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Skarlet: Oh yes there will be blood!

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  1. Skarlet needsto have 1-3 more strings preferably a mix up string. I’ll expand more on this later. And at least one that don’t scream flawless block me with ease. As of now Skarlet has only 9 strings all useful I guess BUT the fewest in the game I believe and the easiest to fb all of them. Two of these are one hit extensions of the another string while some characters have upwards of 15-20 strings, 3 more at least would do a lot of justice and add tons more depth to her gameplay. As much as I like skarlet I can’t lie, she is extremely vanilla in the combo department. 212 212 44~CS,BP, RR, or BT is her only real combo and a far cry from her mk9 days. However this combo while my favorite because it has to be, is not exactly ideal. The 212 string is not a go to punish string or go to standard string because of its 13 frame start up (should be 12) and being a high starter. Not to mention even as a skilled Skarlet player I drop this combo 10% of the time because the timing on the last 212 and 44 must be impeccable, another 15% of the time my opponent breaks away from it because it’s a pure juggle the opponent spends the whole time in the air so it’s easy to break away or get out of this combo. I’m not advocating any changes to 212 or 44 but I am advocating 2-3 completely new faster 4 or 5 hit strings that are ground based (ie you don’t have to juggle the opponent she has enough of those). With NO FLAWLESS BLOCK GAPS. My 10 year old son can flawless block Skarlets 124 and F43.
  2. Move adjustments and changes: The 2nd hit in 124 needs and should be an overhead just for some variety in her strings they are so vanilla. I lean more towards the 2nd hit since it looks like it was meant to be a overhead anyway. Being her only real punish string it should absolutely have some variety to it so the opponent can’t just block low and they’re ok with Skarlet. The second hitin 44 needs and should be a mid. S3 should be 15 frames to start up the move itself is already near useless perhaps it would get a little use if it didn’t take longer to start up then her overhead B2. D4 should be 12 frames on start up instead of 13 but ok just make it safe on block. F4 should be a blunt chest/stomach kick high +16 on hit and -6 on block. F1 should be a dagger lunge/stab mid hitting and the dagger is pointed straight out for more range, 10 on start up. D2 should uppercut with the dagger for a little more range. F43 should really be F33
  3. Red mist: I love red mist it’s one of my favorites, but... it needs to be how it was originally. It needs to restand ANDbe at least +9 to +12 on hit as it was originally+17 on hit, nerfed to +7. Especially since it substitutes for blood tentacle, one of Skarlets best moves actually the best bar none, red mist is -19 on block, and inevitably leaves you close. I’m aware the initial hit of RM works as a anti air but the initial hit only does 6% damage, the jump in must be a read and not already be active in order to work, as a anti air it’s viable but not a go to anti air. Fixing this involves adding utilities that would justify losing blood tentacle and being -19 on block which is perfectly fine it should be super punishable on block. However, just because a move restands does not make it good if you can’t even capitalize off the restand. Most sufficient players use wake ups sparingly anyway so while the restand is definitely not nothing it doesn’t make a move good in itself. The DOT is not that rapid either with red mist and the initial hit is on the weaker side but it’s fine. Red mist is one of the moves I mentioned earlier that would be a great move in itself if the plus frames were readjusted how they were originally or at least +10. Its one of those moves that should only be a 8 second buff not the usual 10 I suggest because my buffs make it solid. And simply for depth you should be able to amp red mist because why not? Everyone else can amp almost everything at least once, plus amplifying adds depth to the move and the characters respectively. For an offensive bar you should get stronger red mist doing 80.00 on initial hit and 7.00 DOT, the DOT hurt box is slightly larger all around Skarlet, and the aura itself visually is more misty/cloudy it also has a distinct deep red vermillion color like red rain. Same duration for amplified though 8 seconds. Don’t get me wrong I think Red Mist is ok, but it needs this to have a little more viability, especially since it replaces one of Skarlets best moves. Red Mist should do DOT regardless of weather Skarlet is in hit stun or not, albeit it should be reduced to minuscule DOT while in hit stun, 2.25 and 3.25 amp while she’s in hit stun. The opponent should also be able to reduce the DOT by 25% by stance blocking.
  4. Red rain is a solid move as is and my personal favorite move of Skarlet. The only thing it needs to have is a 8 second duration for the base version and you should be able to amplify Red Rain with offensive meter to have it move with Skarlet instead of staying stationary. It should have a slightly slower start up 18-20 frames for amplified, and still 8 second duration though being as though red rain gives a solid damage buff and comes with the bonus of reducing the incoming damage while in it. Also skarlet should get 15% more health back from a blood shot or any other health regaining move than she normally would if she gets it back while in the rain.
  5. Killer klot....where should I begin? The nerf to this move was far more disappointing than the red mist one at least red mist is still useable. And to this day and the recent patch continue to nerf such a great idea into almost uselessness. I was excited upon discovering that this move that I originally thought, just tinkering with it was useless, but that it was actually pretty good. What the game did not tell you back then in the abilities menu is not only did killer klot prevent canceling into specials but also prevents anythingthat costs meter offensive or defensive period ANDprevented the opponent from doing a fatal blow while “trapped”. I found this incrediblyuseful. This move is extremely viable if your familiar with frame data and which one of your opponents strings are unsafe. Most people’s coolest, or most effective or most used strings are a unsafe one and they usually close this gap in negative frames by canceling into a special that is safe, with this move active you can be sure that string is ending right where the special would start, and wala you punish. And it would prevent fatal blows! In any event this move no longer prevents fatal blows, sucks but okay it still prevents canceling into them though just like with specials so I was still all for it because I could see how that particular mechanic was a little op. Now the move already had its core issues with slow start up I was okay with it because of its vast/creative utility in preventing certain attacks and opening up potential punish opportunities on strings that would normally end safe and especially on the out of the blue MB roll, wake up attacks, and fb’s but now since that’s no longer the case, let’s address killer klots many many issues and how they should be fixed. From far away zoners don’t care about this move at all because it cannot effect them, all they gotta