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Switching From A Xbox360 Controller to PS3

I assume I can setup the button layouts to be the same. Just wondering if there is anything I should watch out for when playing on a Ps3 controller coming from an Xbox controller.
Not really controller related, but I was watching some tourney vids (don't remember which), and one of the announcers said the X-rays on PS3 have a slight lag on startup compared to the 360. I don't know if it's true or not.
Not really controller related, but I was watching some tourney vids (don't remember which), and one of the announcers said the X-rays on PS3 have a slight lag on startup compared to the 360. I don't know if it's true or not.
If someone can confirm this I would appreciate it. I like to punish projectiles with my Xray and this would cause serious problems if they had a chance to block it because of this.
don't try to hold it like some people hold the 360 one with the index and middle on the bumper and trigger, just use your index finger to hit R2 otherwise it will probably feel really weird.

other than that...if you've played videogames before you really shouldn't have any issues. Oh and get ready to wear down the d-pad a bit before you really start to get smooth with it, the stock texture can be kind of rough initially. I had come pretty close to blisters for the first month of playing this game, as I hadn't ever had a use for the d-pad for the games I played.
I have noticed on several occasions extreme slow-downs on start up and during the X-ray. Sometimes there's audio desynchronization.
you realize he said xbox 360 controller to ps3? not systems
I didn't think there was any difference in the games through the systems that's why I put controller. Any information is helpful though. Since the Xbox isn't really used during tournament play I need to learn every little difference I can between the systems and controllers.