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So I have a friend who wants to play Scorpion who's never played a fight game before...


El Psy Congroo
and I'm trying to help him get started into learning the basics for both the character, MK and fighting games in general. What do you guys think are some good vids, tips, etc for things that beginners need? I've been looking for videos explaining his combos and mixups but nothing I know of does it perfect. Most the vids assume the viewer knows a fair amount about MK. He still needs to know how to dash in between combos, do a jump kick after b+2 into teleport, how to do jump in punches consistently to start mixups, getting dash 11(1) spear to come out, f2+1 teleport and really anything else you might think we take for granted.

To sum up what I'm getting at, are there any guides for beginners(vids or text) that really explain the game or scorpion from the ground up well?

I've watched a few vids on youtube but I haven't seen any that explain his 50/50 mixup game in depth or slow down his combos and explain how to get the inputs out for those who have never done a combo before.

Anyways, appreciate any help I can get. My friend is liking the game, he beat story mode in one day practically. I think he'll stick with it.


I think even if you could explain a lot of that stuff to him, it would go over his head anyway. A lot of it is just repetition in Practice mode to get it down. The key here is to keep it fun for him. Run the tedious stuff, but take frequent breaks and do fun stuffs. Then once he has that stuff down, you can show him a vortex or mixup and explain to him what it is and why it's used.

The biggest asset he has is an awesome friend like you :D


One of the biggest things for a person that is new to fighting games and especially playing competitively in fighting games to know is understanding footsies. While the concept itself is hard to describe there are videos of justin wong playing CvS2 that give a decent idea. particularly while he is down on life against someone with Vega. Another aspect of it is playing lame. Most people just starting out will want to just do "gnarly combos" and get flawless victories. Playing lame can translate to playing smart. Let them know that there are two sides of the coin in fighting games offense and defense and defense is not just "blocking" things its about understanding your openings. This then leads to things that are safe and unsafe and knowing how and what to punish with. Also delve a little into the psychological nature of fighting games and how patterns and "mindfucking" is key. Oh and show him the Diago parry video thats a must for anyone.


That's about right.
I don't play Scorpion, but I've played against hundreds and the biggest tip I can give is don't teleport so damn much, unless you can safely do it after a string to set up the vortex.
and I'm trying to help him get started into learning the basics for both the character, MK and fighting games in general. What do you guys think are some good vids, tips, etc for things that beginners need? I've been looking for videos explaining his combos and mixups but nothing I know of does it perfect. Most the vids assume the viewer knows a fair amount about MK. He still needs to know how to dash in between combos, do a jump kick after b+2 into teleport, how to do jump in punches consistently to start mixups, getting dash 11(1) spear to come out, f2+1 teleport and really anything else you might think we take for granted.

To sum up what I'm getting at, are there any guides for beginners(vids or text) that really explain the game or scorpion from the ground up well?

I've watched a few vids on youtube but I haven't seen any that explain his 50/50 mixup game in depth or slow down his combos and explain how to get the inputs out for those who have never done a combo before.

Anyways, appreciate any help I can get. My friend is liking the game, he beat story mode in one day practically. I think he'll stick with it.
Wow, I wished I had a friend like you to pull me into Mk and show me the ropes. I got lit up when I first started lol.

Here's what I suggest you teach him in.

1st - Game Mechanics: Things like overhead attacks goes though low guard and things like low attacks can get past guard if they are blocking standing.

2nd - Combos and Specials : First show Scorpions set combos, and point out the ones that are useful, and the ones you should never touch.

As he progresses, show him a actual combo, then teach him the vortex.

Ultimately how fast he learns Mk is based on just his talent to sponge in experience from you, and how good you are as a teacher lol.


Scrublord McGee
Two things your friend needs to learn, regardless of the character or game, are safe strings and hit-confirming.

Safe strings are a series of attacks that, when blocked, do not open you up for punishment. In Scorpion's case, all of his basic combos except for F4,3 and B2 are safe on block. Also, learn which of your opponent's strings are safe or unsafe so you know when they're open to a punish. Note: this doesn't include whiffing attacks or attacks with slow startups.

Hit-confirming is ensuring a high-risk-high-reward attack doesn't miss by linking it to the end of one or more low-risk-low-reward attacks that have already hit the opponent. In Scorpion's case, Spear is a high-risk-high-reward move, but it can easily be hit-confirmed off of 1,1.

Alas but not least, something especially for Scorpion: simple Vortex combos (at least 20% per combo)

1,1xxSpear F2,1xxTeleport
3,3xxSpear F2,1xxTeleport
F4xxSpear F2,1,xxTeleport
B2 Spear F2,1,xxTeleport


In my opinion, I think he should go through the moves list and learn every basic combo and his special moves. Then once he's got them down he can piece them together and make his own combos. Then you can show him Scorpion's BnB combos. This should already make him a decent Scorpion.

If he wants to go more advanced, you can teach him specifically what to do and what not to do. He should also take a look at Slips' and Pimpuigi's Scorpion guide since it's really good.


I feel your mates pain.

Although I've been an MK fan since day one, I've never taken it all that seriously until MK9. The extent of my fighting game ability was simply memorizing special moves & straight combos (with no follow through).

Things like 'Dash Cancel', 'Bufferable', 'Chip Damage', 'Vortex' etc were completely unknown to me before April. Even Dashing in after a combo to start something else was alien to me. I had no idea.

I wish there was one place to look at vids for total noobs be I couldn't find one. I've just had to read everything I can find, ask lots of questions and try not to look like a dick, watch every video I can find and try to piece it all together from simply seeing the same terms and words used in the same context.

You are probably your friends biggest asset if you know the lingo and how it all works. Wish I had a friend like that. I still mostly suck at MK9, but I still love it regardless and the guys around here are MK nuts... in a good way. ;)


"More stealthful than the night"
Premium Supporter
i'd reccomend watching footage of Slips, youd be surprised how much you can learn by just watching.


"Thanks" button abuser.
First teach him to do scorpion's bnb. That'll make it fun for him first. Then go with safe/pressure strings (1,1,1). When you're on it, add the "mixup" part. What are throws, overheads, lows, etc. Do not forget to show him the golden rule of "high risk = high reward" and the rock-paper-scissors of fighting games:

Block beats Punches. Punches beat throws.(or so they should) Throws beat block.

Then you can expand into meter usage. (Why waste all 3 bars on a XRay mid combo?)

Don't forget to have some quick fights in-between lessons. That'll get him more familiar with what's going on and hopefully he'll start asking. Then you're set.


Dropping Combos like a MotherFucker!
Alas but not least, something especially for Scorpion: simple Vortex combos (at least 20% per combo)

1,1xxSpear F2,1xxTeleport
3,3xxSpear F2,1xxTeleport
F4xxSpear F2,1,xxTeleport
B2 Spear F2,1,xxTeleport
Thanks for posting this! I also have a friend that is interested in Scorpion, and we play semi-frequently, but he is interested in improving.


Mortal Kombat is NOT dead.
Tell him to make a TYM profile before anything :)

this my sound strange, but i know something that really helped me is trying to do the highest damaging BnB's for characters even tho i was still new to MK9 and fighting games
i remember spending a good hour or two trying to do one of ermacs combos

it really forced me to step out of my specials only style of game play. and try to do combos

i also played alot of ladder combat before hoping online, really got me doing more blocking, and poking, and less random jumping, and using uppercut as my BnB

I hope your friend enjoys the game!