do is step back and throw their fireballs because it only takes affect if within a little less than jumping distance of Skarlet, and guess what else? It affects Skarlet negativity because just having killer klot replaces Skarlets own projectile blood trail arguably her second best move after blood tentacle but easily in her top 3, the fast moving, low hitting projectile that restands on amp, has a hit advantage of +17-23, one of her most essential zoning/counter zoning tools. This would not be a problem if the move offered proper compensation for blood trails replacement, but in comparison this move is a sad replacement. This move starts up way too slow, a whopping 51 frames and that’s just to get it on screen not counting the extra 23-30 active frames to actually attach and do its duty, unless the opponent is right in skarlets face then it will attach in 2 frames. Butreally Now who’s going to do this move that close on a 51 frame move? Why not cancel into it you say for safe activation? Onblock (it doesn’t hit at all it relies on the string to knockdown or stun enough to come out safely) its highly punishable and should be, but on hit especially a knockdown however let’s say you you land 124~KK, the move is so slow on start up/active frames the opponent can U2 you, U3 you or MB roll before this move even takes effect and does what its supposed to do which is prevent those courses of action. Essentially you can safely activate it like this but you won’t get any use out of it because how long it takes to become active. How do you safely get this move to activate and be able to take advantage of it’s ability? Plant it at full screen and hope your opponent comes charging into it before it dissipates? You can’t even throw this down while the opponent is on approach and not get punished. If that’s your plan oh it’s nothing your opponents pair of fireballs or flying kick can’t handle. You must be close for this ability to even go “active” and while killer klot is a unblockable “trap” it does 0%damage in itself. You can get trapped and it won’t hurt you a bit, which is the goal of a fighting game I thought. It’s not like sub zeros Artic trap that does 0% damage also, but it poses an immediateand constant threat/obstacle on screen just being there because touching it means a fullcombo punish. That’s not so with KK it must be attached, and then other circumstances must play out for it to actually lead to potential of damage but ultimately those circumstances are choices the opponent must make poorly in order to be fruitful. It doesn’t guarantee anything and does no damage. On top of that once the klot does attach itself and become active, it’s only active for 6 very short seconds!Get that 6 seconds. If the opponent does not immediately wake up and try to combo you with something unsafe, or try to special cancel, or amp anything within that 6 quick seconds you’ve wasted the investment in that original knockdown combo by special canceling into killer clot rather than something that actually causes damage and offers better positioning like blood tentacle, blood shot or dare I say even blood spatter. To fix this, this moves start up needs to be 40 frames start to finish, and take effect immediately upon hitting the ground with 2 active frames, 2 for the clot to appear on ground and disappear, the next frame it’s formed on the opponent, provided the opponent is in its trap/hit box (close version), none of that clot traveling slow thru the air taking an additional 21-30 frames of animation to attach before finally taking effect. If said opponent is on the ground still, but in the trap box, it should attach while the opponent is still on the ground, not when they get up, or while they’re getting up, this he should not be able to U2, U3, or MB roll for that knockdown! That should be your reward for sacrificing your final hit (usually the most damaging hit) to cancel into KK. I could 124~retch retribution for a solid 26% but if you 124~kk your settling for a measly 9% and a slim chance you might get another opportunity. Remember the ability itself does 0%damage. So we need to make that chance more likely and so first of all Killer klot needs to last 8 seconds while attached, not “active” on the ground when attached close, 9 seconds when attached 1/2 screen, and 10 seconds when attached full screen. Now It should stay on screen (active frames) able to trap for only 5 seconds for close, 3 seconds for 1/2 screen, and single second for the full screen clot, the opponent should be able to well time a neutral jump for the full screen version and avoid it all together, it should dissipate before they even hit the ground. This would make it not ignorable at full or half screen but In essence killer clots trap capability gets weaker the further away it is. Also say an opponent gets trapped by this and still tries to use meter, if he puts the inputs in the controller, he should still lose his baralthough the move doesn’t come out. That would make this move a little threatening at the least. DB3 to plant one at foot. DB3F to aim it a little further for 1/2 screen plant, DB(hold)3 plants one 1/4 screen behindSkarlet for incoming teleport reads, and pushback situations and stays for 3 seconds. And should be active but just off screen for unsuspecting opponents. This version should not be close enough to trap an opponent standing in front of skarlet but slight pushback should trigger it also there should be DB3F(hold) for the full screen KK. The startup should be the same on all versions 40 frames. The clot travels along/under the ground just like blood trails animation hence the loss of it. For the full version and 1/2 screen versions, this should work similar to scorpions hell flame ability where it will pass thru/under the opponent in route to its designated spot on the ground. The far version only traps if the clot manifests between the opponents feet directly and he is grounded or if he walks into it. The 1/2 screen version will also not trap a airborne opponent, but its trap box width is a little wider than the far version being slightly smaller than forward jumping distance making it able to be circumvented with a well planned forward or back jump. The close version is the true trapper and will trap all the way up to full jump height the close versions trap box extends the whole 1/4 of the screen in front and top of skarlet. Basically the KK trail animation will not effect the opponent at all, if the opponent is standing half screen and skarlet throws out a full screen KK it should travel right thru/under him with no damage or trap. Let’s say Scorpion teleports and she has one planted at foot or behind her, it will not stop the teleport itself or the first hit, however if he attempts to amp it, it should very well prevent the extension and take his bar. IT SHOULD TAKE EFFECT THAT FAST to compensate for its slow start up and easy escapability on further versions. Now KK amp, yes I said KK AMPED I think should be a unique mechanic that works in tandem with throws, if you do the KK input press the amp button (at the cost of an defensive bar)AT THE VERY BEGINNING of a throw during the grab animation and before the first hit of the throw, during the hit she should attach a 10 second killer clot to the opponent, and he wakes up across screen with a clot attached. And Just another fun and unique mechanic to defending against killer