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Tech Smoke Bomb and the Halls of Justice (Plaza) interactable

So I think Halls of Justice (Plaza) is Batgirl's best stage due to the exploding robotic car interactable.

On interactable hit, you can combo with Smoke Bomb and MB for a big combo: explosion, dd3, dash, b3, j3, f21->db3u = 43%

Most people will try to jump the interactable as it's coming towards them, but Smoke Bomb often still hits them. with the same timing It easily gets neutral jumps, seems to get most forward jumps, and gets most back jumps too if you input the command right as they are jumping (if you wait too until they've been in the air a few frames, it misses). However, this isn't too difficult to time, as you can tell from the speed of the interactable about when they will jump.

Obviously they can't meter burn b/f3 since it's two hits back to back.

I haven't exhaustively tested this with every character's jump arc, and I'm guessing that air dashes might present some problems, along with Walking Corpse and Lex's armor. Still... it's seems almost guaranteed when you activate the interactable.


One small thing about interactables that are placed above you where you need to jump:
Batgirl can use her evade move db3 and use an interactable in that state, it's quicker and reaches farther than normal jump back. Needless to say it's also good to evade when other people are throwing stuff at you.