Get over here!
Poor Kano.Hi Kano.![]()

Poor Kano.Hi Kano.![]()
I agree w all thisI criticize NRS more than anyone else on this website for unjustly nerfing characters. Besides, I know what nerfs feel like. Remember that Kano was my first main character in MK before he was bombarded by unnecessary nerfs.
Even if Batgirl is the Smoke of Injustice, I can be objective and state that Injustice is still the better game overall. Why? No input bug. No meter drain glitches. No stupid blocking mechanics.
I understand that Sinestro was nerfed while others were left untouched. I definitely support reasonable buffs in the next patch.
Balance is not impossible. It is just difficult. :16Bitbalance is impossible. look at star craft 2 yo, Its quite unbalanced.
those guys are in so much denial on the games being unbalanced. But thats three teams opposed to 24, much easier to over come MU and strategies so it makes sense.
maybe if we only had 3 choices, oh wait ... we done fucked that up to -.-
They were working on Injustice at the time.So.. testers like Reo and Tom Brady say that it was 2 years of Kabal's domination in MK9 and NRS didn't give a .... about it. Why should we expect balance in Injustice after that then?
They tried to correct as much as they could before they pulled the plug on patching.So.. testers like Reo and Tom Brady say that it was 2 years of Kabal's domination in MK9 and NRS didn't give a .... about it. Why should we expect balance in Injustice after that then?
Pig Of The Hut empirically disproves this. I've seen this argument a lot recently, but it's a non-sequitur (or maybe a straw man... not really sure, but it's a logical fallacy) argument because perception of balance and difficulty have literally nothing to do with each other. I think the gap between the good and the bad is much bigger in this game than in MK9.Most people who complain about the imbalance of this game have trouble because it is something new and have trouble adapting. Had injustice been released before mk people would be complaining about mk
Also, as my own response, here's a list of characters that have been top 8 at a major in the last year: 1) kabal, 2) kenshi, 3) kun lao, 4) cyrax, 5) kitana, 6) cage, 7) jax, 8) smoke, 8) skarlet, 8) sheeva, 8) kano(? BlackBryan were you top 8 at WB?), 8)sub zero, 8) scorpion, 8) kang, 8) sonya, 8) freddy, 8) sektor, 8) Reptile, 8) shang, 8) mileena. Oh you're right, only 8 characters... dumbass.pig of the hut is quite funny calling this game unbalanced when he played a brain dead character in kenshi.
this game is far more balanced than mk9 ever was i mean only 8 characters were being used for over a 2 year period.
any character in this game has the tools to win deal with it.
and it's these types of responses that keep me coming back to the injustice forums, lolfixed.
Because people were too busy bitching and being butthurt about Kano and upball than got raped for 2 years by Kabal and Kenshi, than wonder why, NRS hasn't fixed it. They don't have infinite resources.So.. testers like Reo and Tom Brady say that it was 2 years of Kabal's domination in MK9 and NRS didn't give a .... about it. Why should we expect balance in Injustice after that then?
Marvel 2 took at least twice the amount of skill as MK9 and Injustice doesInjustice being imbalanced is good for the game (and I'm not talking about the characters). It's hype.
Look at UMVC3. It's glitchy and broken as fuck, yet it's still stronk. Stream monsters want to see broken, flashy stuff. Let them.
The MK9 community needs to stop bitching and level up instead. Once again, look at MVC2, one of the most broken games out there, where Magneto / Storm / Sentinel prevails, yet the game had a 10 years life cycle and was mad hype.
This is not a problem. It is simply a factor of that character's relative balance. Bursts in Blazblue work the same way, with zoning characters technically gaining more advantage from the full screen positioning. Just because it's a system mechanic doesn't mean that every character finds each mechanic exactly identically useful.Sorry, but when i cant even clash with "tournament viable character" grundy because it'll leave me full screen and whatever health i got back i'm just going to lose (and then some) getting back in, this time without meter that i so desperately need, then there's a problem.
This is not a problem... don't do the B3. Positioning dependent or corner only combos exist in every game, and this is simply a different manifestation of it.When you cant b3 because the level transition does less damage than your combo and screws you out of the work you did to put them in the corner, there's a problem.