clot, say it attaches, if the opponent presses the stance switch 6 times consecutivelythey should be able to “shake” the clot off immediately with no “chip” damage! It should be viable but not easy being able to do this it should not make Killer klot worthless all over again, but be a out for the opponent if they can execute quickly and effectively. I’m highly disappointed in how they have treated this move the more i think about it the more I think how awesome it used to be, even with its slow startup issues, and lack of variety. It makes me want to buff it like crazy. It had major utility and promise in the beginning however, an ability that does no damage in itself but instead prevented the opponent from doing certain damage. The idea and concept of it was awesome, the execution and practicality of it continues to get worse and I don’t understand why at all. Why do you keep nerfing this move into nothingness? How do you really expect to get any usefulness out of this being as though it such a slow start up and so many active frames before actually working? Especially with its limited range. You can even enter the trap box slightly back dash and it will literally just go away. The most damaging string you can cancel into this from and safely get results is 124, D4, or S3, which is crap, all which are not rewarding at all. D4 on hit into kk will get it attached for 3% damage. Or 124 will get it attached for a petty 9% damage. They’ll still be able to do all the wake ups but hey now you have a potential to punish, maybe, at least for the next 6 seconds or so. No that’s a pos. It truly makes me angry thinking what they’ve done here it’s like they don’t get it or are determined to make skarlet a trash low tier character. I truly don’t understand it was a ok move with a great idea behind it, and still can be if changed, but it’s not overpowered, it doesn’t stop the opponent from being able to hit you, combo you, throw you, use special moves raw, it just prevents them from taking certain courses of action that might be safe normally, but characters still have safe combos, so why nerf it? It needs buffs not nerfs. Update:after further analysis of the wake up frames of this game I’ve come to see how this might not be viable due to a opponent getting up having 20 invincible frames upon getting up, making killer klots ability to attach while the opponent is on the ground or while getting up....difficult. The only way to make this viable is to make it so KK attaches before the opponent hits the ground which would involve making the move much faster on start up in 22 frames then they could make the recovery like 38-40 frames. Wala the move would then attach before the opponent hits the ground on close knockdowns, would still be punishable if cancelled into with anything other than that and on block, and you would get your utilityour of the move. Which I’m not opposed to being as though that’s not exactly fast even still it’s the same speed as blood shot but they may be able to even go up to like 25 frames as long as it attaches from skarlets close knockdowns before the opponent hits the ground is the goal it could be 30 frames. It would then work similar to terminators incapacitator even though that move starts up in 15 frames must be nice to be a DLC. (Btw Terminators “Incapacitator” needs to be 8 seconds as well, but you already know that.)
  6. Krimson shield-has a lot of the same problems as killer klot so I’ll try to keep this shorter. Anyone whose remotely tinkered with this move knows why it sucks. The start up is 64 FRAMES!!! 64 all to do a 1 frame activation on a non damaging buff! Even kotal Kahn’s totems come out faster than this. Do I even need to go into why this is terrible. Skarlet has one of the slowest teleports in the game at 42 frames I can see this move starting up, teleport behind her, and throw her or 124~whatever and get the punish before she can D1 me or block. Need I say more? It’s just way too slow to be useful. Especially for something who’s main usefulness is to reduce incoming damage, being able to get it out pretty quickly is vital. It doesn’t need to be like single digits, but come on 64 frames? Also it needs to scale 15% against fatal blows and krushing blows too, if it’s active during them. I understand your buff goes away after a FB or KB animation, but it should still be active during. This core issue coupled with the fact that this move doesn’t last long enough at all, just like KK and starts up way too slow there’s only 2 strings you can cancel into this move and barely be safe or able to block in time 44 and 124 you better not try to D1 after 124~KS. And I dare you to F33 or anything else into this you’re getting punished so hard. D4~KS works most of the time but D4 damage sucks 30.00 and it’s not hit confirmable ç, S3~KS works but well you all know why S3 is never seen and is also not hit confirmable. Just like killer klot this move needs safe activation on cancel and hit. Krimson shield needs to be 45 frames in total from start to finish, there no reason why I can hit you with a knockdown combo and you still get up with no wake up and easily punish me because I have -31 hit advantage if I activate krimson shield. There’s no way to safely activate this near or far thus making it unviable. This ability needs to last for 10 seconds The base damage reduction at 15% can stay as is. This moves primary but not only major issues lies in its start up frames. I keep hearing people say oh well the shield is good for reducing damage when trading projectiles attacks, how??? Clearly they have not tried to use this move during a projectile battle or at all for that matter. You’ll be lucky to get it activated in the middle of a zoning session and if you do you’re eating a projectile to do so. To wrap this up, krimson shields moment to shine absolutely should be its ability to amp for defensive bars, the first amp gives you a stronger shield that reduces 19-20%. The shield also has a brighter/larger aura, and have a 48 frame amp x1. But hold up it doesn’t end there! (Unique mechanic time FYI I’m not opposed to having this next part shared with another member of the cast that has a shield damage reduction type ability but everyone should not have it. See my unique mechanics section) Skarlet should be able to double amp with 2 defensive bars and it gives her a 30% damage reduction for 12 seconds, andit would prevent KB’s while active, I can hear the out rage now so let me clarify;if the opponent met the requirements for their KB while KS was 2X amp/active and it prevented it, the next time they use that particular move and it connects they should get their “loaded” KB no requirements need be met over again. The shield does not stop the combo it simply dismisses your KB. These improvements would add a ton of depth to a seemingly basic move and well, just be awesome in itself. And I have ideas for addendums to other characters buffs that are just as good if not better. This ability just needs to be better period and this I think would be some very interesting mechanics added to this ability and a welcomed addition to this moves utility and value, as of right now though I use this move almost never, it’s in the box with killer clot and blood ritual as almost useless and I so wish it wasn’t. I would love to use krimson shield and killer clot in a defensive/preventative play style.
