for someone you're not, man. Just be yourself and do what you feel is right!
Treat her as if she was only going to be a friend, a close companion. Be respectful and kind. Do not let your emotions get the better of you, and just be calm and collected, or there might be a higher chance of screwing up.

Says the guy who used to have feelings for a certain female during his younger years, and reflects on how he could've better conducted himself.


Regina George of discord
OMG! Well first of all... Do you know her? I mean... Umm... Do you know her since time ago?
OF COURSE that giving cute details is not bad! But of course they must be nice details... Not always a nice detail is a watch, or a ring... A cute detail could be... A dinner (it can be on your house), it can be a big poster with nice things, it can be going with her for an ice cream but always be nice with her. If she is shy... Then be so sweet with her <3 :)
If you know her since time ago you must know what she likes... For example if she likes the flowers you can give her some flowers (it was a dumb example, but well... It was an example)
Be yourself & please try to be clean



PSN: Skkra
I decided to make a thread here on the "off-topic discussion" section to simply hear some of your opinions/thoughts about my case...
Ok so I've had some friends who have told me to never follow your instincts when talking or being around a girl. However, I've been having trouble with that because if I think of something nice to do for a girl should I do it? Isn't that considered an instinct? So my question is how do you know whether it's something she'll appreciate or not? Not sure if this has anything to do with the way I should treat/approach her but she's a very shy one.
Your profile says you're 19. This is a tough time because females at 19 aren't girls anymore, but they're not really women yet, either. Some of em don't really know what they want yet, and are just crazy in general. Hopefully you can spot the crazies and stay away haha. Ah, college. Anyways.

So all of that said, just be yourself. Don't listen to your friends telling you not to follow your instincts. They don't know shit.

There is one thing that applies to women of any age, and that's that they like being treated nice. I've never, ever dated a woman who finds a gesture of kindness towards them unattractive. If you have an idea to do something you think she'll like, do it. Even if it turns out to not be up her alley, she'll definitely appreciate the attention and the fact that you bothered to do it in the first place.

Be yourself. Be nice. And always be honest. If you approach every relationship that way you can never go wrong.


Blue Blurs for Life!
Let me tag Blake "Cunt Destroyer" Whitworth himself.



You realize I have no dating experience, right...?

Still, I'll try for some advice.

booivi - if you do think of something nice to do for a girl, then absolutely do it, but don't overdose on good deeds. Give her plenty of space; you don't want to appear as if you are in need of her, it might make your feelings for her a bit obvious. Take it slow, little by little, and don't rush anything. If she needs support for anything such as stressful life episodes and you notice this, be among the first to lend support to her. Cherish your friendship, you have no need to rush its development along even if there is potential for it to become...something more than that.

You can take advice from others as much as you wish, but ultimately it comes down to you alone to decide what methods work best for you and what doesn't. The only way to know for sure is experimentation - nothing tried, nothing gained. Don't hesitate too much, as you might let some chances slip by, but don't "over-capitalize" on them either. Let it flow naturally.

Again, though, I have no dating experience, so take what I say with a grain of salt. Just be yourself and play your cards in the way that works best for you. Don't force anyone else's hand.


Name isn't Chris, Doesn't have pads
Like Blake said, dont overdose on good deeds!.
And also, if she needs support for anything in her life, support her, but make sure you arent her diary where she tells you all her problems because then you are friendzoned and that shit sucks -_-:mad:


Noob Saibot
Along with getting swoll as Forever King said here are my basic rules for attracting a woman.

1. Get to know her.

Through my experiences with relationships I have only once ever dated a girl that I didn't know for at the very least three months and became close with. Guess what? The one that I just asked out randomly only lasted three weeks. I like to know every intricacy of who they are, what they like in a man, their interests in life, their career goals, the past mistakes they have made (not so much with relationships but in anything in life).

2. The little things count.

When I first start going after a woman, I'm not going to shower them in gifts or compliments. If they like chocolate I will make sure to grab an extra piece if chocolate or a candy bar. See, being in the health care business I meet most of my relationships at work, mostly nurses. They appreciate a piece of candy or a cup of coffee. Find out what they appreciate and like when it comes to the small things in life.

The current woman I am seeing, I started off just chatting with her and becoming friends over the first two months of working with her. When I was doing rounds I would leave a Hershey kiss, Dunkin donuts muffin, or a candy bar at the nurses station for her. She appreciated those small things because I found out after becoming friends with her that her former boyfriend did nothing for her, never took her anywhere, and was a complete douchebag.

So, I made sure that even if it was just a piece of chocolate; she knew I was thinking about her. This is a ton easier when you form some sort of bond with the person.

3. Be yourself and be confident (within reason)

No matter what anybody tells you, women LOVE confidence. However, they don't like that sickening macho bullshit. If your swoll you don't need to act it, you can see it. Be proud of yourself, be proud of who YOU are and don't let her or your friends away that part of you.

4. Show her that you care.

Going along with the theme that the little things matter, showing her that you care for her is the biggest turn on for women.

When I first met my current girlfriend and became friends with her, we would frequently go outside on break and be alone and just bullshit. I knew her history with her boyfriend at the time and that he abused her and choked her. She didn't know that I knew so I used that to my advantage. When I really started getting the itch for her one night, I grabbed her hand, looked into her eyes and said, "Stacey, I know that you are going through a lot, I can just see it in your eyes."

The look that she gave me was the most amazing and emotional look I have ever seen glare from a woman. Her eyes filled up but she didn't cry, she just looked into my eyes and said, "You're such a sweetheart" and laid a kiss on my cheek.

A few days later a very close female friend of mine and hers came up to me and said that she was drooling over me, she left her boyfriend, and wants to be with me. She wanted someone who make her feel loved and cared about.

In conclusion, the most important thing you can do is befriend this woman/girl, get to know her, and then take it from there. Maybe it just works for me because my job/profession is the only time that I get to interact and socialize with females (amazing ratio by the way, if you're a male and get into healthcare; guaranteed to meet a woman), but anytime that I have had a relationship with someone that I befriended, it has always lasted longer and both of us were happy.

It will take time but in the end it will be worth it and I guarantee that both of you will have a stronger bond.

Also, a little bit of Dr. Bore's romance advice, look her in the lips when you talk to her. It stimulates sexual desires in the brain that makes her want you.

Oh, and treat her right if you do get her. I see far too many domestic violence cases where the man beats up their girl and he has a knife rammed in his gut.

Good luck.
Don't bullshit, go for it as soon as you can. Make your intentions known, don't pussyfoot around, get physical, Lol, it's my best advice from MY personal experience or you'll be wanting to kick yourself in the balls when some other nigga hops on your girl, than you'll feel all depressed the whole summer wanting to punch yourself countless times and get drunk every night trying to forget how bad you fucking screwed up and you can't let go but you still talk to that person cuz you still hold out hope.


Name isn't Chris, Doesn't have pads
karried said it best. Dont be a pussy, people will try and hop on her and that shit sucks when they steal her right from you :(
oh and if you are texting her, use the emoji of the ring, its on the last page where all the heart emojis are at. I sent it to this girl yesterday with a message, omg it worked like a charm. :cool:


I'm a literal Sloth
Honestly, just being yourself is probably the best thing. Hasn't gone badly for me at all (girl I'm dating I met at MLG).