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Strategy - Takeda Takeda Variaton Spread


PSN: CaptCarmine
I consider myself a Ronin main, but I really think all of Takadas variations are worth learning, and I'm thinking we could together figure out which variation would be the best match up for different characters,

Like for example b21 in Ronin can't catch the njp of kung jin, but the b21 in the other variations can, so I would think they have a better matchup, can we call together try to come up with which variations has the best match up and when we decide I'll put it in the OP, for the players who want to learn all of Takeda's variations


Wanna order chinese later?
I main SR but have recently picked up ronin as a secondary. I feel like SR does much better vs sub zero than ronin. B1 and B2 can reach past clone from a distance as well as having teleport or air db1 beat any fireball attempts. Kunai has quick recovery and doesnt hit the clone directly. Air Bf4 can also hit sub zero standing under a clone (not crouching).
I also prefer SR against tempest lao. Max range b1 or b2 can hit ex spin without getting launched.

I haven't worked out any mu numbers yet but im working on understanding our variations vs other characters. Anyone care to comment on lashers mu strengths?
I typically use lasher against grandmaster his whips go thru ice closes and his d+f1 is a good move to punish ice clones. Also i use lasher against kotals and i jump back into my air whip into a d+f1 into a special. Its spaces perfectly.
Ronin is good against luikang, jason erron wack


I tried to throw a yo-yo away. It was impossible.
Ya Lasher works very well against Kotal. You seem to have an answer for everything he can do well and you can control the space really well and keep him from getting in.

I think SR is a better match up against grandmaster than lasher. You can maneuver around the clone much better in that variation. I think lasher is still good against him but SR is just better.


I tried to throw a yo-yo away. It was impossible.
Ya Lasher works very well against Kotal. You seem to have an answer for everything he can do well and you can control the space really well and keep him from getting in.

I think SR is a better match up against grandmaster than lasher. You can maneuver around the clone much better in that variation. I think lasher is still good against him but SR is just better.
That is true. But i find that 11 frame d+f1 is really usefull. subs like to toss up that clone and they think they get a free ice ball of slide. well not really because u got a 11 frame low coming thru the clone headed for their shins. Also if they try to jail u in the corner you have a 11 frame d+f1 normal that can break the ice clone.

Also u can jumpin on Clones with those air whips. I have to play more matches tho to decide which is truely better.

but that tele is great for getting around the clones.
Do u use ronin against cryomancer? I think that is the best to use against him because u can bait the low slide by doing your b21xdb1 (with ur plus frames) and when he slides or basically any reversal you get a full combo punish off that f122+4 string.
Believe it or not lasher is good against alot of characters.
raidens superman gets stopped by the whips ao it hard for him to get in.
johnny cages shadow kick gets stoped by those whips
jax players have a hard time getting past the low whip.
with lasher if you can keep you opponent mid screen they dont really stand a chance.