The PantyChrist
Rest in Pantiez
Admittedly this is tight and still not as cheap as that batgirl bola glitch. If they do still patch this game not even sure if they should change this. But joker buffs would be nice 

This is why I was saying Sin/NW 9-1 the other day. It was already a 7-3. Now I can't even attack.This conforms sinestro-nw 9-1.
No. You can't. You're vulnerable after the PB and once you get hit by trait, you're done.I've been knowing this but a human can block it. Somehow practice dummy doesn't
This is WORSE than the bola glitch. If you touch batgirl when she has the bola glitch on you it dissapears...if you touch Sinestro with are in 50/50 town or damageville.Admittedly this is tight and still not as cheap as that batgirl bola glitch. If they do still patch this game not even sure if they should change this. But joker buffs would be nice![]()
My exact sentiments.This is why I was saying Sin/NW 9-1 the other day. It was already a 7-3. Now I can't even attack.
I was getting the rust out readying to make my return this past week. This pretty much confirms I'll be focusing on KI/AE going forward.
People are stupid!
People saying sinestro can't set up trait in some MU is ridiculous. He can play footsies with Aquaman carefully and slowly till he has trait...once he does that MU goes from 4-6 to 3-7 the other way.
He can block all counter zoning on reaction and get trait in ALL Matchups. Maybe he can't get it out free in one charge but he was never intended to. Cowboy has been recognized as one of the TOP downplayers. He was top 5 before this and is now broken.
Landing shackles after is easy as FUCK. I was doing it consistently after 1 min in practice mode.
1) He already dominated much of the cast who struggled to get in as well as most of the hardcore zoners. Many of those MU he gets his trait free anyways. This now makes characters like NW useless in the MU.
2) His bad MU only stay bad until he gets trait. He can pushblock and get free damage on all "BAD" MU like scorp, aqua, KF and Martian. With Trait, those MU are in Sinestros favor.
3) Any player who says otherwise is a downplayer and a liar.
4) This is more broken that Batgirl bola that is a just frame link. This is easy mode.
5) Looks like all this talk about "balance" is out the fucking window.
6) Whats next???
Zatanna is probably an even or winning MU now. WtfOh thank god Bane gives zero F's about pushblock because that's already a pretty rough match-up
Looks like it's time for some pocket Zatannas, folks!
PantyAdmittedly this is tight and still not as cheap as that batgirl bola glitch. If they do still patch this game not even sure if they should change this. But joker buffs would be nice![]()
Explain to me how MMH wins nowwho cares just counterpick with mmh.
Explain to me how MMH wins nowwho cares just counterpick with mmh.
ok then counterpick with zatanna.Explain to me how MMH wins now
Both have a bar
Sinestro has trait and two bars
Please explain to me what u do to inflict damage now to win
Plz I'm all ears
Much respect to you. There are far too many people (not meaning anyone here necessarily) that would love to make use of this.I don't want to play a character like this.