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starting to workout, need help for the top tiers.


Scrub God Lord
I will start to workout in the following days, I could really use some advice from the TYM top tiers.
am 6 feet tall, weight close to the 200 pounds.
Am what is known as skinny fat.
My main goal is to lose some fat, gain muscle, abs and so on.
am not really going for the super big guy look.
any tips regarding what I should start with recommended protein shakes, how long and often I need to be working out are more than welcome.
@Decay II @Rico Suave @flipkev @any1ThatHasUsefulInformation

Johnny San

Shazzy's Biggest Fan
I was also in a similar boat a few months ago. 6ft at 180 something. Wanted to shed some of the fat. Didn't want to go full roid mode.

It all starts with what you eat. You don't need to have some mega meal plan. Just eat healthy. Twice a day. You shouldn't eat more than you burn. Workouts vary. I'm on a simple plan which works for me. An hour everyday. Half an hour running. Half an hour strength training. Already looking pretty tone.

I recommend reading the sticky on the /fit/ board on 4chan. The board is pretty helpful as well so don't be afraid to ask questions.



Noob Saibot
Sledgehammer workout is one of the best overall strength and conditioning routine you can do. Look up some videos on youtube and start with that.

Also, balance weights and cardio. If your goal is to lose weight, the best thing you can do is build muscle.

Start with 3 sets of 15 reps at a lighter weight that still gives you a challenge. Build up to heavier weight over the course of a month or two and keep adding weight and lowering rep count to build muscle.

Proper form is key. If you're lifting or even doing situps and you half ass the form, you might as well not even do it, because your results won't be as great. Lighter weight + Proper Form > Heavier weight + shit form.

Finally, the only thing you'll need is protein if you eat a well balanced diet. If you want the best tasting protein give Optinum Nutritions Hydrowhey a shot. It's more expensive but tastes great. Stay away from GNC supplements, it's a money racket. They don't work and will cost you money thay you could be using for a gym membership, food, protein, etc.

Good luck. It's a long road. I've been doing this for 15 years and still not where I want to be. Results take time, dedication, patience, and motivation.


My main goal is to lose some fat, gain muscle, abs and so on.
I believe you have a better chance of sticking to your workout and diet plans if you are more specific about your goals. Lose some fat can mean anything from 1 pound to 40 pounds (or more!) of fat because you did not mention what your body mass index or body fat percentage is. It's the same with gaining weight- how much lean mass do you need to gain? Adding 10-15 pounds of lean muscle to your frame with basic strength building exercises like deadlifts, bent rows and flat bench presses will probably add about 1 inch to your arms. As for your abs, there is a saying that great abs are built in the kitchen, not the gym. If you stay away from processed foods, sugars and white carbs, you won't really need to exercise your rectus abdominal muscles (these are the six-pack front abs) for them to show.

Here's a very important question: how much time are you giving yourself for this?

Hopefully you can figure out exactly what you want to do with your body and when you want to do it by. Of course almost any workout will give you some results, but without specific goals you'll be a ship travelling the ocean without any idea of where you're headed.

has awesome articles explaining basics and more in depth information. definitely has some good reads!! from nutrition to in the gym. as well as bodybuilding.com. tons of articles, but dont get to set on certain things you read, getting fit has so many different approaches and methods.

Definitely increase your protein intake and hit the weights. Protein, Fish Oil, Multivitamins are a good way to go on starting on supplements if you decide to. You mentioned not going for the big guy look, so lifting the weights and maybe throwing in some high intensity intervals could shred that fat off. Your diet reflects how much size you will get muscle wise. I've definitely seen guys who do increase protein and dont get huge, but stay lean and not bulky. so you wont know til you test out the waters and figure out how your body works. Theres something out there for everyone, just gotta find it. I've lost fat but stayed roughly around the same weight the past 6 months.

and remember REST REST REST!


