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Breakthrough Superman 100% corner reset 1 meter


-Ok guys, first off, first time doing this here, so don't know if this exist or if prefix is right and quite frankly idc, just trying to provide useful info-

This video I made is the ideal scenario(sorry for the quality, best I could do with what I have)
The first combo is 51%, the reset combo is 49% which = 100%

I was too lazy to upload other scenarios but I will give a verbal explanation to each.
Scenario 1- This is the ideal one as shown on the video up there:
223, 3~Trait, 3~MB Super Breath, Heat Zap, f2d13~[f3, 3~Heat Zap,f2d1 x2, 3~Low Scoop, 3~Super Breath]
Note: the f3 crosses up if timed correctly which causes that wonky swap and keep him cornered.

Scenario 2- You decide to not cross up and delay f3 a little, this will lead to a traited f3 with a optimal follow up combo.
Note: the combo after reset will lead to about 39% without meter.

Scenario 3- You are up against a wake up attack spammer, during the reset situation you can utilize the recently discovered Option Select(http://testyourmight.com/threads/new-groundbreaking-tech-for-the-injustice-metagame-by-doubleperfect.33164/).
Note: I personally go for 3[whiff]~low scoop, leads to a nice BnB.

Scenario 4- You whiff f3 for the reset...and you get happily punished :}.
Note: To prevent this scenario...hit the lab, don't blame me please.

Bonus info: you can end with f2d13 with most combos in the corner and dash forward soon after to swap sides if you haven't automatically and apply any scenario up there.
Note: you can practice this by doing f2d13 on its own in the corner and dash forward and go for the f3, it crosses up the same.

-More sodium provided to Superman's victims-


Goro Lives 
Who hasn't? would just rather have you comment about the thread and not some random thing, thank you.

-yes I am butthurt-
I was giving you props jokingly. Superman is already a Top 5 character with crazy damage. Finding a reset for him at this point just adds to the hilarity of his prowress.


It's amore, BABY.
Already did this in tourney at the break, on stream, over a week ago.

The "discoveries"!


Already did this in tourney at the break, on stream, over a week ago.

The "discoveries"!
I stated in the first comment that I wasn't aware of this strategy in TYM, for all I know some kid in a village "discovered" this first, I honestly don't care who takes the credit, point is it has been made public.

Instead of seeking appreciation how about you post about "your discovery" and not bash those that have.

-Sharing is Caring-


Old English Fighter
Nice find on the cross up F3. Timing is very strict to get that to happen though.

In case you didn't know, since the patch you can get more dmg by dropping the F2D1 in combos. Although I realise keeping them in does help with timing of the 3 xx scoop.


Nice find on the cross up F3. Timing is very strict to get that to happen though.

In case you didn't know, since the patch you can get more dmg by dropping the F2D1 in combos. Although I realise keeping them in does help with timing of the 3 xx scoop.
I am aware utilizing F2D1 in combos isn't optimal, but as you stated yourself, consistency is better than dropping combos for the extra damage. I used F2D1 in my footage and got to 100% dmg with the reset...don't think you need more dmg.
After the f3 you can do 3, HZ, f2, scoop, 3, Breath to still get 49% damage. This is easier to do execution wise, and you still end up with 100% damage.

This reset however doesn't work on bigger characters like Grundy, Lex, Bane, or Doomsday.


Intelligence + Speed + Power
Easy 53% F3 corner combo for this reset:

F3, 3~zap, 3~MB Breath, Zap, 11, 111 xx scoop, 3 breath

Nice setup btw, I'm definitely going to be incorporating this into my game. Recently, I managed to get F3 to cross-up midscreen after doing B3, F3 (anti clash) and dashing up after the F3 hard knockdown. Been trying to recreate it to no avail.


Name isn't Chris, Doesn't have pads
So iv'e been trying this and for some reason the mb breath won't connect after the 3.trait. Is it strict on timing?


Intelligence + Speed + Power
There is no need to extend the damage if they get caught by the reset. No need for MB either, it's a 100% damage gimmick.
haha you're right. It was super late when I posted that, wasn't thinking it it through. Though, it is the optimized overhead combo, so it's good to go if you hit F3 outside of the reset.


Intelligence + Speed + Power
Also found another setup to get the cross-up, in case you don't have meter for the [MB] Breath. If you build a stock of meter during this you can 100% them with the combo I posted earlier, because your trait is still active during the overhead combo.

223, 3~trait, 11, F2D13, cross-up: F3, 3~zap, 3~MB Breath, Zap, 11, 111 xx scoop, 3 breath

There are also two setups I found that allow you to perform cross-up F3 after a hard knockdown midscreen, this is good tech Apoc.


Twitter: @xxQUANTUM
wow....just when I thought I could resurface, I'm going under again to hit the lab....gotta catch up, lol
if superman wan't op enough he has a 100% combo to boot nice job nether realms you make the most op character in comic history have a super that is pretty crappy but you give him annoying things in every place else lol


Intelligence + Speed + Power
In what strange world is a 2 frame full screen super crappy? It's the fastest move in the entire game lol
visual wise visual wise even hawkgirls looks better just my opinion i forgot to mention the visual side is crappy the actually stats is crappy to anyone who verses him lol