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Video/Tutorial Sindel Match/Video's


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
RunwayMafia Would you kindly tell me about the Sin vs. jade MU in general.
I watched your latest vid and your Jade vs. his Sindel looks like 6-4 Jade lol
She can zone freely while avoiding her fireballs and her long reaching normals make it harder.
Who's got the better normals of those 2 and how should you aproach her?
Mr. Mileena you're a JD master yourself, would you plz give your 2 cents as well?
I used to think it was 5-5 until I explored Jade more sufficiently. I personally think it's 6-4. (well, to be honest, tier list's and MU numbers aren't really my thing...if I'm a better player than someone I'm most likely going to beat them with anyone...but I digress) If you can make Sindel's long range barrage of fireballs null and void, which Jade can, Sindel will have to come in. Jade can glow through 2 of Sindel's combo starters (B3F2, 44) and if spaced correctly Jade's B2 will win every time with Sindel's advancing strings. If the Jade player is playing Jade in a competent fashion, Jade should be winning this match up. ;)

Mr. Mileena

Sindel's Zoning is actually really good, mixed in with nakedlevi cancels. Naked Levi cancel into AA hair whip is godlike as well.

Sindel is such an unexplored character, and I have new tech I'm working on with her.

As far as Jade, it is 5-5


DanCock I know a lot of Sindel players struggle against Jade so I'd like to get a set of our games recorded to help them out, since the match up is rarely seen at high level so people can really break down the match.

I just don't know if my phone can record and upload to youtube or not haha(I've never tried either). You play it really well, I also think it's even, like Mr. Mileena.


Cock Master!!
DanCock I know a lot of Sindel players struggle against Jade so I'd like to get a set of our games recorded to help them out, since the match up is rarely seen at high level so people can really break down the match.

I just don't know if my phone can record and upload to youtube or not haha(I've never tried either). You play it really well, I also think it's even, like Mr. Mileena.
It's all I have played mainly these past few weeks that I have gotten back into the game lol starting with these awful matches with runway he capped lol so yea we'll cap some fresher newer ones. I can record our matches. Ill need to find my stuff to hook into my systems. Ill let you know when I can.

Sent from my iPad 2 using Tapatalk

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
here was the last few matches of a ft5 I played against SatsuiYesHadou's Kabal.

really bad quality, but oh well.

I didn't play very well =[

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
Why bother trying to do 44 b12 1 yell midscreen that's a bitch to land even offline and not reliable.
It does work by the wall though. 44 1 yell is way better. I liked your well timed aa 1 yells.
And props for those rounds you squeezed off from Kuh Bawl aka her worst nightmare.
I can actually land 44 b12 1 yell consistently, I just hadn't played her for quite a while so I was dropping every combo =[

I'll practice her more for the next time I can record


Nightwolf wannabe
^ AWESOME thumbnail ^ <3

Good Gayms guys. I watched all 5 parts.
I'd thought you'd mirror match when I read "Battle of the Queens"
but sadly you didn't. DanCock you didn't show your fireball mastery much
coz Kity and her best friend are hard to zone.
In fact, I think all 4 ninjettes are a pain for Sindel and her fireballs Ugh
You had me SMH when you were levitating around (w/o fireballs) and when
you were mashing b2 in 1 round haha
Oh and fuck the Kano MU it's not 6-4 Sindel it's a 5-5 fuck his knives & EX balls.
i completely agree with you on kitana mileena and jade they are obnoxious. skarlet not so much 5-5, and i agree fk kano lol hes a bitch for sindel imo5-5


Why bother trying to do 44 b12 1 yell midscreen that's a bitch to land even offline and not reliable.
It does work by the wall though. 44 1 yell is way better. I liked your well timed aa 1 yells.
And props for those rounds you squeezed off from Kuh Bawl aka her worst nightmare.