  7. Dare I say blood tentacle should be an OVERHEAD!? But I understand why it’s not but it had to be said. Blood tentacle is perfect. I gotta throw this in just because I’m doing this...BT inputs should be DF4 (with all the same distance command variations), however DB4 should do a reverse tentacle and send you flying forward or towards skarlet! :) how about that that would be nice huh if you hit the close forward one it should switch you sides. Oh man this would be great. The downside to this is that the reverse version would not work in tandem with the blood ball/shot/or trail as a trap move, or maybe it could... but it works as a “get over here” move it would be probably the best thing I’ve thought of this far. The very far version would knock you half screen, the far version right in front of skarlet, the regular version would switch sides right behind you, and the close version would switch sides and have the opponent some distance away. Just imagine F43 or 124 reverse tentacle to slap your opponent to a side switch or better yet 212 44 RBT “get over here!” oh man this would be awesome.
  8. Blood spatter:I know this moves potential. Once thought to be another useless I found its hidden potential and it’s ok, however if skarlets recovery from this was 1 frame faster this would be great. Make it 30 on recovery instead of 31. This would make optimal follow up just as hard to land as a flawless block we would have 2 frames instead of 1 to connect. And on females this would work too. Being as though they have a smaller hit box. It has juggle/extender viability but the window is sotight. Also I don’t see why normal blood spatter has to completely suck just because the amp is great. Fix the normal versions hit box to work with 124 mid screen of course amp should work too but no follow up viability and we’re good on this move. Also I don’t see why it should be -2 on hit after any grounded combo, it should be +2 or even neutral 0 at the least, on hit being as though it’s punishable as hell on block. Does the amp version really start up in 5? Doesn’t feel like it. Also perhaps the inputs for blood spatter should be DF1?
  9. Blood ritual is a bs move let’s just be honest, But since were doing this...Skarlet needs to not take damage at allor at best far less than her opponent. Especially given all the stabbing and cutting skarlet does on herself Throughout her gameplay this should not hurt her. Most everyone in the game has a fireball and/or teleport of some sort sto punish this move before she can inflict any more than 1% damage the move itself it’s highly react-able, only deals a max of 4% if you just stand there and take it all. This moves only utility is to close a round on an opponent on his last breath. The move is always going to be one of her worst moves but let’s see if we can improve its station a little. Since it’s unblockable from full screen it should keep its slow start up (71 frames before any damage is dealt) and have a just as slow recovery (here’s looking at you krimson shield) Untouched (which will be never since you’re inviting a punish using this ability) this move should inflict no more than 10% damage tops over its duration. The health drain needs to be faster. It should drain 10.00 instead of 50.00 and if skarlet need be part of it take only 35.00.
  10. Boiling point and the stand 44~BP patch issue: simple fix make all the combinations work again at least with BP they can leave RR as is. Keep it a 23 on start up, 23 frames start up we know for sure this makes BP compatible with Skarlets main juggle string, and give it 7 active frames to be able to catch an opponent from any of these juggle situations. 44 or F43 into boiling point amp should do no more than 280, 212, 44~BP amp should do almost 315, and there problem fixed. And skarlet does not have to be so vanilla why do you keep her so vanilla. Give her options, other than that boiling point is fine.
  11. Retch-retribution:Wouldn’t change anything about retch retribution other than being able to do the brutality without performing a mercy. Actually I would nerf rr’s damage on amp by 10.00 all around and I would make the requirements for the brutality you have to land retch retribution 5 times during a match I would even leave it so you can’t connect 212,212,44~RR.
  12. Cell siphon is a absolutely perfect move please don’t touch it NRS. No thing to add here! One change but only to the animation Skarlet should have that red hexagon glowing aura under her while she executes this move. That’s all, that would be cool.
  13. Blood flow-Skarlet is known as a zoner and her play style compliments this. At one time I thought she was the best overall zoner in the game, but as other characters like cetrion, jade emerald defender, Sonya, and now Johnny cage in his new variation her zoning has been demoted to B tier. Which is fine, however since skarlets play style revolves heavily around her zoning its only right that she should have one variation or ability in which her zoning reigns supreme. That is this variation with blood flow where her projectile pressure is brutal. Hence my version of blood flow: From what I’ve played with blood flow the move is ok in idea and for set ups and what not the slow blood ball acts as a rushdown/pressure guard, you can dash forward as fast as the slow ball moves and be right behind to apply pressure. But against other zones this means nothing. Other than the obvious being able to mix up BB varying speeds and making obstacles that’s pretty much it for this move. However the bad part about this is this ability takes2 slots and burns a offensive bar PER BBand that just doesn’t seem worth it. Instead we’re going to make skarlets blood drive zoning the ultimate, at a cost, and only in this variation, anything else and her zoning goes back to a or b tier in some cases. Blood flow should take all 3 slots. the actual controlling the speed of a single BB should not cost any meter, that’s what the ability is itself, you should be able to throw a single fast or slow blood ball at your content. the amp blood flow BB is the meter burner, and should allow you to throw 2 BB’s back to back andcontrol their speed and you would of course lose access to your normal speed BB altogether with this ability. The inputs could go as follows: for a slow one DB2, for a fast one DB2F, Now to amp, no amp button required DB2F(hold) for two fast, two slow ones DB(hold)2, A fast then a slow DB2U(hold), a slow then a fast? DB2D(hold). These double BB’s should still be high attacks and come out one behind the other so they should keep the 33 frame start up for the first one but the second one should come out a little faster like 27 frames. The yellow amp flash should trigger on the first one to let the opponent know 2 are coming. Also if you block 2 fast blood balls the pushback is significant you have to block both from the set though. The next thing she would get with blood flow is with blood trail it would enable her to stay ducking afterwards instead of returning to stand position weather amp or normal and blood trail starts up in 21 frames instead of 28. And finally blood shot does 80.00 instead of 70.00. I believe this would make this move awesome and compliment her zoning game. With Cetrion jade Sonya and a few others having such strong base zoning I figure this is a way to make skarlets zoning the best, but only in this variation without it she goes back to b tier zoning.
