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Some Australian offline casuals, TONY-T (Cyrax) vs n-megabytes (mileena)


Two men enter, one man leaves!
Just some notes on your gameplay.

You should dash d3 under sais, no reason to give Mileena meter when you don't have to, luckily he was mostly doing air sais so that wasn't an issue, just something to keep in mind.

Your combos were obviously on point, love the use of unbreakable combos. I really like the combo at 7:15 in the video.

Would like to see some more command grabs, I've always felt that's where Cyrax gets the majority of his damage.

I like how you punish Ex telekick with standing combos for more damage, seems like you maximize your damage at every point possible.


thanks for repping us and hosting this tony, good shit! cant wait to kick some ass (and have mine thoroughly kicked) at the next event, so jelly i couldnt make this one.


Good video.Why does no one here is b+1,2,1,2 => fjp~f+2 => 1,2,1~Saw_d+4_..(Boost Metr).
Good combo on the wall 7:15, I'm doing it too (but you can do without the meter reset)