STB Espio I watched your matches and tsk tsk you don't Liaf AT ALL why's that?
IMO one of the things a good Sindel player has to master is her Liafs.
The more and faster you can do the better. Works wonders against a full screen Cyrax
or even Lizardman. Watch them trying to net or dash and eat a fball every second lol
I liked your uppercut punishes when I wasn't expecting them as well.
Your 39% ones against Scorp were nice too.
Against his Ermac, you made a terrible mistake that cost you the round at 57:40
you land a 21 scream, have him cornered and you follow it up with 21 step up leaving
him with 1% life and then he beats you. 21 special as a combo ender should be avoided
coz its scaling sucks. You should have gone for 311 hair instead.
I also saw you used her str8 fball against him a lot. You know I've been wondering
which of her fireballs is best against a full screen Ermac. His projectile is hard to avoid.
You did good overall, not as bad as you think. ;)
Gonna watch your Shokan Queen now.
I dunno haha, My Sindel could definitely use a great deal of work, she's fun so I wanna keep working on her. I need to work on mixing my zoning.

I love zoning Reptile with Sindel, it's funny lol.

I actually find Sindel's uppercut to be really good, might just be me but I like it. He was trying to bait my step ups and I don't usually wake up a lot with her :D.

I could kick myself for not doing the full combo punish on his Ermac, I'm not particularly comfortable in this match up with Sindel, I usually play Stryker or Sheeva, but I could definitely stand to improve in it.

Will look into that, I love that string, wish it had more range, it would be tight :).

That's my biggest issue, not quite sure how to zone a good Ermac or what fireball works best.

Thanks for the feedback and support, really enjoy Sindel.

I have more Sindel footage coming soon :).


Nightwolf wannabe
vs ermac you cant low fb under his fb though you can duck or d4 it, best is to use levi fbs and naked levi cancels full screen to try and bait him into tele. thank god sindels fireballs have hella push back. punish pushes that are done too close with 44 1 yell jip 31... at the right range though be careful that you aren't out of range. once you start gettin cornered like 3/4 of the way start looking for the oppurtunity for a combo ending in hairwhip or enh stepup. then go back to full screen fireballin.


I'm digging this Dominican Sindel A LOT, he's repping her pretty good over there.

Ok this isn't the highest level Lao but he does pretty good although he does 31LC when it's not necessary
he can just 31 and still get the advantage. I was like OMG WOW @7:33 when he did 44 b12 1 yell that's
not easy to land midscreen! And @9:14 he does her highest midscreen meterless 45% I just love to see her
played like that!
STB Espio

Absolutely useful... I find it hard to even land a decent combo to a very skilled Kung Lao... here is my spam demo against Kung Lao:



Very interesting fights on the previous post and you rock with kitana and sindel , but guys I got this feeling...

everybody get to work, btw Sheeva and Skarlet failed their test your dance skills and could not join the group


I wanna fight your sexy Cop with my Shokan/Scream Queens S.P.O.
TBH of all the US players I'm missing out on fighting, you're the one
I want to play with the most :D And I tried playing with US it's not that bad.

Aww shucks :D. You're not on my friend's list so be sure to add Espio872 and we'll throw down :).


Levi Cancel Sorcery
i know this is old.. bt this has to be the most solid sindel game-play Ive seen... those levi cancels are ridiculous and his spacing on some of the matches are on par.... i know i have/had a solid sindel but nothing on the likes of this!!!.



i know this is old.. bt this has to be the most solid sindel game-play Ive seen... those levi cancels are ridiculous and his spacing on some of the matches are on par.... i know i have/had a solid sindel but nothing on the likes of this!!!.

i wonder if sindel could have had more tournament success if more people played like this? looks viable, at least he beat gross.


Oh, my days !
Oscar Broly has been playing Sindel at the highest level possible and he does well even against some of her bad MUs there at kakashi's dojo casuals. He could take his Sindel & d4LC mastery with him @ some EVO tournament or so and make his way into finals possibly.
Boo ! Ti leei ? De mporw na sou steilw PM opote se rwtaw apo edw... Poia konsola tha pareis? H' tha pareis to mkx gia to 360 ? Elpizw na eisai kala re sy!