  14. Dagger dance and bloodport. Not really much to say about these 2 so I’m combining them into one point. They’re both solid good moves as is, but I have noticed a few minor things. The KB for dagger dance should be if it punishes a wake up or block attack especially since she’s so fb prone. Also the animation for dagger dance instead of teleporting (unless teleport is equipped also) she should just spin behind them like Kung Lao‘s 112 switch sides combo. Little details like this go a long way. Remember, depth. With bloodport I can’t really find anything to say to improve this ability it’s fine the way it is, I do think a defensive bar for a teleport in place is ridiculous but who uses that anyway. Also as an addendum I noticed you cannot cancel into bloodport after the last hit on a string you can do it in the middle but not on the last hit. Like you can all other specials and abilities. I can understand not being able to do it on block because it would make everything safe but on hit That should be possible.
  15. Blood shot/trail/ball: needs no introduction or improvements really.
  16. Red Rising: Skarlet should have 1 more basespecial move called Red Rising(DF2) It’s a slightly forward advancing (ironically it keeps the opponent close) shirouken style rising uppercut with the scythe. The animation for it would be similar to her second hit in B34, but more pronounced, linear, quicker, and sharper, she goes higher into the air like short hop height and also has a red shadow kick style aura behind her throughout the active animation. Also the scythe has a huge swiping animation. This move would hit 4 times on the way up getting smacked by the first one means you’re eating the rest. It’s a launcher on second hit but you wouldn’t be able to follow up with anything on the regular version before the opponent hits the ground. And you can amp it for a 4th hit of a downward spear that catches the opponent in air(almost like the short hop~2) that hits overhead and covers her fall on the way down. sounds awesome right? It does have its cons, but let’s start with the pros this move should start up like 22 frames, hitting low, mid, high, and finally overhead on the amp. The move has some range but slightly less than the B34 due to its more upward nature unlike B34 you cannot jump in with a well timed jump kick/punch and break her out of this animation once it’s started it’s mid hit animation pretty much invincible to anything but projectiles from the front and top because of how fast the first 4 hits in succession are. This move would be most similar to nightwolfs B2 but a little higher, more hit range. And you should be able to execute beautiful blood brutality off of it if a mercy was performed no rr or rm required. Now as I stated earlier this move has its cons, despite its nice hit box, on block this move is punishable It’s-8 on block amp and -18 for the normal version so my grandma could punish this. On block or hit it doesn’t knock you back far at all you stay just within jab distance, everyone should be able to punish it on block with no forward dash with their most damaging string. Next the 1st and the last hit (on amp) are flawless blockable. This move is pretty damaging though in its entirety now depending on where the opponent is at when they get hit will depend on how many hits afterwards land and also how much damage this move can do, which if all 4 hits connect is about 175.00 amped all hits, and regular 150.00 all 3 hits, if just the last two hit 125.00. This move is designed to be a high damage combo ender up close and on hit confirm only. And this move has a KB ON THE 4th hit which causes the pop up if the combo does 7 hits or more. This is a forward launcher and any follow up requires a forward dash precise timing unless in the corner. Despite having range on hit this move leaves the opponent getting up very close close, because the animation on hit has the opponent pulled closer (like 212) and has them do a flip in the air landing on their stomach sand enabling the amp overhead to connect. If it’s used as a anti air only the mid and high will connect making the overhead whiff the amp is also hit confirmable as long as you amp by the last 3rd hit animation.
  17. Skarlets new strings: Isn’t Skarlet supposed to be a ninja? I thought I would expand on this since I have a few ideas for skarlet to have a few more combo strings. Dvorah could use a few more as well. But this thread is specifically about skarlet so: F1123; mid,high, mid, high, A pointed out dagger stab to the stomach (has a little more range than S1 plus skarlet stretches out forward), then a stiff hard straight haymaker punch to the face with the other hand, a upward dagger swipe (reminiscent of her up slash from mk9), the big boot kick (like sub zeros F4 without the run). This last hit has hella hit stun that sends the opponent reeling backwards similar to her D4 but doesn’t knock the opponent down. Special Cancelable after the 2nd and last last hit (3). Last 2 hits are dial in. Cancel advantage of 51 hit advantage of 25. F11 is -7 on block and the last hit is -8 but pushback makes it unpublishable. No FB gaps or gaps on this string at all. This is a Forward advancing, 10 frame start up 128.00 damage. Now Finally F4343 The animation is a blunt chest/stomach kick mid like the one in the previous combo, the the 2 middle kicks are basically 44 in reverse animation the what should be a mid kick is first then the higher one mid/high, and lastly a crouching downward kick tripping the opponent. it’s also not flawless blockable except for the first hit of course.. Cancelable after the third hit with a 55 cancel advantage. 12 frames on start up, hit advantage of 30, block advantage of -2, block advantage of -9 if just F344. Frames are 12, 13, 12, 20, 155.00 damage. And the last combo is F331+4 (or L1) since it looks like this combo was supposed to be longer anyway. This ones pretty simple but again reverts to her mk9 days. The normal F33 but the next 3 hits are a quick down slash (like mk9 down slash)for pushback, then from the blood vial which she throws in your face giving the same effect as if you were hit with a blood ball and pushes you back massively and while your stunned she tosses the dagger up and jump kicks it into you’re face. Now of course if the input is blocked it will end at the slash and the rest wont come out. This is punishable on block -10. With these combos I think skarlet would be complete a no longer the poster girl for flawless block she NEEDSthis! I’d be willing to sacrifice B12 combo and it’s KB for these
  18. Krushing blow:B12 should be replaced all together with F1123, or at the least strip B12 of its KB. B2 KB should do at least 200.00 or offer a pop up. I would be willing to trade her back throw KB for red rising to KB since none of her specials currently KB, and F432+4 have a kB with the bleeding effect for a total of 240.00. This would give her 5 KB.
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Yarrrr Matey
I admittedly did not read everything you wrote, but Skarlet definitely does not need 18 buffs. I’m not even sure she needs any buffs, she’s a solid character with clear strengths and weaknesses. If she got even half of these suggested buffs she would be stupidly good. Some of her KBs should be reworked for sure, but tons of characters have the same issue.


