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Special Moves That Say: "Here Ya Go, Kill Me."


What are some special moves that shouldn't be used without being strung on to the end of a combo and/or what are some special moves that should just be avoided all together?

I see a lot of people throwing around Ice Dashes with Subby. It is easily predicted and heavily punished. Basically, IMO throwing an Ice Dash out there without any setup is asking to be killed. I hardly do Ice Dashes anymore unless I KNOW it is safe which is rare.

Lets leave room for everyone and just keep it to one move per post. I'm sure someone could probably make a list of all of them. What is that one move from any character that just screams "Kill me!"


Come On Die Young
Kitana's fake-out kick. When not used in a combo, this 500 frame attack welcomes whatever the opponent wants to throw at them. Noob's black hole and disabler are also both useless without a combo.


Noobs standing 3.
Why anyone would try to kick like that is beyond me. Not to mention its 27 frames.

Sage Leviathan

I'm platinum mad!
Sub Zero's Ice puddle is just plain worthless.
Bout to be even more worthless after NRS removes the reset.
Why give him the move if he cant use it?


Random JC shadow kicks on block.

It hurts me on the inside when I see it happening and it's like watching a train wreck <_<

especially EX shadow..no better way to waste meter for no apparent reason..


Sig Maker

Why give him the move if he cant use it?
Because every time someone discovers that Sub Zero can do 30%+ damage combos without an Xray involved, NRS has to patch it out for fear that Sub will be "too good." I bet Kitana players are just laughing their asses off right now.

Random JC shadow kicks on block.

It hurts me on the inside when I see it happening and it's like watching a train wreck <_<

especially EX shadow..no better way to waste meter for no apparent reason..
For sure. I especially hate it in the Noob Saibot matchup; if I incorrectly read the Noob player, then I just wasted a meter and have to make my way in AGAIN :doh:


For sure. I especially hate it in the Noob Saibot matchup; if I incorrectly read the Noob player, then I just wasted a meter and have to make my way in AGAIN :doh:
Oh for noob, just dash block crouch your way in. I learned that matchup pretty well and have it swayed to win majority of the time. Once your in range of the upknee, try to see if you can confirm one and let go of block to not be caught in the block stun, and F+3,2 him in the gut to victory.
Cyraxs buzzsaw - as a standalone move, not during his rediculous resets. Throw this thing out and sub zero could punish you with a ground freeze.

kanos forward ball - im not a kano player but that thing seems pretty lame!


Get staffed bro
Kung Laos spin.


But seriously, blocked SZ slide, Scorp tele, Smoke tele, Ermac tele etc. Yey here comes my for 48% BnB etc.


Come On Die Young
But seriously, blocked SZ slide, Scorp tele, Smoke tele, Ermac tele etc. Yey here comes my for 48% BnB etc.
Haha nothing makes me laugh more than playing a scorp/smoke/ermac scrub, hold block, wait... wait... wait.... random teleport! Full combo! Rage quit!


Worst Sub-Zero Ever
Ice puddle. I hate it when my inputs get reversed and I do it instead of an iceball. As soon as it happens, I am dead.


Get staffed bro
I bet Kitana players are just laughing their asses off right now.
Okay so here are the characters that have 40%+ meterless midscreen combos, that I know of anyway. Apologies if this is incorrect.

Cyber SZ
Sub (arguably due to reset)

Many others have combos in the high 30s. I don't see why Kitana seems to get singled out. I've only ever come across 2 players even able to do the combo, whilst many characters have easymode high damage combos.

Sonya has a 51% and no-one complains about her, probably because no-one can actually do it.

Vulcan Hades

Except that Kitana's combos are 90% projectile based so you're often forced to eat 30-40% before deciding to let her have that extra 10% or not. :)

Shang gets 30-42% unbreakable damage for 1 bar off a full screen projectile.

Freddy can also get around 20-30% unbreakable damage I think though I'm not entirely sure about that.

I think that's what annoys people more than the actual damage. The fact that they can't even breaker. But no character should do more than 50% for 1 bar regardless. That's more than the most powerful naked X-ray in the game.


Get staffed bro
Except that Kitana's combos are 90% projectile based so you're often forced to eat 30-40% before deciding to let her have that extra 10% or not. :)

I think that's what annoys people more than the actual damage. The fact that they can't even breaker.
I believe someone has made this exact post already but Kits 48% BnB has many chances to be broken as highlighted in bold below.

f21, NJP, 4~fan, 4~lift, b2~fan, fan, 4~cutter

her unbreakable fan combo is an AA fan, fan, ex fan, fan etc. but this costs meter and doesn't do that much damage. Just don't get caught in the air. ;)


Weather Man
Kitana's fake-out kick. When not used in a combo, this 500 frame attack welcomes whatever the opponent wants to throw at them. Noob's black hole and disabler are also both useless without a combo.
Noobs black holes are not useless outside of combos. Why do you think he has infront, direct, and behind blackholes. In most cases when a blackhole is thrown the opponent will jump which results in him eating a shadow tackle if he doesn't jump then thats better cause now he can fall into a infront black hole if he is dash blocking. EX black hole is really good it comes down quick and forces your opponent to move or eat a combo. Disabler is pretty useless outside of corner combos your right there lol. Only time it may be useful is for EX version midscreen but I wouldn't do it. Just save the meter.

Anyway just wanted to give you the info it was not useless. Just needs to be used correctly.