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Stuck on shao kahn in story

I have to beat him as Liu Kang and I blow as him, any tips at all would really help.

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With Raiden you can just keep teleporting his moves and punishing them.

Vs non-boss characters you can pretty much crouch block most of the time and uppercut when the time is right.


opps, for some reason I read that as "I beat him as liu kang"

I guess you could cross him up a lot with the jump punches


The easiest way to beat him is go as far as you can and spam low fireball. Also, occasionally catch him with flying kick. This worked great for me.

Tim Static

The easiest way to beat him is go as far as you can and spam low fireball. Also, occasionally catch him with flying kick. This worked great for me.
Yup, spam that damn Low FB, mix in a high here and there.

btw, at this point, Kahn is a girlie bitch compared to the bullshit you see at the end vs Thunda Gawd.


b+3,1,2, dash, rinse/repeat x2, flying kick... use as a punisher when he taunts mid screen or closer

when he's far, use flying kick...

when he uses the spear from range, flying kick after ducking it

jump the hammer toss

stay out of the corner

don't rush him down... his moves have super armor...


I just used an unending mix of jump kicks, bicycle kicks (lots), and low fireballs. Stay out of the corner, and don't be afraid to pressure him on wake up. :)


teleports are your friend!!! stay at range, wait for anything he does, teleport behind him and combo the snot out of him...
I did this and it works SO BEAUTIFULLY.

Just teleport and do 1,2,1,2 jump away. wash rinse repeat and you are gold.


Both fights were pretty easy because you can use the same tactic the entire match to win. It's just a matter of finding that tactic.

As many have already stated, as Liu just spam low fireball from max range. As Raiden, wait for a projectile, teleport and punish. I used 1,2,1, shock, superman for about 11% damage and that was plenty.