Mournful Master
Skarlet is perfectly balanced, she needs no changes. So what if her strings have gaps? Mix them up. And don’t get me started on the outrageous overhead low buffs smh lol
I admittedly did not read everything you wrote, but Skarlet definitely does not need 18 buffs. I’m not even sure she needs any buffs, she’s a solid character with clear strengths and weaknesses. If she got even half of these suggested buffs she would be stupidly good. Some of her KBs should be reworked for sure, but tons of characters have the same issue.
I addressed all issues from big to small changes I would like to see personally. These are not all buffs infact you’ll find if you read it off I did buff something i nerf something as well or suggest it be punishable amongst other things. nor do I think for one second she would get any of this although I think she absolutely needs some of It. This is more of a if I designed this character type thing. And it should be known that I recommend that all the other characters get the same treatment some more than others, but it’s not like I’m one tracked minded and only skarlet should get these ideas I think all the characters could use some revamping. I think dvorah and sub zero could use a few more strings as well. I prefer Buffs over nerfs though, why make moves worse when you can make other characters moves better to contend and add more depth?
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Skarlet is perfectly balanced, she needs no changes. So what if her strings have gaps? Mix them up. And don’t get me started on the outrageous overhead low buffs smh lol
Skarlet is absolutely not perfectly balanced her flawless blockable strings absolutely suck you better not do any string under under 30% while your opponent has fatal blow available you’re getting disrupted with said fb right in the middle of your string and that’s it for you. This may have been ok in the beta but as time goes along and more people learn to flawless block and the game ages this is a serious problem for her she doesn’t have a string that’s not flawless blockable or that doesn’t have a flawless block gap. My 10 year old son flawless blocks my skarlet strings, luckily for me he hasn’t hit the fb attack down yet.
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Skarlet is absolutely not perfectly balanced her flawless blockable strings absolutely suck you better not do any string under under 30% while your opponent has fatal blow available you’re getting disrupted with said fb right in the middle of your string.
And what outrageous overhead/low buffs? You didn’t even read it especially that fast you’re just hating.
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After reading your first 4 points, you lost me there with the rest. That's too much to read.

