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Man, fuck bath salts.

We were at this weird guys house partying and he wanted us to destroy his apartment after he left to go to the bar with some friends of ours for some reason. So we said fuck it and demolished this place. It started off small, pissing into shampoo/conditioner bottles to a friend of mine taking a shit in his bathroom trash can. My cousin and a friend of mine decided they were going to get some blow and bring it back and do it with a select few of us. I got excited because that shit rules when you have a belly full of booze.

So he busts it out and gives us all a line who wanted to do it. The night starts to progress further and we start to get pretty savage. People puking down his stairs, busting bottles on his wood living room floor, throwing a cd player out of his window onto the sidewalk below. Then my female friend, who is completely smashed and high as hell decides to pull the fridge onto the floor with another friend of mine, she's going pretty ape shit and grabs the microwave next and throws it through the window. I instantly freak out because the police station is 5 minutes away, paranoia hit me pretty hard.

At this point i'm high as fuck and really drunk and decide I don't want to go to jail if a neighbor had decided to call the police, so I fucking bolt from the kitchen and through the front door of the apartment. I literally ran from down town of my home town to the outskirts of the city where I had been staying at the time, freaked out over what had happened. I mean, it wasn't even that big of a deal, but I was super paranoid. I get home, fucking exhausted and try to sleep, but i'm wide awake, eventually pass out.

2 months down the road i'm at a pretty big party with my friends. Someone jokingly said "you guys wanna get real fucked up tonight? let's do some bath salts." I instantly was like, "man, you're a fucking idiot. I won't touch that shit." My cousin chimes in and is like, "you already have. That night at guys house we gave you all bath salts and told you it was cocaine."

So in conclusion: Don't do bath salts unless you want to channel the speed force and don't take drugs from shitty family members haha.
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Wake up DPs
One time, I took an eighth of shrooms. I was laying on my friends bed that had a metal cabinet for clothes at the foot of it. Every time I pulled the cover over my shins and took it off, my legs disappeared. I refused to go take a piss because I didn't want my dick to disappear. I basically told all my friends I was going to piss on myself so I didn't have to unbutton my pants.

This story is actually pretty mild compared to most of my other drunken/tripping escapades.


I don't know who that is...
In highschool, my friend Micheal and I were invited to this party because we claimed we could get alcohol. I also wanted to impress this cute redhead named emma and possibly get laid by her so we had our faggol friend christopher get a fake I.D. But that plan failed and he got busted by the cops at the liquor. My anger about the situation led me to get hit by a car by some weirdo, and we blackmailed him into taking my friend and i to a party to get alcohol. Shit gets crazy with the weirdo at the party and we bail stealing some liquor. after that, i get into a pretty heated argument with my friend and again im hit by a car. this time its the same cops who arrested my friend Christopher and he's still in the back. we end up running from the cops while still keeping our liquor and take the metro to the party. we finally arrive but i get too drunk and emma turns out to be a straight edge, so it didnt work out as planned that night.
That sounds like a night that should be made into a movie lol


Miley Cyrax®
I agree. Fuck bath salts. My old roommate died because of them. I'm not joking.

If you willingly do bath salts, you're a moron.


My friends tricked me into doing acid while at school. Everyone in my algebra class knew I was tripping balls and they ALL fucked with me. It got to the point that I just ran out of the class and all the way home because I thought a rhino horn grew out of my chest. I lived three miles away from my school and I distinctly remember going to 7-11 for a slurpee before I got home and the clerk asked me why I was so sweaty. Dont do acid, kids.


I Break Hearts, Not Combos
Lol my whole life

I'll keep adding to my post as it goes on.

Something relatively tame was that I stole @RunwayMafia 's hat at EVO it was funny.

I jumped off a cliff into the ocean once.

I walked around south central LA around 2 in the morning.

I slept on the subway entrance somewhere by Hollywood once.

I stripped down to my undies at like almost every concert and show I go to.

I ate food at the top of a 15 story building once.

Idk I just know I get drunk a lot and wanna just drink more and dance and stuff and be wild idk.

I was voted Ratchet of the Year way back in May by all my friends :( I'm kinda proud of it
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