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Tag Team

is there any chance of tag teams in Injustice? the most fun i had in MK9 was in tag team mode and it was something i was hoping for in injustice
my apologies i worded it badly , i have the game and know there is no tag team but i am hoping for it as DLC it is a great game and tag team's would make it that much better imo and i thought it was a normal feature for most fighting games


Likes nerds with big ...
Tag Team in MK9 was truly a beautiful thing. Hours of fun with my friends and family because we are not down for beating each other up. I so desperately hoped it would be in this game (and you'd think it would be considering the cutscenes have the characters fighting together) but alas it is not.


Scary Bat
The game design doesn't really fit tag team as there is no regeneration on damage received, in another games there is the possibility to recover from damage received so long as you don't receive more, so switching out helps. Can't remember if MK9 did it.

If you could tag team who would you main? I'd go for Aquaman/Wonder Woman


Waiting for Havik
Yeah, a lot of people were suggesting tag team battles between heroes and villains, but as far as I know NRS has told nothing about Tag options, so...


The game design doesn't really fit tag team as there is no regeneration on damage received, in another games there is the possibility to recover from damage received so long as you don't receive more, so switching out helps. Can't remember if MK9 did it.

If you could tag team who would you main? I'd go for Aquaman/Wonder Woman
No health recovery in MK9.



Why resist tag? You don't have to play it if it doesn't float your boat, but lots of us enjoyed the cooperative experience in MK9. It allows the game to become a casual experience, giving an opportunity for regular players to invite their friends to play without just beating their heads in over and over. The exclusion of tag is one of the very few complaints I have.



Plus on block.
I just love the idea of using more than one main and coming up with combos for them.

I think it would make a great DLC.


Anybody knows if this was going to be part of Injustice?

Was it scrapped due to this being a new ip and maybe NRS wanted to gauge success of franchise first before pouring effort into said modes?

Personally, I wish it was in. I love this mode - maybe in part 2?


Play Monster Hunter!
IT was announced as a 1v1 fighter from the start.

I think since they focused on the Stage interactions so heavily, adding on top of that a tag mode would just over complicate the game. (for the casual crowd)


IT was announced as a 1v1 fighter from the start.

I think since they focused on the Stage interactions so heavily, adding on top of that a tag mode would just over complicate the game. (for the casual crowd)
This makes sense, I can see this as the philosophy during the design and implementation phase.
I never knew Tag Team Mode was considered to complex for the casual crowd - learned something new here.