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Question So I'm finally making my way to Raven...


and I have no Idea what to do outside of a db+2(mb) b3 combo. I get abour 32-35%. Umm I know all of her safe block strings and normals. I just need the dirty stuff. I don't really see anything in the forum(not easy to find?). Is there even anything dirty for her to use? I noticed that she has no wake up options if you she doesn't have trait, and even then, her only option is to teleport(which i feel should have faster start-up/recovery).

edit: Are there any safe teleport setups?


and I have no Idea what to do outside of a db+2(mb) b3 combo. I get abour 32-35%. Umm I know all of her safe block strings and normals. I just need the dirty stuff. I don't really see anything in the forum(not easy to find?). Is there even anything dirty for her to use? I noticed that she has no wake up options if you she doesn't have trait, and even then, her only option is to teleport(which i feel should have faster start-up/recovery).

edit: Are there any safe teleport setups?
Raven's "dirt" has been posted many times. Off the top of my head:

1) Demon stance df2 MB gives you a standing reset, with more than enough + frames to jump in for an ambigious cross-up which can't be avoided by wake-up attacks (as they're standing).
2) Ending a combo with f22u1 gives you a perfectly spaced cross-up attempt (will be beaten by some wake-up attacks, but not many). f22u1 is a hard knockdown. If successful, this give you a 40%+ combo (1 bar) that ends in f22u1 for you to try and loop it again.
3) Ending a combo with db2 or df2 at the right range gives the same situation as #2. Generally used when you don't have meter for the 40% combo (don't MB the db2 or df2).
4) Ending a combo with b23 in the corner gives you, yep, you guessed it, an ambigious cross-up attempt with neutral jump as they bounce and land underneath you.
5) Page 6 in the combo thread has some much higher damage combos (post is by Sprint)
6) Ending a combo with b23~4 gives you free demon stance with your opponent at full screen (assuming you're not doing this in the corner). There might be the very odd character that can punish this with a projectile. Aquaman's 18f From The Deep gets blocked.
7) Standing 2 on wiff and block looks nearly identical to db2 (normal stance) on wiff/block. Use it to bait. 11b2 also looks the same as 11~db2. You can cancel 11b2 into db2 as well for extra added confusion.
8) 6 frame down 1. Learn it. Use it. Love it. When you know it will hit, cancel it into a grab for full combo.
9) You can teleport in the air, kick and then teleport again.
10) Pretty much every normal and combo string can be cancelled into special/trait/super. They don't always hit mind you :)
11) Apparently Raven has an unusually long throw grab range, but I haven't personally tested this.
12) By combining nothing but b3/f3 and MB demon pillars you get unclashable combos.
13) You can MB the same pillar twice. With good timing, this leads to pillar MB, pillar MB, pillar.

As for the edit, none have been discovered that I know of.

To start you off, he's a much better combo that I generally spam when I get the chance: ji2, 3 (both hits)~db2, MB, b3, ji3, f22u1. 41-43% damage (can't remember exactly), chance of looping with the exact same combo. Don't do the db2 unless you see 3 is hitting (it's very easy to hit confirm).

Finally, as you're new to the character it's best if I let you know that Raven is pretty much free to Grundy and comes at a discount price to Bane and Doomsday.


Finally, as you're new to the character it's best if I let you know that Raven is pretty much free to Grundy and comes at a discount price to Bane and Doomsday.

Oh I know I main Grundy and WW lol. I just think Raven seems like an interesting character. Shes similar to GL, but slightly worse. More mobile w/ less zoning until she traits, then shes slightly better. Thats just what I get from the few I've seen and playing her for a bit.


Face it, you're done.
Her trait makes her top tier. If she could be in DS the whole match there's no doubt we would get nerfed.