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Skarlet vs Kenshi - Which do you like more?

Which DLC Character to you like more?

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This is a public poll and the votes are public, fyi.

I am just curious to see what your opinions are, thanks.


I wonder which one got the most purchases! :)
I am hearing that DLC is selling "well". Who knows what "well" means, but we can only hope it's good enough to continue DLC after the next two characters. :)


Play Monster Hunter!
I don't like skarlet so kenshi wins by defualt for me.

I'm sure kenshi will win this poll though, dude has a katana AND telekenesis, hes got both the weaboo and star wars crowd in his favor.
Kenshi..and ill tell you why

Kenshi was made as a zoner/anti-zoner character and has some great counterattacks and overheads. not too much goin on with kenshi as far as combos (not many normals) or tools (basically has ALOT of get off of me moves) BUT this is what makes him great. They didn't shove 10 pounds of shit intoa 2 pound bag. Feels balanced and a great character to pick up.


i can understand that she was the first dlc character so she obviously had to be good to appeal to the masses. But there is way too much going on with her. I feel like im not utilizing her full moveset whenever i play her and im not sure if she is rushdown/zoning or what. Her daggers can cancel way to fast but some of her normals and specials are safe at all. So if you rushdown with her you'll get punished. Zone with her accordingly but..why would you want to zone when you can use all 100 of her special moves? too much going on here.


Kenshi..and ill tell you why

Kenshi was made as a zoner/anti-zoner character and has some great counterattacks and overheads. not too much goin on with kenshi as far as combos (not many normals) or tools (basically has ALOT of get off of me moves) BUT this is what makes him great. They didn't shove 10 pounds of shit intoa 2 pound bag. Feels balanced and a great character to pick up.


i can understand that she was the first dlc character so she obviously had to be good to appeal to the masses. But there is way too much going on with her. I feel like im not utilizing her full moveset whenever i play her and im not sure if she is rushdown/zoning or what. Her daggers can cancel way to fast but some of her normals and specials are safe at all. So if you rushdown with her you'll get punished. Zone with her accordingly but..why would you want to zone when you can use all 100 of her special moves? too much going on here.
This. I felt the same exact way, when I bought Kenshi & Skarlet together.. I went into training mode with skarlet first to get a hang of the girl, and I felt like I couldn't analyze what was good/bad because of how much there was.. it was flustering. Then I went Player Select and tryed Kenshi and it clicked lol..Simple, few specials with distinct uses. Was nice :jerkoff:


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11

A. Far more badass then Skarlet

B. Far more fun to play

C. Has more badass abilities then Skarlet

See, I actually prefer Skarlet because I can play her however I want. Go for a rushdown or zone with my daggers. I like fast characters with good options. I am still finding stuff out about her.

Kenshi seems to be getting a lot of praise simply because all his moves and gameplay style are laid out on a platter for you and lazy people love it.

I think Skarlet will end up having more depth as a character in the long run.


Focused Grace and Intensity
Not the fairest to ask this really, Kenshi just came out so is hype is still on the up and up.
Kenshi. He's been a favorite of mine since MKD. He has good tools and cool, stylish moves/ combos.

Skarlet doesn't appeal to me at all. I remember going into practice with her on the first day and seeing all of her strings and was astonished there were quite a lot, so that turned me off lol. I can remember the movesets for like 8 characters, but I can't remember hers worth a damn haha.


I've only played as them a few times but Ernov is right, this is a bit too soon to tell. Kenshi seems more fun, but I don't think i'll be picking him up.


If I had to chose between the 2 I would most definitely choose Kenshi(I never liked playing as female characters, seems awkward and mundane to me). With that said, I'm not too thrilled with Kenshi. He has some good keep away tactics and counter attacks but for some reason he seems like an unsafe and gimmicky character to me. I'm pretty sure the Kenshi hype will die down after a while and people will drop him like a fly. That's just my opinion though :)


Focused Grace and Intensity
Without a doubt. It's new chars, they bring something new to excite ppl. That's fine except when ppl act like their auto-awesome just cause they're subconsciously tingled by the newness.


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
Skarlet is very high offense, not great defense (read: getup moves)

Kenshi is high defense, decent offense


If I had to chose between the 2 I would most definitely choose Kenshi(I never liked playing as female characters, seems awkward and mundane to me). With that said, I'm not too thrilled with Kenshi. He has some good keep away tactics and counter attacks but for some reason he seems like an unsafe and gimmicky character to me. I'm pretty sure the Kenshi hype will die down after a while and people will drop him like a fly. That's just my opinion though :)
Personally it makes me feel weird when I play as female characters. The only female character i've played comfortably is Christie Monteiro. And I don't know if it's just because she played close to Eddy Gordo in the first place.


The Cowardly Lion
I would have to say Kenshi over Skarlet cause first off he's a blind swordsman. Then he has telekinetic powers and mutters nonsensical things to himself. Skarlet does not do or have these pluses so she doesn't make the cut :D


El Psy Congroo
I'll wait to answer this. I haven't seen a good player play Skarlet well yet so I'm not gonna judge my play with her on the character as a whole. Kenshi is a little too much of a zoner for me so I figure Rain or the mystery character will be my favorite. Right now I'm liking Kenshis resets so he's pretty neat. I just wish he had some better normal strings to throw out when people get in.