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Sky Drop fanclub


Sky drop is such an OP move we should make it slower, remove the option to go infront and behind and remove the few frames of invincibility it has on wake up.


No way, it's not that bad :) It's just annoying, he drops on you and keeps you up, no wake-up attack. The enhanced version is even more annoying with those pokes in the torso, yuk.


y 7 damage on hit, not enough frame advantage for a safe jump, punished by full combo on block, freaking slow start up, worst wakeup move in the game, so fucking op


y 7 damage on hit, not enough frame advantage for a safe jump, punished by full combo on block, freaking slow start up, worst wakeup move in the game, so fucking op

and what you got against emma watson Klaudikus lol xD?

In all seriousness the least I'd like to see is full invincibility on his sky drop during wakeup, or at least the ex version and that should be safe on block.
I am a huge culprit of overusing this move to the point of it being forever ingrained on my muscle memory so I use it even when I don't want to. Fuck.


I think EX should have armor and be safe on block.
You and me both. I know Paulo said on twitter that Quan Chi has armor on his EX-Sky Drop in current test builds. So hopefully it sticks and it goes live with the fixes.. :-D


El Psy Congroo
EX to have armor would be great, safe on block... that would be a nice plus too, not entirely necessary though.


Zoning Master
PANDEMlC said:
EX to have armor would be great, safe on block... that would be a nice plus too, not entirely necessary though.
Yes, it is necessary because Quan Chi is a sitting duck on wake up. He needs all the buffs he can get.


You and me both. I know Paulo said on twitter that Quan Chi has armor on his EX-Sky Drop in current test builds. So hopefully it sticks and it goes live with the fixes.. :-D
Sounds good. I'm not actually sure how limited NRS are with the hotfix's I know they can do things like speed things up and add armor etc but could they make ex sky drop safe like sektor's ex tu? I know they can add recovery frames to something like kano's upball but I dunno about the cannon ball animation after a blocked tp.

Still like m2dave said it should be safe too. Even with armor he'd still be quan-free on wakeup. You'd have to spend a meter (which i'm aware many chars have to but they're good in other areas) and there's still the possibility you'll get blocked even if you do it infront and behind.


Master of Quanculations
The armor and safe-on-block Sky Drop is ABSOLUTELY necessary. You just try getting away from Liu Kang with the way Quan currently is. Maybe make both of his 1 1 punches unduckable? Or make the reach long enough to dash forward and connect 1 1 2 after you hit an opponent in the air, so you dont have to dash and do F1 or a D4. It's just way too hard to do in the moment, and online you can forget about it. Actually, you can forget about doing anything with Quan online against an opponent who isn't mildly retarded.