I will start to workout in the following days, I could really use some advice from the TYM top tiers.
am 6 feet tall, weight close to the 200 pounds.
Am what is known as skinny fat.
My main goal is to lose some fat, gain muscle, abs and so on.
am not really going for the super big guy look.
any tips regarding what I should start with recommended protein shakes, how long and often I need to be working out are more than welcome.
@Decay II @Rico Suave @flipkev @any1ThatHasUsefulInformation
Losing fat and gaining muscle don't always work together well. To keep it simple at first, try something like this:

- Eliminate fried foods/soda/beer/sweets.
- Make sure you're eating breakfast.
- Strive for multiple small/medium meals throughout the day.
- Hit the gym 3-4x week, 45 min-1 hour each visit--there are a ton of workout regimes online. Try a legs day, chest/back day, arms shoulders day, abs & etc day. Just make sure you hit a lot of muscle groups, but not all in the same day necessarily.
- Try a little cardio before and after your workout.
- Don't feel like you have to do some meat-head's crazy routine perfectly. Focus on burning calories and getting a good burn on your major muscle groups.
- Go for a protein shake right after your workout, this is when protein synthesis is usually at its highest. Fruit + skim milk or OJ (ice optional) + 1 scoop of protein powder should be fine. I find that I prefer Muscle Pharm Combat Powder or Isopure Zero Carb to be good low calorie sources of protein.
- Get plenty of sleep.
- Don't be afraid to cheat! Just make sure your diet days outnumber your cheat days 10:1
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King of the Bill
I will start to workout in the following days, I could really use some advice from the TYM top tiers.
am 6 feet tall, weight close to the 200 pounds.
Am what is known as skinny fat.
My main goal is to lose some fat, gain muscle, abs and so on.
am not really going for the super big guy look.
any tips regarding what I should start with recommended protein shakes, how long and often I need to be working out are more than welcome.
@Decay II @Rico Suave @flipkev @any1ThatHasUsefulInformation
Hey man, I'm gonna try to help as much as possible and the fact that I'm 6'2" and can relate with the height should be useful. I started as an overweight kid throughout middle school and into high school and then curbed my diet, kicked the junk food and started doing cardio. I got down to a decent weight and picked up skateboarding which served as my new exercise of choice. My main problem then was that I wasn't eating enough and I ended up getting very skinny, he's a pic of what I looked like at 170 pounds at my height.

Don't laugh...

So long story short, I broke my ankle and decided to try something else active and took my roommate's advice and went to the gym with him and he showed me the ropes. Coming from a tiny skinny dude and putting on about 70 pounds of muscle is a little different than starting as "fat skinny" since you already have a steady source of calories a day, so you're already ahead of where I was when i started.

Now in theory, the only thing you need to do right now to see results is to work out consistently because it would be more cardio than you currently do, and it would help lose bodyfat as well as gain the muscle you're looking for. There will be a time when you plateau and the workout and lack of a diet change will only take you so far, at which time you'll have to make the decision if you want to take it further and get even leaner and build more muscle. Of course if you want to get to that goal faster, you would do all the extra cardio and the diet changes right now as soon as you start your workout regiment. It's up to you, but like I said, just working out and using free weights and such would be enough to slowly see changes as a beginner. If you need workout routines, PM me. I hope that helps buddy, now make them gains!


Scrub God Lord
Am thinking on going with this training routine.
I believe you have a better chance of sticking to your workout and diet plans if you are more specific about your goals. Lose some fat can mean anything from 1 pound to 40 pounds (or more!) of fat because you did not mention what your body mass index or body fat percentage is. It's the same with gaining weight- how much lean mass do you need to gain? Adding 10-15 pounds of lean muscle to your frame with basic strength building exercises like deadlifts, bent rows and flat bench presses will probably add about 1 inch to your arms. As for your abs, there is a saying that great abs are built in the kitchen, not the gym. If you stay away from processed foods, sugars and white carbs, you won't really need to exercise your rectus abdominal muscles (these are the six-pack front abs) for them to show.

Here's a very important question: how much time are you giving yourself for this?

Hopefully you can figure out exactly what you want to do with your body and when you want to do it by. Of course almost any workout will give you some results, but without specific goals you'll be a ship travelling the ocean without any idea of where you're headed.
is not that I want to lose weight.
I just want my body to be lean, I assumed that to get there I had to lose some weight.
I wouldn't mind weighting 200 pounds if it was lean muscle and not belly fat
As far as time, I would like to get rid of my belly fat in 4 months or at least see some changes on my body muscle.


