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Superman Reset Options


Superman has some pretty good options once MB Breath hits.

Once MB Breath hits instead of finishing the combo ill do a Ji2, 11~trait. It seems Superman has a lot of adv here. I either do a F23 with trait activated. It seems if you let go of block, down poke the F2 will hit and you can hit-confirm into a combo. If the opponent is holding block it gives you a chance to throw and the throw is 15% when Trait is activated. And with throw damage added its usually more damage total than what it would be if you finished the combo.
Honestly Im not sure what you mean and your thoughts seem half here which is why I dont think anyone has posted yet. Using his current BnB from the combo thread, are you saying to use F23, F2~MB Breath, [RESET]Ji2, 11~trait[RESET] 24% then attempt to land a follow up f23 or throw? A throw would give you 39% and assuming you have at least 1 bar of meter left you could get up to 72% if his BnB hits. That would be incredible damage.


Cassie Cage <3
Honestly Im not sure what you mean and your thoughts seem half here which is why I dont think anyone has posted yet. Using his current BnB from the combo thread, are you saying to use F23, F2~MB Breath, [RESET]Ji2, 11~trait[RESET] 24% then attempt to land a follow up f23 or throw? A throw would give you 39% and assuming you have at least 1 bar of meter left you could get up to 72% if his BnB hits. That would be incredible damage.
He's saying once you do the MB freeze you can do a J2, 11 TRAIT to leave them standing and in a frame advantage. This means they can't use a wake up attack and now you have them at negative frames with your trait active. So basically they have to play the 50/50 game on your next move or they will eat a full trait damage comb. It is a really good strategy if the frame data is correct, I haven't tested it yet.
Recovery frames on Trait are 21 and hit advantage on 11 is 15. That gives 6 frames right? Hmm.. Has anyone done any offline frame data testing? It seems pretty legit. I think training mode/frame data is possibly bugged/off so I wouldnt take anything as 100% accurate yet.


Would you say going for the reset option is only worthwhile with two bars of meter since supes can top 40-47% with just 1?


The Free Meter Police
Recovery frames on Trait are 21 and hit advantage on 11 is 15. That gives 6 frames right? Hmm.. Has anyone done any offline frame data testing? It seems pretty legit. I think training mode/frame data is possibly bugged/off so I wouldnt take anything as 100% accurate yet.


Would you say going for the reset option is only worthwhile with two bars of meter since supes can top 40-47% with just 1?
That would be assuming cancel advantage doesn't exist which may be the case. Anyone know for sure?

In mk your advantage after specials linked from normals depended on the cancel advantage of the normal you canceled from.


You don't need somber to verify this... I've posted this before but it just went over everyone's heads, f2, 11, and111 are positive on BLOCK when canceling into trait which leads to some very juicy mixups.. So canceling strings into trait on hit is veryyy advantageous. One of my fav mixups is f23 mb breath ji2 f2 trait . F2d1 mb breath etc..


This tech is really good. Yeah you lose damage by ending the combo early but you make it up with a throw when the trait is on and if they let go of block you get a free combo. Its a pretty decent mix up. Just another option to throw out.
Took me a minute but hell yes this is actually good stuff. I would still like to know accurately what cancelling into trait is when on block as Ive had my friend poke me out of it, which could just be online.

Anyways.. What are y'alls thoughts on 223 afterward the reset? Eventually players are going to level up and realize they have to block the reset option. 223 is overhead launcher and 22,Low Sccop is low combo starter.

Here are some numbers..
F23 starter- 26% [can get it to 27% but execution is not worth it]
223 starter - 29%

Followed by 223 Low/OH mixup

223 launch = 53%
22,Low Scoop = 46%

This doesnt take into effect the chip you'll get from 22 but that is marginal at best. Thats some sick damage 70+ each time if you catch them with a 50/50.


I am the Protector of Russia's Skies!
You got throw/111/22/223/F23/F2D1
If they block go breath or swoop. If you hit show them they dun messed up.


I get this is good tech but I can't let good Information spread without some downplaying.

Supermans 50/50 game is not good at all. His low scoop is hella negative and the overhead u can see a mile away. Just block low and fuzzy guard the overhead which is really easy and full combo a blocked low scoop


I am the Protector of Russia's Skies!
In terms of mixups I think you're better off going for a throw or a string ending with breath or MB breath so you at least don't get punished.


I am the Protector of Russia's Skies!
You most likely can backdash the throw attempt if you dash at the right time, but as DnH said just condition them to not do anything for fear of getting smacked.


Lex Flex
Playin' Supes for a bit today

Found he gets great options after F23>J2>F23>F2>Scoop 22% [tried Midscreen]
After the scoop you've got lots of options
more Damage, jump. Air dash forward back, D3,

If they roll supes follows up to continue pressure, if no roll same also
Can also jump at a timing that makes their reversal come out the wrong way

Can even D3 if you wanna eliminate possiblity of roll
Seems pretty damn good

Set Dummy to roll mode, [People mad for rolling] and try the following E.gs

Rolling e.gs
F23>J2>F23>F2>Scoop Neutral Jump FDash 3 (2 works also)
F23>J2>F23>F2>Scoop Forward Jump FDash 3 [Cross up] (2 works also)

Note if you air dash too early from the Jumps peak after scoop it'll mess up and they may roll the opposite direction

F23>J2>F23>F2>Scoop Neutral Jump FDash 3

If you perform this one and air dash at the mid height of your jump you will cross them up if they don't roll or hit them in the front if they do roll leading to 45% MB combo or <40% Meterless

Give it a shot


My eyes! The goggles do nothing!
You lose too much dmg off of the standard BNB, however, I think a good use off of it is naked/armored B3.

B3 J3 22 scoop 11 MB Freeze J2 11 (optional trait). This is roughly 35% and you're +15 and standing right next to them.. they have to respect F23 breath, leaving them open for a throw or continued pressure. It will also catch people off guard the first time they see it, and give you an easy hit confirm into another combo.


PSN: KomboDrop
F23/223/22scoop, trait optional, f23, super breath mb, jump forward, air dash, criss up ji2, reset: and here are the options I use:
1) 223, f23, super breath mb, reset:
2) 22scoop, f23, super breath mb, reset:
3) f2scoop, f23, super breath mb, reset:
4) scoop, f23, super breath mb, reset:
With enough meter you can one shot your opponent, depending on how they guess.
I'm not at all pro, but if I get the right opening this can change the flow of the game to my advantage.