I don't think anyone is going to care about her non rank moves.

I do agree however that she is vanilla. 212,212,44 is her day 1 combo and nobody has figure out a more optimal combo mid screen or even corner. Hemorrhage should have at least gotten a few new strings design for close range since this variation is suppose to be more rushdown oriented. But at this point I don't think NRS is going to do anything about it.

Helter Skelter

Does Skarlet actually need any of this?

She may not be the absolute best zoner but she can steal her opponents health which provides her with a niche.

All three of her variations are good even if some moves need slight adjustment.

Yes, she has many strings that have gaps to be Flawless Blocked. However, she also as so many options to mix up her strings and play a long range game.

All I would like for Skarlet is:

1. Blood Ritual to be repurposed so that Skarlet is actually healing from her opponent as opposed to harming herself. Even if it means the health she receives is reduced, because that move actually seems broken and not working as intended. The way I've described it hopefully makes more sense.

2. Blood Spatter to become +7 oh Hit as it's currently negative on Hit or Block and currently only gets utilized in the corner with meter.

3. The second hit of 44 to become Mid. That would make this move a bit more consistent and visually appropriate.

4. The vertical hitboxes on Boiling Point to be increased (similarly to Cetrion's Earthquake) so that combo'ing into the move is more consistent.

That's it. She's a decent character she doesn't need to be Top Tier she just needs some subtle QoL changes. Not a laundry list of Buffs

Oh, and perhaps adjust the speed of B12.
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After reading your first 4 points, you lost me there with the rest. That's too much to read.

I don't think anyone is going to care about her non rank moves.

I do agree however that she is vanilla. 212,212,44 is her day 1 combo and nobody has figure out a more optimal combo mid screen or even corner. Hemorrhage should have at least gotten a few new strings design for close range since this variation is suppose to be more rushdown oriented. But at this point I don't think NRS is going to do anything about it.
I’m not saying they are this is just kinda like a wish list y’all read into it too much.
Does Skarlet actually need any of this?

She may not be the absolute best zoner but she can steal her opponents health which provides her with a niche.

All three of her variations are good even if some moves need slight adjustment.

Yes, she has many strings that have gaps to be Flawless Blocked. However, she also as so many options to mix up her strings and play a long range game.

All I would like for Skarlet is:

1. Blood Ritual to be repurposed so that Skarlet is actually healing from her opponent as opposed to harming herself. Even if it means the health she receives is reduced, because that move actually seems broken and not working as intended. The way I've described it hopefully makes more sense.

2. Blood Spatter to become +7 oh Hit as it's currently negative on Hit or Block and currently only gets utilized in the corner with meter.

