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Street Fighter II - HSFII / ST players?

Recently I've been moving from MK to SF2, but unfortunately it seems that most of the SF community has moved on to 3rd strike, HDR or SFIV (which, in my opinion, are way inferior compared to SF2). A couple of years ago HSF2 and Super Turbo were still being played a lot even by famous pro players, and since the SF community is so big, there have to be people around that still play HSF2/ST... I'm just having trouble finding any communities or message boards for this. Any players here that can give me some directions? Malario has been kind enough to play some HSF2 with me, even though he's mainly into MK1 (in which he is a fabulous player - challenge him if you dare ;), and I have gotten one other person to actively play SF with me every day, but we need to find more opponents for practice... any help is appreciated!

For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me... it was Tuesday.
Thanks for replying.

I checked the forums, and unfortunately there was hardly any talk regarding these games to be found. I'm sure, however, that I can find some people if I start a thread there or something. First I need to check out what this GGPO thing is, though...


SF2 has really been passed by time..

3rd Strike is a superior game by far, so it's understandable that people moved on.

I think you're a little late for SF2 dude.
X820 said:
I think you're a little late for SF2 dude.
I already acknowledged this in the original post, and yours was exactly the kind of reply that I was NOT looking for with this thread.

Anyway, I just installed GGPO and it seems to harbour some Super Turbo players, so thanks to Davey_8000 for pointing me to that direction. I guess that it's up to Santa to get me an arcade stick. :)