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Stock Exchange IV: opening bell is at 9:30 am

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Which is precisely why I could not care less what character wins a tournament from this point on. All of this "nerfed Deathstroke" has placed high hoopla has now become invalid and meaningless. Green Arrow just won a major. Everyone can forever hold that.
You can forever hold that your "unbeatable " partner in crime got 17th and although u let him win ect on purpose by notclashing twice but splitting the pot at ECT your champ lost and u can forever hold that
That's what CD Jr said the night before EVO top 8.
if he plays me or DJT, just rest assured, we will handle him :). And our stock should be neutral bcuz we did well in the games we could play haha, but I respect it. Don't worry, when evo comes, I will unleash my wrath on ppl in both games. Denzell would've got top 8 in mk9, but hey mistakes happen.

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
By popular demand...character stock.

Green Arrow: Stock up. I am not exactly sure why NY is taunting midwest about Green Arrow/Chris G winning UFGT, as if it's this huge embarrassing blowup when Chris just placed top 3 at ECT. Regardless, a strong showing for the emerald archer.

Superman: Stock down. Where was he in the top 8? Soonkerman got bodied by Art and Tyrant is now emo and playing Grundy. Is the f+2,3~breath era over? Was Death right all along?

Aquaman: Stock neutral. Tom got bodied but Dizzy did pretty well, placing 7th and showing off cheap OTG tech. However in the end he was beaten by a wave in Atlantis. I've tried to make the case for the water interactable healing Arthur but no one at NRS agreed.

Deathstroke: Stock up. Slips places top 4 and along with Aris pretty much puts the nail in the coffin of anyone taking M2Dave seriously. Apparently' Deathstroke actually had tools outside guns all along.

Ares: Stock up. Juggs on blast almost as much as Dave when Alucard beats Tom, Pig and Jeremiah. This is another character that Slips and I have said is good but no one listened. Only a fool would downplay the god of war. Shout outs to Alucard for actually thanking Paulo for the buffs after eliminating Tom.

Doomsday: Stock down. Doomy fails to place top 8. What's a poor monster supposed to do in a nerfed body splash world? d+1~earthshake, supernova and 24/7 body splashes are no longer getting Doomsday free wins. I have a feeling it'll work out in the end though.

Shazam: Stock up. Chicago's own Heroic Legacy comes out of no where and eliminates M2dave and gives Pig a run for his money in the top 32. The Atlus Torpedo crossup tech is the cheapest use of a Psycho Crusher I've seen since CE Bison that year EVO used Hyper SF II.

Sinestro: Stock up. I thought this character was dead before he had a chance to live? Apparently Pig is so competitive and must be the best at everything he was trying to outdo Death and the Smoke community when he spammed TYM with Sinestro downplay for the past month.

Killer Frost: Stock down. Speaking of the porkman, according to him Killer Frost is now apparently the most broke character in the history of fighting games, surpassing Eyedol, Ivan Ooze and ST Akuma in brokeness. Unfortunately when it came time to actually deliver in tournament she got her back blown out by flying drones.

Johnny Cage: Stock neutral. Once again Dizzy has won a major with Johnny Cage. Will he ever stop pretending Cage is like 20th on the tier list and loses to anyone with a fireball? You'd think this would be a shoe in for stock up but stock is also slightly down due to Tommy running to his shite Cage when King beat his Smoke with Kung Lao.

Kabal: Stock down. REO stayed home and Detroit has apparently died again so the only Kabals at the tournament were Carl who's Kabal is mysteriously so free he can't beat Quan Chi and Soonk who got bodied by Carl's KL, which GGA suspects was on purpose so he can continue to push his talking point that KL is a bad MU for Kabal and somehow that means Kabal isn't broke.

Kung Lao: Stock up. Used well as always by King and Carl but it was Dizzy and MIT's pocket KL's that made the most noise. The Shaolin Monk gave Dizzy a few games leeway to download King and give him the ability to overcome the Cage vs. Kenshi MU.

Kitana: stock neutral. As always a solid tournament character in the top 8 but free to Kenshi.

Sonya: stock up. MIT debuts his new Sonya with an impressive win over PL and a 4th place finish. Suffered the meter drain glitch in the winners semis match with Dizzy but I have no sympathy and consider meter drain glitch to be a tax for having such a retarded armor move.


My eyes! The goggles do nothing!
GGA 16 Bit
Perfect Legend

Perfect Legend: Stock up. With the release of scorpion, PL was given his main character in injustice. PL can proceed to jump and teleport around like a mad man with a high risk high reward character and blow everyone up.

PL wins evo with scorpion confirmed

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Stock Up:

Perfect Legend

Pig of the hut

As you recall they trained for evo together last year in Mortal Kombat and ended up in Winners Finals together w PL winning it handedly in GFs and they have started back hard core this year for both games.