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Stress Test Kombos


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Hello, everyone, it's time for the MK1 Stress Test!!! Please use this thread to post whatever kombos you come up with so other users can try them out. This thread will likely be deleted after the stress test.


Trying to lab with Sub Zero, my current mid screen BnB is:

1,2,df+4(ex) .. b2, air 1,2 .. 2,1, bf+3

314dmg with 1 bar. I like doing dive kick (db+4) after the aerial 1,2 but the timing can be difficult to confirm into the finisher.

Sorry if my translation is sloppy, I don’t post combos lol
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Deleted member 59910


Regular Stance and Sonya as Kameo
(I'm typing the F22 as starter because of damage, but you can use the S14 [low and fastest] or S21 too)
F22, BAssist, F222 (246)
F22, BF3, SAssist, F22, BF3 (265.30)
F22, EX DB2 close, F22, BF2 (281.83)
F22, EX DB2 close, J3, SAssist, S4, BF2 (340.73)

Sento Stance with spirit
F221, Spirit 1, F22, spirit 1, S4, DB4 (384.54)
Spirit 2, Kenshi F221, Spirit 1, J112 (holding F to make the spirit walk forward), spirit 1, S4, DB4 (405.53) Hard, but rewarding :p

I'm now trying to learn some Sento Stance combos but without using the spirit.
PS: The game is amazing! Imo better thant MK11 no doubt. The dash is horrible. MK11 dash is horrible too, but the dash in MK1 doesn't match the other mechanics that make the game fluid. Everything is so smooth until I have to dash...


Mid-match beer sipper
Sub punish mid-screen BnB

f12~exdf4, b2, air 2,2~db4, s4~bf3 for 323

Sub punish corner BnB

f12~exdf4, b2, b2, f12db1, s4~bf3 for 353


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Mid-match beer sipper
FYI: If you're using Sub and need to convert on a punish but you don't have the meter for an ex df4, Sonya is a great option for kameo. F12~back+RB/R1 (leg grab). You can't connect a jump punch or a b2 after the launch, I've tried a thousand times. But you CAN delay a bit after the launch and them with a f12 into slide. If you're really tight with it, you can get an instant air dive kick into f12/21 slide

I didn't have the chance to explore Fatal Blow combos much last night, but tonight I got into some trouble. They still hit like a truck, not much scaling

I did! Got the affirmation I needed from you and a few other knowledgeable users on here that it would run alright, pulled the trigger :)
Glad to hear it! If I recall correctly this is your first time in the Xbox ecosystem, at least in the last 2 generations. I'd be curious to hear your impressions about it so far.