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Street Fighter 3: 4th Strike Was On the Table Instead of Street Fighter 4

Tim Static

(taken from SRK.com)

According to an article found on The Paul Gale Network, Capcom was considering a fourth installment of the Street Fighter 3 series for completion and release in 2009, instead of the Street Fighter 4 that we ended up with. Why? Capcom felt they already had a story going and set of characters that meshed well together. So, would this 4th Strike be 2d or 3d?

"The decision was leaning towards going with 3D graphics from the start, but there was talk of it sticking to 2D drawn artwork like past titles in the series, but also the possibility of going complete 3D…movement and all. Capcom ultimately decided to relaunch and just give the fans what they really wanted: Street Fighter 4 and go with 3D visuals to attract today’s modern gamer, but maintain that classic gameplay from the SF2 series, which was loads more popular amongst the mainstream crowd than SF3."

Interesting stuff. Check out the rest of the article for more.


Good call, in my opinion. The characters in SF3 have never been as popular. Good fighting engine and game though.


SF3 definitely has better gameplay then 4 but the SF2 style gameplay and characters are more popular, they made the right choice. Now gotta wait for SF3 OE