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Should I get a fight stick!?

Loth Ryo

of house Ryo krypton
So I am really loving injustice and improving every day ( spamming zoning moves was my only previous fight game strat lol)

however using my razar onza controller ( much better then the regular xbox 360 ) I feel that I am stopping myself short, in that I could possibly play much more fluidly with a fight stick.

the catch is that I am on a budget and wouldnt be able to drop the flow for a really nice one.

What is TYM's opinion for an intermediate player like myself, worth it to make the jump with the fight stick? or stay with the dpad on the controller??


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Depends on the character and your comfort zone. I'm a stick player in every other fighter, but honestly I'm playing this game on pad and I'm doing fine. I'm bouncing back and forth and I see nothing holding me back between them really. I may find some characters easier on stick than pad though if I prefer their inputs on alt input style though. I'm using NRS inputs easily enough that I'm not bothering with alt inputs unless tiger knee becomes a way for me to rapid chuck things like C Viper Seismo spam or something.

Play in your comfort zone. It'll honestly take awhile to even adjust to stick and this isn't a game that really has to have a stick IMO. Combos in this are way more forgiving than the timing required in games I go for on a stick. Plus theres no wave dashing mechanic to need one for either.


Flying Grayson
Tbh, it's all about comfort level. There is nothing you can't do on a stick that you can't do on a pad. Except maybe have cool custom art but whatever. I play everything on pad and I've never felt held back in what I'm capable of.

Spend more time playing the game, and if you think you do need to make the switch, try and borrow one from someone first. Don't just drop a bankroll on peripherals that you could end up not using at all.

TL;DR Try 'em both I guess and just see which is more comfortable. Because there's literally no advantage to using one over the other.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
preferences. Stick to what you like. Maybe go to a tourney or gathering and check out a stick first before you spend any cash?


Noob Saibot
Started playing stick for the first time in years with this game. Got the BE edition and an EightArc. No more controllers for me for fighting games.

I adjusted quite well and am doing better than I thought.

Like others have said though, suit what fits you best. Maybe buy a cheap stick to get started and then buy a more expensive one if you don't like it.

You could always sell the cheaper one if you don't care for it.


Teh God Himself
a fight stick doesn't really change anything, use what u are comfortable with. if u never used one before your going to be disappointed because its extremely different that a pad and takes a long time to learn. I personally grew up inda arcades so using a stick is like second nature.

Loth Ryo

of house Ryo krypton
Thanks for all the input guys, I enjoyed reading them.

Just a slight background I do have probably equal experience ( with fighters at least ) on stick and pad. Ive played MK on arcade for a long time, and I always enjoyed, but I think my best option would be to try and at least test on out on injustice before I drop the cash, what does a more low end fighting stick go for? ( xbox wise)


There is no way a stick could ever make you worse. You will either improve (quite a lot in my case) or stay on same level once you get used to it (This will maybe take u 1-2 weeks).

Plus if you play any other fighters, like SF, MvC etc, a stick is vital.

Get the stick.


The Prettiest
If you aren't willing to actually relearn everything and put time, money and effort into learning a stick, then don't bother. But if you are, definitely give it a try.


Peripheral efficiency depends on the type of game. Typically a stick is best for 2D fighters that use many quarter circles and Z-motions. It gives you greater control and accuracy in those types of games. However in games that revolve around cardinal direction and 8way tilt moves, a dpad is arguably better, though the difference is not as great in the previous example. Sticks are good because universally they are effective even when not the best option.

If you go with pad, you're going to want a well defined dpad or an analog with micro switches (EX: PDP 6 button pad). Ps3 style controllers tend to be the preferred. Make sure it's wired and dualmodded or paired with a converter if competing.

The only device above these two is often the Hitbox. Expensive and not without a deep learning curve, these are by far the best option in many games. Very rarely to pads and sticks have a execution advantage beyond the initial learning process.


PSN: SoaD_009
I would definitely buy a new stick over using any pad except a ps3 pad. If you had a ps3 than I wouldn't buy an arcade stick for just one game, but if you plan on playing Injustice a lot than I would recommend using an arcade stick.