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Special Moves That Say: "Here Ya Go, Kill Me."

aektor can do a 41% meterless midscreen

he really gets the bang for his buck for his extu. prolly the best ex move in the game.

only wish i didnt get hit out of it on wake up -__- the quan effect.

sindels scream is pretty useless..ive got a few people on wake up with it and a few AA's but when you miss or its blocked, god save you. not to mention it has like 40 start up frames -____-


Come On Die Young
Noobs black holes are not useless outside of combos. Why do you think he has infront, direct, and behind blackholes. In most cases when a blackhole is thrown the opponent will jump which results in him eating a shadow tackle if he doesn't jump then thats better cause now he can fall into a infront black hole if he is dash blocking. EX black hole is really good it comes down quick and forces your opponent to move or eat a combo. Disabler is pretty useless outside of corner combos your right there lol. Only time it may be useful is for EX version midscreen but I wouldn't do it. Just save the meter.

Anyway just wanted to give you the info it was not useless. Just needs to be used correctly.
Thanks, I've seen some black hole tech but haven't seen anything outside of combos. I've been trying to pick up Noob, so I need to learn that stuff.


Sig Maker
Oh for noob, just dash block crouch your way in. I learned that matchup pretty well and have it swayed to win majority of the time. Once your in range of the upknee, try to see if you can confirm one and let go of block to not be caught in the block stun, and F+3,2 him in the gut to victory.
Yep, I know. I just hate making a hasty move by doing EX Dash Kick only to have it blocked and punished with full combo and left fullscreen again.

Okay so here are the characters that have 40%+ meterless midscreen combos, that I know of anyway. Apologies if this is incorrect.

Cyber SZ
Sub (arguably due to reset)

Many others have combos in the high 30s. I don't see why Kitana seems to get singled out. I've only ever come across 2 players even able to do the combo, whilst many characters have easymode high damage combos.

Sonya has a 51% and no-one complains about her, probably because no-one can actually do it.
Cyber Sub is only good at offense and not defense. He cannot zone and can't get 30% combos off of an AA attack. He also has shitty pokes and no partially unbreakable combos.

Cyrax is broken and doesn't count. Let's say he does count. (I'm not going to include resets because resets are bullshit and they are breaking the game right now.) Cyrax gets 55% for a bar of meter and around 35% for a meterless combo. He also doesn't any air to air attacks that will lead to 30% damage combos. Cyrax also has sub-par wakeup.

Ermac has trouble on people who get close to him and he has almost no up close game.

Freddy is broken and is being fixed; he is also a DLC character who recently came out so we may not know if he NEEDS that kind of damage.

Kratos is tourney banned and is irrelevent to high level play.

Sheeva has several huge disadvantages and she NEEDS that high damage. Cmon man: slow speed, difficulty getting in, highly punishable special moves and the list goes on. If it weren't for Sheeva's damage output, she'd be in the gutter.

Skarlet is also being fixed and depending on what is being fixed, she might end up needing that high damage.

Sonya may have that high damage but she is almost pure offense, has no zoning, and has a lot of trouble getting in on a lot of the more defensive characters.

As I said before, I won't be counting resets as combos because they aren't true combos and Sub's reset is being taken out anyways. Sub's highest BnB meterless midscreen combo is around 33%.

Kitana on the other hand has pretty good up close offense, 45% meterless midscreen combos, 30% combos off of an anti-air or air to air fan, good zoning, good wakeup, and a fast low poke. She's also been out since the start of the game so we know her capabilities and right now, they are too high. Facts are just facts man.
if your having trouble with kitana, just duck. she has 0 mixup, duck and an uppercut will stop almost everything she can do. she falls apart to rushdowns as well. her f21 launcher is telegraphed via snail mail and shipping on all uppercuts is covered by sender. the fans are powerful but teleporters negate them totally, and the iaf is pretty difficult to do(compared to most moves in this game), to the point that only very good players can work it into their game. also, contrary to popular belief, people dont know how to handle kitana. this was blatantly obvious at evo.


Sig Maker
if your having trouble with kitana, just duck. she has 0 mixup, duck and an uppercut will stop almost everything she can do. she falls apart to rushdowns as well. her f21 launcher is telegraphed via snail mail and shipping on all uppercuts is covered by sender. the fans are powerful but teleporters negate them totally, and the iaf is pretty difficult to do(compared to most moves in this game), to the point that only very good players can work it into their game. also, contrary to popular belief, people dont know how to handle kitana. this was blatantly obvious at evo.
Her F4,1 string, I believe, is an overhead so you can't "just duck." As for having "zero mixup," even if that were true, she doesn't need one - D1 into cutter solves all her problems. As for her F2,1 launcher, it is safe on block and punish attempts can mostly be stuffed with her D1 so that whole metaphor you put together is moot. Finally, teleporters don't totally negate fans unless the Kitana player is a moron or that player can't do the iaFB; speaking of the iaFB, it isn't difficult to do as you say. 10 minutes in training mode and you'll have it down and any serious Kitana player HAS to work it into their game to lower the risk of punishment and to build meter more quickly.


Get staffed bro
Her F4,1 string, I believe, is an overhead so you can't "just duck." As for having "zero mixup," even if that were true, she doesn't need one - D1 into cutter solves all her problems. As for her F2,1 launcher, it is safe on block and punish attempts can mostly be stuffed with her D1 so that whole metaphor you put together is moot. Finally, teleporters don't totally negate fans unless the Kitana player is a moron or that player can't do the iaFB; speaking of the iaFB, it isn't difficult to do as you say. 10 minutes in training mode and you'll have it down and any serious Kitana player HAS to work it into their game to lower the risk of punishment and to build meter more quickly.
Actually you can 'just duck' as you can poke after the f4 of f41 and it stuff it completely.

d1~cutter can be ducked and punished.

f21 is safe on block but leaves her at negative frames so she can be poked out of any follow ups, including d1

Many players simply don't know how to play against her still.


Come On Die Young
Yeah, f4 is so dangerous on block. It's actually a frame faster than f2 (17f compared to 18f), but the delay between the f4 and the 1 seems to give more opportunity. There are a lot of things that are separating Kitana's high tier status from top tier. When someone knows the matchup, she's going to have trouble starting full combos without an ex fan or jp.