King of the Bill
Am thinking on going with this training routine.

is not that I want to lose weight.
I just want my body to be lean, I assumed that to get there I had to lose some weight.
I wouldn't mind weighting 200 pounds if it was lean muscle and not belly fat
As far as time, I would like to get rid of my belly fat in 4 months or at least see some changes on my body muscle.
Losing fat is the way to get lean. And belly fat is one of the last places the body loses fat. Your body gains fat in a particular order of areas and it loses the fat in reverse order. Usually the face loses first because it's the last place the body stores fat and for men, the lower abs and lower back are the last areas the body will get rid of. So you could look lean on your face, chest, arms, legs and stuff but be stuck with lower abdomen fat until you take the cardio/diet up a notch again.


King of the Bill
I've been significantly loosing fat for the last 3 weeks.

Eating in a 4-6 hour window everyday, only about 1000-1200 Cal, with weightlifting 4-5 times a week. FastingTwins youtube channel has good info on it.

Shoutouts to freshprince2 mostly for the help.
Nice man I like hearing that progress report!


King of the Bill
Am thinking on going with this training routine.

is not that I want to lose weight.
I just want my body to be lean, I assumed that to get there I had to lose some weight.
I wouldn't mind weighting 200 pounds if it was lean muscle and not belly fat
As far as time, I would like to get rid of my belly fat in 4 months or at least see some changes on my body muscle.
I'm trying to write back to you in the PM but I have some glitch where I can't write back on my phone so I'll hit you up later on my computer!


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
I have a question. Will I get lean by only doing pull ups, dips, and chin ups? Don't those work outs burn a lot of calories?


King of the Bill
I have a question. Will I get lean by only doing pull ups, dips, and chin ups? Don't those work outs burn a lot of calories?
You can definitely lean out by doing those exercises. If leaning out is the goal, then cardio is the best option


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
You can definitely lean out by doing those exercises. If leaning out is the goal, then cardio is the best option
Well I want to lose body fat and gain muscle. I've changed my diet recently to mainly whole foods, nothing processed. No more eating out at McDonalds or shit like that. No more sodas either, just sticking to water. Cardio is my least favorite part about working out. =/

Tony at Home

Well I want to lose body fat and gain muscle. I've changed my diet recently to mainly whole foods, nothing processed. No more eating out at McDonalds or shit like that. No more sodas either, just sticking to water. Cardio is my least favorite part about working out. =/
I quit soda awhile ago (apart from mixing it with my whiskey) by going to flavored seltzer water. Makes it soooo much easier.
Well I want to lose body fat and gain muscle. I've changed my diet recently to mainly whole foods, nothing processed. No more eating out at McDonalds or shit like that. No more sodas either, just sticking to water. Cardio is my least favorite part about working out. =/
Jump rope, or try circuit training! definitely makes it more interesting.


King of the Bill
Well I want to lose body fat and gain muscle. I've changed my diet recently to mainly whole foods, nothing processed. No more eating out at McDonalds or shit like that. No more sodas either, just sticking to water. Cardio is my least favorite part about working out. =/
Well obviously diet is a huge key. Also eliminate high calorie drinks, you should be eating your calories not drinking them. As far as cardio is concerned, you can work out at high intensity with little rest in between to get a good cardiovascular workout

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
If your really just starting, work on hitting the standards for weight loss.

American College of Sports Medicine:
250 minutes of moderate intensity activity per week. That should feel, on a scale of 1-10, like a 4-6. AKA cardio of choice.

Weights are important but if you want weight loss than start by just getting the activity up and trying to eat better. Do this for about 2-3 months and then add in some weights to supplement the cardio.


"On your Knees!"
I don't recommend drinking the fake sugar drinks really. You should make your own iced tea
Oh ok, whats the average calories a person should eat a week or in general because as they say "Dot eat too much as you cant burn" etc. I mean I dont want to get fat either but Im not gonna starve, Im keeping the rice and beans as my main source of protien.