I play Harley and her trait is utter crap, but not every button for every character will be useful in any given game. Buffing them isn't an emergency balance requirement if what a character does have is still good.When certain characters' traits are wasted buttons and other traits are game changing, there's a problem.
This is not a problem. Learn to block. Cross-ups are not SFIV unblockables, they ARE reactable if you correctly identify the positioning or setup they're used in.When most crossups are completely ambiguous (thus it's not a skill to block correctly, it's just guessing right), there's a problem.
Which is why i am a member of a Don't Touch Deathstroke Club.Because people were too busy bitching and being butthurt about Kano and upball than got raped for 2 years by Kabal and Kenshi, than wonder why, NRS hasn't fixed it. They don't have infinite resources.
to clear things up i ws only agreeing that injustice is more balanced than mk. every fg will have its own issuesPig Of The Hut empirically disproves this. I've seen this argument a lot recently, but it's a non-sequitur (or maybe a straw man... not really sure, but it's a logical fallacy) argument because perception of balance and difficulty have literally nothing to do with each other. I think the gap between the good and the bad is much bigger in this game than in MK9.
Sorry, but when i cant even clash with "tournament viable character" grundy because it'll leave me full screen and whatever health i got back i'm just going to lose (and then some) getting back in, this time without meter that i so desperately need, then there's a problem. When negative edge is still on with RC off, there's a problem, when i finish your first health bar with d1 and you turn into rubber and bounce full screen before rd2 there's a problem. When there's characters who are + on all of their strings on block and still have exceptionally good zoning (looking at you nightwing, pushblock doesnt matter because his projectiles are plus 20 on block, wtf) there's a problem. when interactables get in the wat of the camera or freeze your character completely, there's a problem. When you cant b3 because the level transition does less damage than your combo and screws you out of the work you did to put them in the corner, there's a problem. When certain characters' traits are wasted buttons and other traits are game changing, there's a problem. When most crossups are completely ambiguous (thus it's not a skill to block correctly, it's just guessing right), there's a problem.
Ok, so MK9 has meter drain (dont know for sure if that's out of inj), input bug (correct me if i'm wrong, but that's already been confirmed to be in inj, right), and a ton of 6-4 matchups... so? that's 3 problems. calling them major would be an overreaction because there's such specific circumstances and the yomi game in mk is fleshed out enough that bad matchups can be overcome and it's common knowledge for how to do so. Injustice at this point has way more bugs and problems than mk at this point.
Also Pig Of The Hut, i was sorta hoping that you would respond to this idiot, but i guess not all dreams come true, lol:
Also, as my own response, here's a list of characters that have been top 8 at a major in the last year: 1) kabal, 2) kenshi, 3) kun lao, 4) cyrax, 5) kitana, 6) cage, 7) jax, 8) smoke, 8) skarlet, 8) sheeva, 8) kano(? BlackBryan were you top 8 at WB?), 8)sub zero, 8) scorpion, 8) kang, 8) sonya, 8) freddy, 8) sektor, 8) Reptile, 8) shang, 8) mileena. Oh you're right, only 8 characters... dumbass.
and it's these types of responses that keep me coming back to the injustice forums, lol
Uhh...someone hasn't played SFIV. XDWhen most crossups are completely ambiguous (thus it's not a skill to block correctly, it's just guessing right), there's a problem.
You can add a tournament win for Killer Frost as I won Salt Fest 2013 last weekend with her. It wasn't just a local, there were people from Team Hazmat, Colorado, Justin Wong, and Alex Jebailey.Judge by yourself.
*USA tournaments (as of today).
**Will update the number of times each character has appeared in top 8
Character-------Number of Tournament wins ----------Has been seen in top 8?
Killer Frost --------------------(0)----------------------------------------------------Yes
Are you seriously asking the fighting game to let you sit around, block all day, and be untouchable without any risk whatsoever?When most crossups are completely ambiguous (thus it's not a skill to block correctly, it's just guessing right), there's a problem.