3. The second hit of 44 to become Mid. That would make this move a bit more consistent and visually appropriate.

4. The vertical hitboxes on Boiling Point to be increased (similarly to Cetrion's Earthquake) so that combo'ing into the move is more consistent.

That's it. She's a decent character she doesn't need to be Top Tier she just needs some subtle QoL changes. Not a laundry list of Buffs

Oh, and perhaps adjust the speed of B12.
Funny I address all those same things in this. So yea...
Does Skarlet actually need any of this?

She may not be the absolute best zoner but she can steal her opponents health which provides her with a niche.

All three of her variations are good even if some moves need slight adjustment.

Yes, she has many strings that have gaps to be Flawless Blocked. However, she also as so many options to mix up her strings and play a long range game.

All I would like for Skarlet is:

1. Blood Ritual to be repurposed so that Skarlet is actually healing from her opponent as opposed to harming herself. Even if it means the health she receives is reduced, because that move actually seems broken and not working as intended. The way I've described it hopefully makes more sense.

2. Blood Spatter to become +7 oh Hit as it's currently negative on Hit or Block and currently only gets utilized in the corner with meter.

3. The second hit of 44 to become Mid. That would make this move a bit more consistent and visually appropriate.

4. The vertical hitboxes on Boiling Point to be increased (similarly to Cetrion's Earthquake) so that combo'ing into the move is more consistent.

That's it. She's a decent character she doesn't need to be Top Tier she just needs some subtle QoL changes. Not a laundry list of Buffs

Oh, and perhaps adjust the speed of B12.
It’s not the vertical hitbox that they changed on boiling point to make it no longer work with 44 its the active frames it used to have 15 active frames and a 31 frame start up now it has a 23 frame start up and 3 active frames it needs to have at least 7 active frames to catch every combination. I also addressed this in my thread. It’s longer than it seems I’m just long winded but I addressed all her issues.


Every time someone farts, a demon gets his wings
I doubt anyone will read that wall of text, sorry TC

For the flawless blockable gaps, like someone else already pointed out, mix them up. Don´t go for the full string everytime. If your Opponent just waits to flawless block you it opens them up for throws, Overheads, lows etc.

I´m getting flawless blocked exactly once in a match as Skarlet and then I mix it up and throw them all over the place until they are scared to get thrown and then I go for the full string again.

1-2 more strings would be nice but is not necessary imo

Skarlet is in a pretty good spot at the moment in my opinion

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
She doesn't need all these, the changes she needs to play a more fun game are minimal.
I gotta say it hurt my eyes so i skipped most of it, since the text its not organized at all

I think the changes i posted before will actually help her in a long run if she gets them.

Specially if her B1 becomes 15f instead of 19.

As for the gaps, that's what just how NRS designned, the character, her negative frames aren't big deal with it those strings, but it conditions them to start flawless block it often or poking regularly, which she can backdash considering she has the best backdash in the game or use bf3 to beat sudden mashers at the risk of getting launched, the distance she covers, will play a heavy part when they decide to press buttons or flawless block, you have to pay attention to that to start sweeping or using F43 that when canceled into fatal blow does 45% damage.


XBL tag: South of Zero
It does seem Skarlet is going to be the main victim of flawless blocking as more and more scrubs get used to FB'ing with skill.

Which will tend to make her non-parry variations more and more useless.
If they were going to riddle her with the most easily FB'able strings in the game, parry should be a base kit move.
So many problems with this game seem easily fixable it's frustrating.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
It does seem Skarlet is going to be the main victim of flawless blocking as more and more scrubs get used to FB'ing with skill.

Which will tend to make her non-parry variations more and more useless.
If they were going to riddle her with the most easily FB'able strings in the game, parry should be a base kit move.
So many problems with this game seem easily fixable it's frustrating.
I don't play the other variations because she doesn't have it, and even when you know they will FB,l there is some U2 launchers which are way faster than she can parry so you regardless anyway.


I want Kronika to step on my face
I don't play the other variations because she doesn't have it, and even when you know they will FB,l there is some U2 launchers which are way faster than she can parry so you regardless anyway.
Go on discord I want to discuss this with you
The only thing... only thing she needs is there to be no gap btw f43 or 124. If you land a d1 and get your turn back I wish i had a string that was safe/confirmable. I play good players who FB those strings every fricken time.


XBL tag: South of Zero
The only thing... only thing she needs is there to be no gap btw f43 or 124. If you land a d1 and get your turn back I wish i had a string that was safe/confirmable. I play good players who FB those strings every fricken time.
Def can see that. Give her parry as base move or remove the gaps.
You got Kabal with skarlet's reach and zero freakin gaps i mean gmafb


Skarlet's stagger game isn't anything to write home about. Not finishing any of her strings like 124 and just doing 12 leaves her at -5.

Good staggers are ones that puts your character at -2 or -3 which is really good. Jacqui for instance is a monster because you'll have a much harder time reacting to whether she commits or not.
Trigger you for what because I put out some ideas that might be good for skarlet and addressed her issues. Some of you are so uptight it’s ridiculous. Get over yourself.
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