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Smite - who here plays?


Divekick x 1000
I played like 3 matches and uninstalled it. Not my kind of game.

But then again when I played it I was completely burned out on DOTA 2 and LoL. Maybe I'll give it a try again.

Breakin Wordzz

Best Rengar NA, also ares of world
so i come from league where its 1-1-2 lanes with a jungler. what is the current meta for smite? my friend said that a while back not many teams had a jungler in competitive.


Here's the deal. I've been playing smite on and off since release. I got the ultimate god pack a while ago and play arenas with my brothers, but I want to take it semi seriously. Where would I start? What's the meta? I was diamond 1/challenger for league but smite feels different which I like. Item builds, tier list, all types of things smite is what I'm looking for. Also if anyone wants to party up and game with my brothers and i for arena, add Imgoodtrustme. Thanks


Ok so it's meta is like league's, but who all is good? I've been fucking around with cabrakan today because I just redownloaded it, but I honestly have no idea where to start. A few months ago I was pretty decent with the bee man and poseidon.


You inspire no fear.
Top ADC picks - Apollo, Rama, Freya, Mercury
Top Supports - Geb, Athena, Bacchus
Top Mid picks - Janus, Ra, Zhong, Agni
Top Solo picks - Ra, Chaac, Zhong, Loki, Mercury, Bakasura, Vamana
Top Jungle picks - Nemesis, Freya, Hun Batz, Mercury, Thanatos (lately)
Top bans in league - Mercury, Serqet, Loki, Nu Wa, Freya (others would be respect bans)

That's an extremely broad idea of the current picks/bans. There's of course Gods I didn't list that are still strong and will be picked and/or played in different roles.

Reactions: Kyu


Jobbers are mouthpieces for gods.
pretty much ya. Though anhur for ADC is back in.
Aphrodite is a top solo. And I suspect Odin will make a huge splash.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
Of course the character I play is ass... guess that's what sub mains should be used to.

Oh well, I play Ares and I just recently got him to level X mastery and diamond skin. Have like a 1.6 K/D with him. haha

But I wouldn't dare play him in conquest. I don't know my ass from my elbow in that game type.

3v3 Joust is where it's at.


You inspire no fear.
I like it just fine. It's the huge ass map in conquest that I don't like. That and the lane switching and jungle killing and whatever... it's all just too much shit going on for me.
The problem is that you can just camp the phoenix and titan and then it just becomes dumb and boring.


The First Element
A few people have asked me about playing this...doesn't sound too bad actually! Where do you download the game from ..?