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should we bring back mk9 to coexist with INJ and let INJ coexist with mkX?

what do you think of this concern?

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superman reset specialist
take a moment to think about this thread subject as it is touchy and important for nrs community. do you think we should bring back mk9 and let it coexist with INJ so we have a bigger community with more players until mkX? i think its not cool if we let every time the new game kill the game we played before because if we keep up a 2 year life period each game then what happens when NRS makes their last game and we play it after 2 years, it will just die and our community will vanish and die soon too. in the end i ask do you think we should support all nrs games they make and keep our trio of mk9, INJ, and mkX together or what do you think we should do to better impact the community?


superman reset specialist
I don't understand what you're asking. People still play MK9, and I'm sure people will continue to play Injustice.
my post is to help stop the INJ haters and the mk9 haters and instead unite all together and dont just become a INJ + mk9 hater when mkX is out


Alone is where to find me.
I'll be playing MK9 for a long long time to come. I don't play IGAU and don't plan on playing it. I'll play MK10 when I'm able but that may not be any time soon. Even if it comes out on PC straight away it probably won't run so well on my PC. I don't have an upgrade planned in the near future so I'm guessing I'll have to make do with MK9 for quite a while yet.


Live by the sword, Die by the sword
I'm all for let's play all 3 games. Especially bring back MK9. MK9 at UFGT was Amazing.

But I won't lie, I care more about MK than Injustice. Always have, always will. MK to I'm 60.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
I started playing MK9 again a few days ago and forgot how fun the game was, especially when I don't have to wade through an army of Kabals and Kenshis. I love IGAU quite a bit and I can see why when MKX gets here people just stop playing MK9, but many who came into our community for IGAU were not even MK fans to begin with so we may just get some new blood in the tourney scene and still even get a larger community that supports both games.


The Free Meter Police
Bringing mk9 back is a lost cause. There will be a ton of wasted effort. Your best bet is to just attend tournaments like TFC where there will be an mk9 tournament. But don't expect people to want to go back to input bug, player 1 advantage, and the 5 top tiers running the game.

Might as well just prepare for MKX. If you play injustice... keep playing that. Work on fundamentals.


superman reset specialist
Bringing mk9 back is a lost cause. There will be a ton of wasted effort. Your best bet is to just attend tournaments like TFC where there will be an mk9 tournament. But don't expect people to want to go back to input bug, player 1 advantage, and the 5 top tiers running the game.

Might as well just prepare for MKX. If you play injustice... keep playing that. Work on fundamentals.
i dont see how mk9 is a lost cause really now.


The Free Meter Police
i dont see how mk9 is a lost cause really now.
I guess I'm not very optimistic about bringing it back. Once MK10 comes out... why bother with mk9 outside of just for funzies? I guess I'm thinking more of the competitive aspect of it and the evo season.

I definitely would not be against people wanting to play mk9 again. But i can tell you right now, good luck.
But don't expect people to want to go back to input bug, player 1 advantage, and the 5 top tiers running the game.
I could maybe learn to tolerate the 3rd item....but yeah....I've been thinking about picking up MK9 just for fun because of how awesome this community is, but the first two items have put me off a lot more than anything else I've read. Obviously every game has its own little idiosyncrasies and quirks and Injustice is no exception to that truth, but I don't think I could ever play the game seriously knowing that.


The Free Meter Police
I could maybe learn to tolerate the 3rd item....but yeah....I've been thinking about picking up MK9 just for fun because of how awesome this community is, but the first two items have put me off a lot more than anything else I've read. Obviously every game has its own little idiosyncrasies and quirks and Injustice is no exception to that truth, but I don't think I could ever play the game seriously knowing that.
Yeah. The top tiers isn't so bad. I was still able to beat great players with top tier characters when I just played raiden who was considered upper mid. It was still really fun. But when you're playing that competitively and you go for a d3, and standing 3 comes out instead... and you die... it's unbelievably retarded.

But even so... in injustice... i have a lot of issue with wrong inputs coming out. I'll be holding down to block low for a solid 2-3 seconds, block their move, go for a b1, and my air grab comes out which is db1 causing me to get fucked up. But at least in injustice it's how the game works and not an unintentional bug.
MK9 is dead for good reason. Online sucked, and offline was dominated by the top tiers.

I love Injustice, but I'm going to leave it for the same reason. I want better netcode and better balance.


But don't expect people to want to go back to input bug, player 1 advantage, and the 5 top tiers running the game.
I agree with what all that you wrote per se BUT IGAU has more input bugs than MK9

and im not even pointing you out really I just wanted to post this somehwere lol..

But yea the input bug has yet to be exterminated :(


Head Cage
MK9 needs to come back, but some ground rules need to be established. This is something that needs to be talked over with tournament organizers.
Is mk9 really dead? Like FR,SCR, and UGFT all had enjoyable top 8s imo. Carl vs Dizzy was awesome at ugft, and seeing Tyrant, and theo play jax made my happy.

shit, like 2 months ago when cdjr bodied mikemetriod at bluplanet was hella enjoyable.


The Free Meter Police
I agree with what all that you wrote per se BUT IGAU has more input bugs than MK9

and im not even pointing you out really I just wanted to post this somehwere lol..

But yea the input bug has yet to be exterminated :(
Based on what evidence? What bugs?


Heart of A Champion, Skill of a Noob :P
There does not seem to be any real reason outside of preference why Injustice and MK9 cannot coexist outside of preference. I doubt Injustice is going down anytime soon given that MKX is slated for 2015 barring delays. MKX is also probably to have mixed features from MK9 and Injustice. It seems silly to call for the death of Injustice at this stage.
I could maybe learn to tolerate the 3rd item....but yeah....I've been thinking about picking up MK9 just for fun because of how awesome this community is, but the first two items have put me off a lot more than anything else I've read. Obviously every game has its own little idiosyncrasies and quirks and Injustice is no exception to that truth, but I don't think I could ever play the game seriously knowing that.
If you aren't playing at major tournaments at the highest level of the game then in all likelihood you'll never notice those issues. People over exaggerate them in my opinion, I rarely noticed input bug and never while playing casually did I notice player 1 advantage. It's still a really fun game to pick up and learn to play even if the online isn't great.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
im all for all 3 being supported, unfortunately we dont have the community numbers for that... which may be why mk isnt circulating too much in the tourney scene these days. im for bringing it back but youd need top players willing to focus on both games instead of one or the other.