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Stuff we need to do in the Scorp forums.


This is what Ideally I would like to see added in the next while.

Matchup threads for scorp vs each char.

A list of strings that can be interrupted with Ex Spear

A thread on how to condition your opponent with scorpion

b2 needs to be explored more... It has some really fuckin weird properties to it..

I'm gonna start on some of this stuff but to all my fellow scorp mains feel free to contribute. Lets give the scorp forums some life.
Ohh ok. Was just a little confused when I saw you back in the Scorp forums lol. Best of luck to you and the rest of the Scorp mains with getting the cogwheels turning again.


MU threads would be cool. I think Pig made a thread a long time ago about interruptable strings, although I think there are some strings where EX Spear just goes right through the opponent. Not sure what else there is to talk about B2.