Of smokes strings I think that b21 - (3)/(4) is one of the best. He teleports to the opposite side of the opponent on the second hit, and both hits are mids.
Much to my dismay I realised that a significant portion of the cast can actually make the second hit whiff simply by low blocking.
You can see in the video that the second hit of the string whiffs a low blocked sub zero, regardless of whether or not the first hit connects... anyone else noticed this ? reckon its an intentional feature ?
This string is almost unusable against any cast member with a low-ish crouch blocked hitbox, and it leads to full punish
Much to my dismay I realised that a significant portion of the cast can actually make the second hit whiff simply by low blocking.
You can see in the video that the second hit of the string whiffs a low blocked sub zero, regardless of whether or not the first hit connects... anyone else noticed this ? reckon its an intentional feature ?
This string is almost unusable against any cast member with a low-ish crouch blocked hitbox, and it leads to full punish